Principal » Servicios » Dela Idut

Dela Idut

The CRM system “Dela Idut” is a specialized solution for managing customer relationships, specifically designed for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. The service sector requires constant attention and prompt response, and “Delo Idut” is created to address this need.

The service allows for effective management of customer interactions, discussion management, file sharing, and business process management, ensuring a high level of service and meeting customer needs.


Service features


The platform offers numerous capabilities. We will review “Dela Idut” and focus on the most significant and important features, allowing readers to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the service without being overwhelmed with information.


Contact database

“Dela Idut” provides a convenient contact database that allows for storing and managing information about clients and partners, easing the interaction process.


Search and filters

The system provides convenient tools for quick data search and filtering, increasing the efficiency of employee operations.


Notification system

The platform is equipped with a notification system that promptly provides information about new events, tasks, and updates, making it easy to control business processes.



“Dela Idut” supports teamwork, allowing employees to collaborate on projects, share information, and coordinate actions to achieve common goals.


Information exchange and file attachment

“Dela Idut” facilitates the easy exchange of information and attachment of files to tasks and projects, enhancing communication and collaboration efficiency within the team.


Case management

There are tools for effective case management, including setting task statuses, distributing access rights, and monitoring task completion.


Employee performance statistics

The ability to track and analyze employee performance helps assess their effectiveness and identify potential areas for productivity improvement.


Service benefits


Simplicity and flexibility

“Dela Idut” is known for its simplicity and flexibility. It can be used in various business sectors and adapted to specific company needs.


Increase in sales

The service helps increase sales by enhancing customer loyalty, employee efficiency, and reducing the risks of information loss. This approach contributes to the company’s revenue growth.


Security and confidentiality

“Dela Idut” provides a high level of security and data confidentiality, complying with federal laws and security requirements.


Technical support

The service offers quality technical support, ensuring the system’s continuous operation and prompt response to emerging issues.


Efficiency and ease of use

“Dela Idut” has an intuitive interface and convenient tools, making it easy to use and enhancing user productivity.


What users often scold about Dela Idut


High cost for poor functionality

Users express dissatisfaction with the high cost for insufficient functionality. One review notes: “High payment for poor functionality,” indicating that users find the price disproportionate to the provided capabilities, which can lead to significant financial losses for companies.


Lack of integration with email and 1C

Several users complain about the lack of integration with email and the 1C system. One review reflects this: “A lot is missing, especially the lack of integration with email… There are no integrations with 1C:Enterprise 8, etc.” This limits the functionality of the service and complicates user workflows.


What users often praise about Dela Idut


Ease of use

Users often highly rate the simplicity and convenience of using the service. One review states: “Simple, convenient, fast CRM,” indicating that users find the system easy to understand and effective in use.


Flexibility and functionality

Despite the criticism, users highly rate the flexibility and functionality of the service. One review notes: “Very simple system, but at the same time very flexible,” showing that the service meets user needs for adaptability and a variety of features.


Percentage of reviews


Negative reviews of the service slightly outweigh the positive ones, but they are expressed quite vividly. Users most frequently express dissatisfaction with the high cost for insufficient functionality and the lack of integrations with other systems such as email and 1C.

At the same time, positive reviews mention the convenience of use and the service’s flexibility, which is an important factor in meeting user needs.

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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