Principal » Servicios » Aspro.Finansy


Aspro.Finansy is an online service designed for financial analytics and managerial accounting for businesses.

The service enables businesses to make management decisions based on data and identify new development opportunities. It aids business owners and financial directors in controlling and managing company finances, thus ensuring transparency and effective financial process management.


Service features


In this review of Aspro.Finansy, we will consider some of its most important features:


Planning and analysis

With Aspro.Finansy, it’s easy to plan company cash flows, determine profitability of directions, control accountable funds, analyze liabilities and costs, and identify hidden reserves within the company on the Aspro.Finansy website.


Automated reporting

The service automates report generation and reduces the time needed for their preparation. It offers the capability to create various financial documents such as cash flow movements, profit and loss statements (P&L), budgeting, payment calendars, and others.


Control and management

Aspro.Finansy allows for the monitoring of account statuses, tracking of debts by the company and per client, and analyzing income and expenses by categories through graphs and reports.


Service benefits


Gestión financiera efectiva

The service enables the establishment of a clear managerial accounting system and tracking all financial indicators in one place, thus ensuring transparency and control over financial processes.


Automation and optimization

Automated reporting and document workflow reduce the time spent on routine operations and enhance company efficiency.


Accessibility and mobility

Applications for iOS and Android allow the service to be used anytime and anywhere. Moreover, its multi-currency support makes it convenient for companies with international operations.


User comfort

A user-friendly interface, templates, and numerous functional capabilities make working with the service easy and comfortable for users.


Security and legislative compliance

Access via HTTPS protocol and data backup ensure a high level of security. Compliance with federal laws guarantees the legality of using the service.

Aspro.Finansy is a reliable assistant in managing finances and making informed decisions based on robust analytics.

Thanks to its functionality and advantages, companies can effectively manage their finances and reach new heights in business development.


What users often scold about Aspro.Finansy


Lack of financial management features

Some users express a desire for more features for managing finances within the service itself to avoid the need to integrate external services.

They consider this a drawback and express a wish to have all necessary tools in one place.

“I want more features for managing finances, so I don’t have to integrate external services.”


What users often praise about Aspro.Finansy


Convenient interface and extensive functionality

Users note the service’s convenient and intuitive interface and its broad functionality. They highly value the ability to keep accounts, issue invoices, work with clients and partners, and real-time analytics.

Furthermore, users highly appreciate the color scheme and convenient placement of tools.

“Simple and intuitive service, broad functionality and scalability… The color scheme of the service is interestingly selected, tools are also conveniently placed, everything is quickly accessible.”


Improvement in company’s financial stability

Users express joy over the improvement in their company’s financial stability after using the service. They note the ability to understand where money is going and where it is not reaching, which helps plan growth and business development.

Users are satisfied with the effect achieved at low costs and the ease of mastering the service.

“In a few months of financial accounting, the stability of our company’s finances has noticeably improved. Now we understand where our money is going and where it is not reaching… Simple and intuitive service, broad functionality and scalability.”


Percentage of reviews


Most reviews of the service are positive. Users highly value the convenient interface, extensive functionality, prompt support, and improvement in the company’s financial stability after using the service.

Negative reviews are mainly related to the desire to have more features within the service itself for managing finances.

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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