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Best ways to respond to positive Google reviews: Enhance customer loyalty today



Knowing how to respond to a customer review is fast becoming an essential tool for business owners. If you run a quality business, chances are you will spend the bulk of your time responding to positive customer reviews.

It’s okay if a negative review or two comes up along your journey; there’s a lot of research and examples of how to respond to a bad review out there. But what about every other review that comes your way? How should you respond to the good reviews so that new and existing customers feel engaged and heard?

88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, and almost all of them read the business’s response to the review. ~BrightLocal Consumer Review Survey 2022. With that in mind, the time has come to provide a little more depth than “Thank you for your business.”

Here are 5 ways to write an engaging response to a positive customer review that will help you win return clients and new business.

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The importance of positive reviews


Positive reviews are crucial for the growth and success of any business. They build trust and credibility, attracting new customers and retaining existing ones.

A Harvard Business School study found that a one-star increase in a Yelp rating can lead to a 5-9% increase in revenue.


Influence on purchasing decisions

97% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses. Positive reviews, coupled with thoughtful responses, can significantly influence these decisions.

85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.


Boosting business reputation

Positive reviews enhance your business reputation. They signal to potential customers that your business is reliable and values customer satisfaction.

According to Spiegel Research Center, displaying reviews can increase conversion rates by 270%.


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Provide specific details about the work completed


Every review is an opportunity to express the abilities you have and the services you provide. This allows potential clients doing research through reviews to relate to similar clients that have left the review.

Businesses that respond to reviews see a 16% higher customer satisfaction rate.


Mention unique circumstances or challenges

It’s worthwhile to mention any unique circumstances or challenges you encountered. This highlights your problem-solving skills and dedication to customer satisfaction.

Companies that acknowledge specific customer feedback tend to have a 20% higher customer retention rate.


Highlight special equipment or techniques

Special equipment or techniques you used can showcase your expertise. This adds value to the review by informing potential customers about your advanced capabilities.

87% of customers consider reviews as part of their buying decision.


Discuss the package or service level ordered

The type of package or service level ordered can also be included. This provides context and helps future customers understand what they might expect.

Responding to reviews can result in a 4.6% increase in revenue, according to Womply.


Example response

“We always say every backyard hardscape should be unique, and we’re glad you feel that your new bi-level layout fits the look you’ve always imagined.”

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Address everything the customer mentioned in the review


If a customer takes the time to provide a detailed review, you want to make sure that they feel heard through your response. Your first instinct may be to focus only on the good parts of the review; however, any and all feedback should be addressed.

45% of consumers say they are more likely to visit a business that responds to their reviews.


Acknowledge all feedback

This displays to new and returning customers that you’re always looking to improve your business. It also shows that the customer’s feedback is meaningful.

Businesses that reply to reviews see a 12% higher engagement rate from their customers.


Provide specific responses

Addressing specific points in the review demonstrates attentiveness. This level of detail reassures customers of your commitment to their satisfaction.

Customers spend 31% more on a business with excellent reviews.


Example response

“Thank you so much for the kind words about Heather, our technician. We’ll pass them along! Additionally, thank you for your understanding in regards to rescheduling. While we cannot control the weather, we’re always evaluating our rain date policy, and your feedback helps tremendously.”

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Share excitement for the possibility of serving the customer again


While your response is able to be read by the public, you are in fact speaking directly to the individual who left the review. Offering an invitation and conveying an excitement to have them as a repeat customer conveys a feeling of community.


Invite future business

Offering an invitation for future business can help foster loyalty. It positions your business as one that values long-term relationships.

81% of satisfied customers are more likely to do business with a company again after a positive experience.


Express gratitude and anticipation

Expressing gratitude and anticipation for future interactions creates a positive impression. It shows that you appreciate their business and look forward to serving them again.

Personalized responses can increase customer loyalty by up to 60%.


Example response

“…..Once again, Luther, we’re very grateful you chose our company. If you’ll have us out again for winterizing, we’ll be sure to bring you a token of our appreciation.”


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Share kind remarks and compliments with your customers


This is different than thanking them for their feedback. For instance, did they provide you with a glass of water? Did they welcome you to their home with conversation?


Acknowledge customer gestures

Complimenting the customer for their gestures gives an understanding of mutual respect between the consumer and provider. This helps build a rapport with your clients.

64% of consumers want businesses to be responsive to their needs.


Highlight positive interactions

Highlighting positive interactions adds a personal touch to your response. It demonstrates that you value the customer’s hospitality and kindness.

Customers are 7 times more likely to leave a review after a positive interaction.


Example response

“…..I also wanted to express some gratitude for offering a shaded parking spot in your driveway for our work truck, Kirstin…..”

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End your response with a sincere message and sign-off


Treat your response to any review with professionalism, and better yet as if you were saying goodbye to a personal friend. This can often be the hardest part of a response, as a close without warmth can make the whole response seem robotic.


Be gracious and positive

Be gracious, positive, and personal in your sign-off. This leaves a lasting positive impression on the reviewer and potential readers.


Include a friendly sign-off

A friendly sign-off can make your response feel more genuine. It helps convey that you care about maintaining a relationship with the customer.


Example response

“Griff, do not hesitate to reach out with any additional questions about your system, no matter how small. We’re always here to help. Let’s keep in touch and feel free to send us any pictures of your dog, Mickey! We love pupdates!”


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Expert opinions on best ways to respond to positive Google reviews


Sarah Whitman, Digital Marketing Specialist at BrandRise Solutions “Responding to positive reviews is an art that requires both sincerity and strategy. By addressing the reviewer by their name and mentioning specific details from their review, businesses can create a personalized touch that resonates well with customers.”


Johnathan Reid, Customer Experience Consultant at CX Innovators “Timeliness is a critical factor when responding to positive reviews. A swift response, ideally within 24 hours, demonstrates that a business is attentive and values customer feedback. Responding quickly shows customers that their feedback is important. It can turn a happy customer into a loyal advocate.”


Emily Turner, Content Strategist at ReviewMaster Pro “The tone of your response should always be friendly and engaging. It’s important to remember that you’re not just replying to the reviewer, but also showcasing your brand’s personality to everyone who reads the review.”


Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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