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Brand reputation in networks: Secrets of customer attraction

What is brand reputation?


Brand reputation online reflects the perception that consumers and the public at large have of a company. This opinion is based on its online presence, interactions, and overall behavior in the digital space.

Reputation is shaped by many factors, including customer reviews, activity on social media, content quality, visibility in search engines, and the frequency and nature of media coverage.


In today’s digital-centric world, a strong brand reputation can be a significant asset. It strengthens customer trust, loyalty, and ultimately grows the business.

Conversely, a poor online reputation can lead to diminished customer trust and reduced sales. For instance, a 2020 study by BrightLocal revealed that 87% of consumers read online reviews about local businesses, highlighting the significant impact of customer reviews on brand image.


Take Nike, for example, which effectively uses social media, sponsorship, and advertising to create a strong, positive brand reputation.

Its strategic partnerships with renowned athletes and use of inspiring messages consistently emphasize its image as a leader in sportswear.


Nike’s smart public relations management demonstrates how active reputation management can mitigate negative impacts. For example, when Nike chose Colin Kaepernick as the face of its “Just Do It” campaign, it sparked both negative and positive reactions.

However, despite initial backlash, Nike’s sales reportedly increased by 31% following the campaign launch.


Another example is Amazon, which has cultivated a reputation for convenience and customer service.

This approach has made it the default platform for millions of buyers worldwide. According to the 2019 American Customer Satisfaction Index report, Amazon was the highest-rated company in terms of customer satisfaction.

A robust reputation for excellent service helps Amazon maintain customer loyalty and attract new people.


Furthermore, managing a brand’s online reputation is not just about good crisis management but also about maintaining a consistent, appealing online presence.


Starbucks is a prime example of this. It uses its social media to engage customers with new products and community initiatives.

This approach enhances its reputation as a socially responsible and customer-oriented brand.


Online brand reputation is a dynamic asset that requires continuous attention and management. Active online engagement, monitoring reviews, and promptly addressing issues allow companies to protect and enhance their name.

This ongoing process helps maintain customer loyalty and plays a critical role in attracting new customers in a competitive digital environment.


Why build an online brand reputation?


Creating a strong online brand reputation is crucial for any business aimed at success. It influences a company’s ability to attract and retain customers, impact perceptions, and stimulate growth.

Here’s why building a robust online brand reputation is critically important:


Increased visibility and recognition

In a saturated market, a strong online reputation helps a brand stand out. Consider Apple, whose reputation for innovation and quality makes it highly recognizable.

Recognition is not just superficial. It leads to significant financial outcomes.

For example, Apple consistently ranks at the top in global brand value ratings, with a 2021 valuation of over $263 billion according to Interbrand.


Trust and authority

Consumers are more likely to engage with brands they trust. A Nielsen report showed that 70% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Amazon leverages this by facilitating easy access to customer reviews, helping to build trust and authority, influencing purchasing decisions.


Attracting and retaining customers

According to a Harvard Business School study, a one-star increase in Yelp rating can lead to a 5-9% revenue increase for restaurants. This demonstrates how significantly online perceptions can affect actual business outcomes.


Ventaja competitiva

A good reputation can be a significant competitive advantage. Netflix provides an excellent example.

By focusing on customer experience and expanding its content library, Netflix maintains a leading position in the streaming industry. Despite stiff competition, by 2021 it had over 200 million subscribers, many attracted by its reputation for quality and convenience.


Improved search engine rankings

Google and other search engines favor content from authoritative sources. Businesses with a positive online reputation often rank higher.

This fact leads to increased visibility. For example, businesses with consistently positive reviews and active social media participation usually have better SEO results.

This in turn leads to increased organic traffic to their websites.


Gestión de riesgos

Online reputation also serves as a form of risk management. In 2010, Toyota faced a major recall due to safety issues.

Its long-term reputation for quality and proactive online steps to manage the crisis helped mitigate damage. Active communication with customers and transparency allowed Toyota to rebuild trust and stabilize its customer base.


Increased brand value

A strong online reputation increases the overall value of the brand, attracting not just customers but also investors.

Tesla’s innovative use of technology, strong customer advocacy, and the public image of Elon Musk together create a powerful online reputation, thus increasing the brand’s value.

Reputation helps Tesla maintain a high market capitalization despite relatively low physical production volumes compared to other automakers.


Recruitment and employee satisfaction

Finally, a good brand reputation helps attract and retain talented employees. Companies like Google and Salesforce are known for their positive corporate cultures and innovative work environments.

They more easily attract top specialists. According to LinkedIn, companies with strong brands see a 28% reduction in staff turnover.

This fact can lead to significant economic benefits.


Creating and maintaining a strong online brand reputation is crucial for business success. It not only enhances visibility and trust but also provides a competitive edge.

Improves brand value, boosts search engine rankings, manages risks, and supports employee recruitment.

All these factors together make a compelling case for investing in online reputation management.


How to create an online brand reputation?


Building a strong online brand reputation requires strategic planning and continuous effort. This includes managing your digital presence, fulfilling your brand promises, and effectively engaging with your audience.



How to successfully build your online reputation


Establish a strong online presence

Start with creating professional, user-friendly websites and active social media profiles. For instance, Apple maintains a stylish, intuitive website that aligns with its brand of innovation and quality.

It ensures the same on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram to maintain a consistent brand image.


Deliver quality content regularly

Content is crucial for building trust and authority. Red Bull is a prime example of this strategy.

They produce engaging content that resonates with the lifestyle of their target audience, focusing on extreme sports and adventures, reinforcing the brand as energetic and adventurous.


Interact with your audience

Regular interaction with customers on social media, blogs, and forums helps humanize your brand and build relationships. A notable example is Zappos, known for its customer service.

They actively respond to inquiries and reviews across various platforms, often adding a personal touch, which has helped them build a reputation for exceptional customer service.


Supervise su reputación en línea

Utilize tools such as Google Alerts, Social Mention, and ReviewTrackers to keep track of what people are saying about your brand online. For example, Netflix monitors discussions on social media to gauge customer sentiment and quickly responds to any issues or controversies, helping to maintain a positive reputation.


Encourage and leverage positive reviews

Positive reviews can significantly enhance your brand’s trust. Amazon encourages user reviews and prominently displays them on product pages.

This approach builds trust and helps customers make informed purchasing decisions, noting that products with positive reviews attract significantly more customer interest.


Respond appropriately to negative reviews

How you handle complaints and negative comments can also affect your brand’s reputation. JetBlue Airways is known for its proactive and transparent communication style.

When customers post complaints on Twitter, JetBlue quickly addresses the issues, often in real-time, highlighting their commitment to customer service.


Be transparent and authentic

Transparency can significantly increase trust in your brand. Patagonia, an outdoor clothing brand, has built a reputation around its commitment to environmental conservation.

It openly shares its sustainable practices and the impact of its products on the environment, attracting a loyal audience that values sustainability.


Consistently fulfill your brand promises

Ensure that your products and services live up to the expectations set by your marketing efforts. For example, when Domino’s received feedback about the low quality of their pizza, they launched a transparent campaign that addressed the issues and outlined steps to improve their food.

Not only did the product improve, but so did their reputation.


Use ifluencers wisely

Influencers can amplify your brand’s message and reach. Daniel Wellington, a watch brand, effectively uses micro-influencers to showcase their products.

They collaborate with influencers who align with their values and brand aesthetics, successfully enhancing their online presence and sales.


By implementing these strategies, companies can create and maintain a positive online reputation. These steps not only help attract new customers but also retain existing ones, ensuring long-term business success.


Examples of brands with good online reputation


A good online brand reputation is characterized by high customer satisfaction, active engagement, positive feedback across platforms, and a consistent brand message that resonates with the target audience.

Let’s look at some compelling examples of companies that have successfully built stellar reputations online, moving beyond frequently cited giants like Apple or Amazon.



Known for its commitment to environmental sustainability, Patagonia has built a reputation not just as a retailer but as an active participant in environmental activism.

This approach deeply resonates with its customer base, leading to the creation of a loyal community of consumers who advocate for the brand not only for its products but for its values.

For instance, Patagonia’s initiative to repair rather than replace items has emphasized its commitment to sustainability and fostered customer loyalty.


Warby Parker

Starting as an online eyewear retailer, Warby Parker built a reputation for affordability, quality, and excellent service. By offering a home try-on program, they removed the risk associated with buying glasses online, significantly bolstering customer trust.

Their commitment to providing value is also highlighted by their “Buy a Pair, Give a Pair” program, which donates a pair of glasses for every pair sold, further strengthening their brand reputation.



Zappos has set the gold standard for online retail service by offering a 365-day return policy and 24/7 customer service. This approach has earned them widespread recognition and loyalty.

Their commitment to customer satisfaction has paid off, with Zappos regularly receiving high ratings on various customer review platforms.


Lush Cosmetics

Lush has built a strong online presence by focusing on fresh, handmade cosmetics and an ethical approach to ingredient sourcing. Their transparent approach to showcasing product ingredients and sourcing methods has fostered trust and authority among consumers.

Lush’s active participation in social media, combined with their commitment to fighting against animal testing, has made them favorites in a community passionate about ethical consumerism.



LEGO has used user-generated content and community engagement to build a strong online brand reputation. By encouraging fans to share their LEGO creations and hosting forums for discussion, LEGO has cultivated a highly active community.

Their reputation is supported by consistent product quality and customer service, which retains both parents and children.



In the B2B sector, HubSpot stands out for its online reputation, primarily due to its wide range of free educational content on marketing, sales, and customer service. By providing value first, HubSpot has established itself as a thought leader, creating trust and authority in its industry.

This strategy has not only attracted customers but also made it a primary source of industry information, further solidifying its reputation.


These examples illustrate various principles that can lead to a strong online brand reputation.

Exceptional customer service, commitment to social and environmental issues, innovative engagement strategies, and transparency—companies show that there are many paths to achieving and maintaining a good reputation online.



Interesting facts about brand reputation online


Brand reputation on the internet is a critical factor for success. Let’s explore some interesting facts about online brand reputation, supported by real examples and figures.


Impacto de las redes sociales

Social media platforms are powerful tools for shaping brand reputation. For example, Wendy’s uses its Twitter account not just for promotion, but also to directly engage with customers through witty and humorous responses.

This unique approach has helped Wendy’s enhance visibility and brand reputation, distinguishing itself from competitors. The impact is significant, with Wendy’s attributing a considerable part of its customer growth and sales increase to its social media strategy.


Importancia de las reseñas en línea

Online reviews significantly impact purchasing decisions. A BrightLocal survey showed that 82% of consumers read online reviews about local businesses.

The clothing company Tommy John, known for its underwear and loungewear, actively encourages satisfied customers to post reviews. This approach leads to thousands of positive responses, increasing trust and attracting new customers.


Marketing with influencers

Influencers can significantly enhance a brand’s online reputation. The cosmetic brand Glossier primarily grew through influencer marketing, focusing on real people rather than professional makeup artists.

This strategy not only expanded its reach but also built a reputation for authenticity and quality, resonating with a broad audience. As a result, Glossier has developed a loyal customer base and noticeable growth since its launch.


Crisis management

How a brand manages crises can define its online reputation. KFC faced a potential crisis when it ran out of chicken in several UK restaurants in 2018.

Their response was an apology campaign cleverly rearranging the letters of their brand in ads to say “FCK, we apologize.” This approach was widely praised for its transparency and humor, helping to mitigate negative feedback and ultimately improve their brand reputation.


Transparency and ethics

Today’s consumers are increasingly attracted to brands that prioritize transparency and ethical practices. The online clothing retailer Everlane has built its reputation on “radical transparency,” revealing costs for each product and providing detailed information about the factories where goods are produced.

This openness has attracted a customer base that values ethics and transparency, aiding in the brand’s growth and solid reputation.


Experiencia del cliente

A positive customer experience can significantly enhance a brand’s online reputation. Southwest Airlines consistently receives high customer satisfaction ratings, partly due to its friendly service and customer-oriented policies, such as free luggage carriage and no change fees.

These benefits have been key in maintaining positive reputation and loyalty among customers, distinguishing Southwest from competitors in the aviation industry.


Mistakes in online brand reputation building


Creating a positive brand reputation online is key to success, but mistakes can have long-term negative consequences. Understanding common errors can help companies avoid them. Here are some significant mistakes, illustrated by examples from various companies:


Ignoring or mishandling customer complaints

Ignoring customer feedback, especially complaints, can be catastrophic. British Airways faced criticism when a dissatisfied customer purchased a promoted tweet to publicly air his grievance about the airline’s handling of his father’s lost luggage.

The tweet went viral, leading to widespread media coverage and negative publicity.


Insincere or insensitive marketing

Marketing that appears insincere can repel customers. Dove, usually known for its body-positive messages, faced criticism for a poorly executed ad that seemed to suggest a racial transformation from dark to light skin tones as a result of using their product.

The brand apologized and removed the ad, but the incident damaged its reputation.


Overpromising and underdelivering

Failing to meet marketing promises can tarnish a brand’s reputation. PepsiCo experienced this in 2017 with its advertisement featuring Kendall Jenner, which was criticized for trivializing social movements to sell soda.

The ad’s rejection led to its removal and apologies from Pepsi, acknowledging their failure to communicate a message of unity.


Poor crisis management

Poor crisis management can severely damage a brand’s reputation. United Airlines took a serious hit when a video of a passenger being forcibly removed from an overbooked flight went viral.

The company’s defensive response was seen as inadequate and indifferent, worsening the situation until more sincere apologies were expressed.


Neglecting online security

A security breach that exposes customer data can destroy trust. In 2017, Equifax experienced a major data breach affecting approximately 147 million people.

Delays in disclosing the breach and an inadequate response severely damaged Equifax’s reputation.


Failing to adapt to social media trends

Brands that fail to appropriately engage with current social media trends can miss key marketing opportunities. Gap faced such a situation in 2010 when it attempted to change its well-recognized logo without considering customer opinion.

The negative reaction on social media was swift, forcing Gap to revert to the original logo within a week.


Lack of transparency

When brands are not transparent, especially regarding mistakes or changes, customers can feel deceived. H&M faced accusations of unethical labor practices in its supply chain.

Their initially slow response to these accusations damaged their reputation, although they later took significant steps to improve transparency regarding their manufacturing processes.


These examples highlight the importance for businesses to listen to their customers, communicate sincerely, manage crises effectively, protect customer data, stay current with social media trends, and act transparently.

By studying these mistakes, other companies can better handle the complexities of creating and maintaining a strong online brand reputation.



Checklist for building online brand reputation


Building a robust online brand reputation requires a strategic approach and attention to detail. Here is a comprehensive checklist that companies can use to ensure they effectively enhance their online reputation:


Developing a strong brand identity

Define your brand’s unique selling proposition, mission, and vision. Align branding elements like logos, colors, and messages across all online platforms.

This helps establish recognition and trust. For example, Coca-Cola maintains a consistent brand image that is instantly recognizable worldwide, contributing to its strong reputation.


Optimizing your website

Ensure your website is user-friendly, optimized for mobile devices, and updated with the latest information. A professional, clean website design can create a good first impression and help retain visitors.

Airbnb continuously improves its website, enhancing the user experience and maintaining the company’s customer-oriented reputation.


Using SEO

Implementing effective SEO strategies can help your brand appear in prominent search positions, increasing visibility and trust. Moz, which provides SEO tools, offers a toolkit that helps businesses improve their search positions, demonstrating the power of effective SEO in building an online reputation.


Engaging in social media

Create and maintain active social media profiles that reflect your brand’s voice. Regularly post content that engages your target audience, promptly respond to comments and messages.

Starbucks excels at interacting with customers on social media, strengthening its reputation as an accessible and responsive brand.


Managing online reviews

Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and professionally respond to negative ones. This shows that you value feedback and are willing to improve service quality.

The Ritz-Carlton hotels actively manage their online reviews, which aids their reputation for exceptional customer service.


Publishing quality content

Produce quality, relevant content that provides value to your audience. This could include blogs, white papers, videos, and infographics.

Red Bull creates engaging content related to extreme sports, solidifying its reputation as an energetic and adventurous brand.


Monitoring your brand’s online reputation

Use tools like Google Alerts, Mention, or Brand24 to monitor what is being said about your brand online. This allows you to quickly address any issues and stay informed about public opinion.

Sony monitors mentions of its brand to promptly respond to any customer inquiries, helping maintain its positive reputation.


Wisely using influencer marketing

Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand’s values and can authentically promote your products. Daniel Wellington effectively uses influencers to showcase its watches, strengthening its reputation by associating with fashionable and respected figures in the social media community.


Demonstrating transparency and accountability

Be open about your business practices and acknowledge your mistakes. Transparency builds trust with your audience.

Buffer, known for its social media tools, openly demonstrates its successes and challenges, including financial performance, building trust and loyalty among its customers.


Fostering community interaction

Build a community around your brand by encouraging interaction between customers and the brand. Harley-Davidson builds a strong community of enthusiasts, strengthening its brand reputation not just as a motorcycle seller but as a lifestyle.


Implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Engage in CSR activities that reflect your brand’s values and commitments to social issues. Ben & Jerry’s actively participates in various social causes, growing its reputation as a socially responsible brand.

By following this checklist, brands can build a strong online reputation that attracts and retains customers, differentiates them from competitors, and creates long-term trust and loyalty.


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Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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