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Managing company reputation online: Strategies for growth

Why managing online reputation is essential


Managing a company’s online reputation is critically important because it directly influences public perception.

This can significantly impact a company’s success. The Internet is a powerful platform where news spreads quickly.

Opinions, both positive and negative, can circulate easily. Online Reputation Management (ORM) is a vital strategy for companies of all sizes.


The main goal of managing a company’s online reputation is to cultivate a positive image in the public eye. Various methods are used for this.

Including monitoring and recording customer feedback, interacting with consumers through social media, and managing online responses. A positive online reputation helps attract and retain customers.

Since research shows that 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business, and 88% trust them as much as personal recommendations.


One example of effective ORM in the real world is the case of a major hotel chain. A recurring complaint about cleanliness was noticed in guest reviews.

The hotel publicly resolved these claims and implemented stricter cleaning protocols. It managed to improve its average review ratings by more than 20%.

Such behavior led to an increase in bookings and revenue.


Another key aspect of ORM is crisis management. Negative information, whether true or false, can damage a company’s reputation.

It is necessary to respond to it correctly. For example, when a popular fast-food chain faced criticism due to rumors about the use of harmful additives, they launched a transparent marketing campaign.

It included an inside look at the processes of selecting and preparing ingredients. Such action not only dispelled the rumors but also increased customer trust.


Sales increased by 5% in the following quarter.

Moreover, ORM involves using positive content to enhance the company’s reputation. This includes publishing customer reviews, positive posts, and awards from social media and other online platforms.

For example, a technology company improved its image by actively promoting receiving an industry innovation award. This led to a 15% increase in stock prices and increased investor trust.


In addition to such reactive measures, it is also important to conduct proactive reputation management. For example, regular updates on new products, company achievements, and community event participation.

By keeping the public informed and engaging their involvement, companies can create a sustainable brand. It will better cope with negative impacts.


Managing a company’s online reputation includes monitoring reviews, managing crises, using positive news, and interacting with the public in a transparent and timely manner.

This strategic approach increases customer trust and loyalty. It also stimulates sales and overall business growth.


How to manage a company’s online reputation


Managing a company’s online reputation is a multifaceted process. It involves a combination of monitoring, responding, and active interaction.

This process ensures the maintenance of a positive company image online. Such a fact directly affects consumer trust and, ultimately, business efficiency.


Online presence monitoring

The first step in managing online reputation is continuous monitoring. It requires control over what is being said about the company on different platforms.

Such as social media, blogs, review sites, and news sources. Google Alerts, Mention, and Social Mention can automate this process, sending real-time updates when the company is mentioned online.

For example, a retail firm can use them to track customer reviews of products and respond promptly.



Responder a las opiniones

Responding to both positive and negative feedback is extremely important. Positive interaction can include thanking customers for good comments and sharing them on social media.

Effectively dealing with negative reviews is especially important. This should happen quickly and professionally.

A classic example is the case of a restaurant chain that once received a complaint about a dish via Twitter. They responded within an hour, apologizing and offering a refund.

Such a decision quickly turned the customer’s negative experience into a positive one. Improved their reputation due to attentive customer service.


Managing negative content

Sometimes negative content can be destructive enough to require more than just a response. In such cases, a request may be needed to remove false or defamatory content from the platform.

If removal is not possible, search engine optimization (SEO) strategies can be used to promote positive content and replace negative.

For example, a software development company, falsely accused of a data leak, published detailed blogs, press releases, and partner reviews. So it was able to clarify the situation and suppress negative reports in the search results.


Using positive content

Proactively spreading positive news about the company can also strengthen its online reputation. For example, highlighting customer success stories, awards, and positive third-party reviews.

When a technology company received a green business certification, they launched a campaign that highlighted their commitment to sustainable development.

Such a decision not only improved their public perception but also increased attractiveness to environmentally conscious consumers.


Audience interaction

Regular interaction through social media, blogs, and forums helps maintain community engagement and creates a clear and accessible image.

It can be as simple as publishing industry news, sharing behind-the-scenes, or participating in relevant online discussions. For example, a fashion brand can use Instagram to demonstrate the design process.

Or to announce a live Q&A broadcast. This can increase transparency and customer loyalty.


Analytics and improvement

Finally, it is important to analyze the results of reputation management.

Tools such as Google Analytics and social media analytics tools provide information on how reputation management affects traffic and user engagement.

Traffic spikes or changes in sales resulting from specific reputation management campaigns are tracked and strategies are adjusted.

Managing a company’s online reputation requires a targeted approach to monitoring what is said about the company. And adequate response to reviews, management of negative content, and proactive dissemination of positive news.

Regular interaction and the use of analytics to measure impact are also key elements for the company to maintain a strong and positive online image.


The benefits of managing a company’s online reputation

Managing a company’s online reputation brings numerous strategic advantages. They are critically important for maintaining a competitive edge and stimulating long-term business growth.

This includes improved customer trust, increased visibility, sales growth, crisis management, and valuable insights into customer preferences and market trends.


Increased customer trust

Trust is the basis for customer decision-making. A positive online reputation strengthens trust, significantly influencing consumer behavior.

For example, statistics show that about 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. A study by a medical provider showed that improving their online rating by just one star led to a 5-9% increase in revenue.

Thus, demonstrating a direct link between online reputation and trust.


Increased visibility and brand awareness

Effective reputation management increases online visibility. When companies actively interact with customers online, respond to reviews, and update their content, search engines tend to give them preference in search results.

For example, a business can double its visibility by interacting with customer reviews and regularly updating its Google Business profile. This leads to an increase in organic search traffic.


Crisis management and mitigation

Online reputation management also plays a critical role in crisis management. By monitoring what is said about the company online, businesses can quickly respond to any emerging issues.

And do so before they escalate. Take the case of a major airline that faced criticism due to customer service issues.

A quick apology and settlement of complaints on social media allowed them to mitigate the situation. Managed to avoid more serious reputation damage and potential revenue loss.


Increased sales and revenue

A direct benefit of a strong online reputation is increased sales. Positive reviews can influence the purchase decision.

For example, a consumer electronics company noted a 10% increase in sales after improving online customer reviews.

The campaign encouraged satisfied customers to share their positive experiences. Such a decision directly influenced other potential customers.


Market insights and customer feedback

Online reputation management provides valuable insights into customer needs and preferences that can inform business strategies. Through constant interaction and analysis of reviews, trends and gaps in services or products can be identified.

A retail brand, analyzing reviews on social media, identified a demand for more environmentally friendly products and successfully launched a new line that increased their market share by 15%.


Attracting talent

A strong online reputation not only attracts customers but also talent. Potential employees often research reviews and company ratings on platforms such as Glassdoor.

Before deciding where to apply for a job. Companies with positive reputations find it easier to find qualified candidates.

For example, a technology startup with high ratings for culture and compensation reported a 20% reduction in hiring costs because applicants began applying spontaneously.


Long-term brand value

Finally, effective online reputation management contributes to creating long-term brand value. Consistent representation of a positive image allows companies to secure a sustainable competitive advantage.

This became evident when a luxury car brand was able to maintain its brand value despite a challenging economic environment.

Thanks to active online reputation management, interacting with enthusiasts, and promoting customer loyalty programs.

Managing a company’s online reputation is necessary not only for immediate sales and marketing benefits. But also for long-term strategic advantages.

Such as crisis resilience, market understanding, talent attraction, and maintaining a robust brand value. Together, they underscore the importance of a proactive approach to online reputation management.



Examples of quality online reputation management


JetBlue Airways

JetBlue is consistently praised for its proactive presence on social media. In one case, when a flight was delayed and passengers became concerned, the JetBlue team quickly responded to tweets from passengers.

They offered timely updates and apologies for the inconvenience. Such transparency and responsiveness help maintain customer trust and loyalty.

Proactive service contributes to JetBlue’s reputation as an excellent service provider with high customer satisfaction ratings among budget airlines.



Amazon excels in managing its online reputation through customer reviews and careful attention to service. Amazon’s customer review system is the foundation of its online strategy.

It provides transparency and encourages trust. By accepting both positive and negative reviews and responding to customer concerns.

Thus, Amazon builds trust relationships with people. The company claims that more than 35% of its total sales come from recommendations through its review and rating system.

Such a fact demonstrates the influence of its reputation.



Starbucks uses its social media platforms as a tool for direct communication with customers and effective reputation management. Once, Starbucks received criticism for the design of holiday cups.

Then the company used social media to directly communicate with complaining customers and clarify misunderstandings.

Moreover, Starbucks conducts campaigns, such as #RedCupContest, which encourage customers to create their own artwork on Starbucks cups and share them online.

Such a decision promotes positive community communication and increases brand visibility.


Yelp and the ritz-carlton

The Ritz-Carlton hotel chain uses reviews on sites such as Yelp to improve its reputation. Management at various locations actively monitors and responds to guest reviews.

Whether positive or negative comments. A commitment to responding to reviews can lead to higher ratings.

Research shows that hotels that respond to feedback can see a 12% increase in ratings and up to an 8% increase in occupancy. The Ritz-Carlton’s commitment to guest satisfaction and managing its online reputation contributes to its status as a luxury brand.



After recalling the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 due to safety issues, the brand launched a comprehensive campaign to restore its reputation. It included transparent communication on web platforms and social media about the measures taken to resolve the issue.

It was said about the introduction of an eight-point battery safety check and quality assurance measures. Samsung’s open communication strategy helped restore consumer trust.

Subsequent launches were successful in terms of sales. This indicates successful reputation restoration.



Nike uses its strong online presence to actively manage its reputation. When scandals arise, Nike communicates on social media.

For example, Nike’s support of Colin Kaepernick, which initially caused controversy, was managed through campaigns that highlighted the brand’s values: diversity and inclusivity.

Such a strategic approach helped secure its position among young, socially conscious consumers. Such a decision led to a 31% increase in sales after the advertising campaign.

Such examples show that effective online reputation management involves a combination of timely response, transparent communication, strategic use of social media, and commitment to interacting with customers.

It has been proven that with the right strategies, businesses can mitigate risks and improve their brand. As well as stimulate business growth through effective online reputation management.


Interesting facts about online reputation management


Urgent response

Companies that respond quickly to customer reviews online are often rewarded with higher loyalty ratings. A great example is Domino’s Pizza.

After receiving complaints about the quality of pizza, an advertising campaign was launched. In it, the problems were acknowledged and detailed measures taken to address them were described.

Including improving recipes and cooking techniques. Transparency and quick response led to a significant increase in customer satisfaction and sales recovery.


Online review visibility

Reviews have a huge impact. Approximately 93% of consumers say that feedback influences their purchase decision.

Research has shown that displaying feedback can increase sales conversion by up to 270%. Lego uses this, actively encouraging customers to leave reviews and ratings on its website.

This not only increases sales but also provides valuable feedback for product improvement.


Crisis management through social media

When handled properly, social media can be a powerful tool for crisis management. In 2018, KFC faced a chicken shortage that forced the closure of hundreds of restaurants in the UK.

KFC responded with a humorous and self-critical advertising campaign. In it, the letters of its name were rearranged to “FCK” on a bucket of chicken, apologizing for the mistake.

This clever and transparent response was well received. It helped quickly restore the brand’s image and mitigate the negative consequences of the crisis.


SEO and online reputation

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a critical role in online reputation management, controlling the first page of search results. A negative article on the first page can reduce company revenue by up to 22%.

A well-known software development company used SEO to manage a crisis related to a software error.

It created positive content and interacted with technical blogs and forums to spread information about effective management and quick problem resolution. Thus, it was able to suppress negative stories in search results.



Impact on stock prices

A company’s online reputation can directly affect its stock prices. United Airlines faced a crisis due to a viral video about the forced removal of a passenger from a flight.

Their stock price fell nearly 4% the following week, erasing about $1 billion in market value. This fact highlights the financial stakes associated with effective online presence management.


Atraer y retener empleados

A company’s online reputation can significantly influence its ability to attract and retain top specialists. 69% of job seekers said they would refuse a job offer from a company with a poor reputation.

Even if they were unemployed. Google, recognized for its strong online reputation as a great place to work, receives more than two million job applications per year.

Largely thanks to its positive image in employee reviews and media articles.

Such examples highlight the multifaceted nature of online reputation management.

From quick response to customer feedback and strategic use of SEO to smart handling of crises and ongoing influence on personnel recruitment and financial indicators.

The task of managing online reputation is critical and continuous. It requires vigilance, strategy, and flexibility for successful resolution.


Checklist for managing a company’s online reputation


Implementing monitoring tools

Use Google Alerts, Mention, or Hootsuite to monitor what is being said about your company online. For example, an average e-commerce company can set up alerts for its brand, product names, and key executives.

This way, you can promptly respond to any mentions and respond to both positive and negative comments.


Fomentar las opiniones de los clientes

Actively request reviews from customers to create a set of positive feedback. Research shows that products with higher ratings and more feedback generally attract more customers.

A consumer electronics company successfully increased product sales by 18%. It simply sent emails to customers asking for a review after purchase.


Responding to reviews promptly

Aim to respond to reviews within 24-48 hours. Demonstrate your company’s commitment to meeting customer needs.

A regional bank noticed a 25% increase in customer retention. In the case that actively responding and resolving issues mentioned in online reviews.


Effectively managing negative feedback

When negative feedback arises, respond constructively and offer a solution. A clothing store noticed a significant improvement in customer loyalty after introducing a replacement policy for poorly reviewed products.

As well as personalized apologies from the CEO. This led to a 40% increase in positive reviews.


SEO optimization for navigation control

Use SEO strategies to ensure that positive mentions and content about your company predominantly appear in search results.

A travel agency increased bookings by 30% after being able to move positive reviews and recommendations to the first page of search results. Thereby overshadowing less favorable content.


Creating quality content

Publish high-quality, engaging content that reflects your brand in a positive light. Blogs, white papers, videos, and infographics can help change public perception in your favor.


Effective use of social media

Regularly update your social media profiles and interact with followers. This way, you can create a community around your brand.


Training your staff

Ensure training for all staff on the importance of ORM and how they can contribute to it.


Regularly assess your ORM strategy

Continuously assess the effectiveness of your ORM strategies and make adjustments as necessary.


Prepare a crisis management plan

Prepare a plan for potential PR crises. This should include predefined responses to various scenarios, communication channels, and team responsibilities.

By following this list, companies can actively manage their online reputation. And ensure not only a response to problems as they arise, but also active shaping of positive public perception.

It will stimulate growth and strengthen customer loyalty. Each step, if implemented correctly and consistently, makes a significant contribution to the overall goal of maintaining a strong and positive online presence.


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Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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