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Devprom ALM

Devprom ALM is a project management system designed for efficient software product development. The service offers tools for task tracking, release planning, defect management, and prioritization.

A key feature of Devprom ALM is its ability to support all stages of the software development lifecycle, from initial requirements to a functioning product.


Service features


Devprom ALM offers a wide range of features. This review will cover some of the most significant ones:


Backlog management

Devprom ALM allows for the creation and management of a backlog that includes requirements, defects, wishes, and other project elements. This provides a centralized repository for tasks, as well as transparency and information accessibility for the entire team.


Workload estimation

The system enables the assessment of team members’ workloads, which helps in more effectively distributing tasks and resources.


Self-service portal

Devprom ALM provides access to a self-service portal where users can obtain project information, provide feedback, and track the status of their requests. This improves team communication and productivity.


Efficiency reports and analytics

The service features various reports and analytics that help evaluate project effectiveness, identify problem areas, and take corrective actions. This allows the team to quickly respond to changes and improve development processes.


E-mail integration

Devprom ALM integrates with email services, allowing direct sending and receiving of notifications via email from the system. This facilitates communication and keeps team members informed about important events and changes in the project.


Service benefits


Flexibility and customizability

Devprom ALM’s site offers extensive customization options for workflows according to the specific requirements of the project and the development methodology.

The service is suitable for use in Agile, Lean, Waterfall, and their combinations, ensuring the choice of the right development approach depending on the project.


Full traceability of project artifacts

Devprom ALM provides complete traceability of all project artifacts, from initial requirements to code and the working product. This allows for easy tracking of connections between project elements and ensures their integrity throughout the project.


High speed of implementation

Devprom ALM offers quick setup and a straightforward interface, allowing teams to start using the service almost instantly. Reducing training time and speeding up the adaptation process increases team productivity.


Devprom ALM is a tool for managing software development projects. Thanks to its range of functions and advantages, it becomes an indispensable assistant for development teams.

The service ensures complete traceability of project artifacts, integration with a wide range of external services, and quick setup, making it a choice for both small startups and large companies.

The platform helps teams focus on the essence of the project, improve communication, and enhance productivity while ensuring successful project completion and achievement.


What users often scold about Devprom ALM


Lack of proper description and documentation

Users complain about insufficient or incomplete descriptions of the service’s functionality and capabilities. For example, one review states, “There’s no proper description.”

This can hinder the process of learning and using the service, especially for new users.


Lack of an active support community

Users express dissatisfaction with the absence of an active community where questions can be asked and support obtained. For example, one review says, “There’s no community to ask questions.”

This can reduce the level of available help and complicate problem-solving.


Presence of bugs and incompleteness in some features

Users note the presence of unfinished aspects and bugs in the service. For example, one review states, “There’s some incompleteness in certain things. There are bugs.”

This can lead to a negative impression of the service and reduce its effectiveness.


What users often praise about Devprom ALM


Flexible functionality and settings

Users highly appreciate the broad functionality and flexible settings of the service, which allow it to be tailored to their processes and teams.

For example, one review says, “Quite extensive functionality. Flexible settings.”


Modern and user-friendly interface

Users highlight the modern and user-friendly interface, which is understandable for all roles in the team. For example, one review says, “Modern and user-friendly interface for all team roles.”


Percentage of reviews


Positive reviews make up about 60% of the total, while negative reviews account for about 40%. Despite some shortcomings, such as a lack of detailed documentation and bugs, most users value the flexible functionality and user-friendly interface of the service.

However, attention should be given to improving documentation and fixing identified bugs to enhance the user experience.

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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