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Reviews for a business center

A key aspect of successful operation of a business center is the continuous collection of feedback from clients. Reviews not only help us assess the level of satisfaction with services but also provide valuable information for improving the quality of the services offered.

To receive numerous reviews from clients, it is necessary to implement various strategies that simplify and encourage the feedback process.


How to get reviews for a business center


Emails and surveys

Sending electronic surveys and emails is one of the most effective ways to collect feedback from clients. Create clear and concise questionnaires that include questions about the quality of services, level of satisfaction, and suggestions for improvement.

Remember to give clients the opportunity to leave comments and suggestions in a free form.


Interactive terminals or tablets

Installing interactive terminals or using tablets with pre-installed feedback forms in your business center can significantly increase the number of reviews received.

Place these terminals in convenient locations, such as near the exit or reception, and encourage clients to leave a review after their visit.


Loyalty program with bonuses for reviews

Creating a loyalty program that includes rewards for leaving reviews can significantly increase client activity. Offer clients bonus points, discounts, or other privileges in exchange for writing a review about their experience in the business center.


Visual reminders and calls to action

Place visual reminders about the importance of feedback in the business center. These could be posters, banners, or even video screens with calls to leave a review.

Remember that the visibility and accessibility of such reminders play a key role in their effectiveness.


Active participation in social networks

Active presence in social networks allows you to engage the audience and encourage them to leave reviews. Publish interesting content, conduct surveys and contests, ask questions to maintain active communication with clients and encourage them to leave reviews.


Personal appeals and post-sale service

Do not forget about the importance of personal appeals to clients. After each visit, provide an opportunity to leave a review, and actively respond to reviews already left, expressing gratitude for the feedback and offering solutions to any issues or concerns.


Collaboration with partners and affiliates

Develop cooperation with partners and affiliates who can encourage their clients to leave reviews about the business center. This can be a mutual recommendation or providing additional privileges for leaving reviews.


Organization of events and focus groups

Holding events and focus groups involving clients allows you to get valuable reviews and ideas for improving services. Provide comfortable conditions for participation, such as offering refreshments or bonuses for participation, to maximize client interest in active discussion.


Direct requests and feedback from employees

Train business center staff to actively request feedback from clients during their visit. This can be in the form of verbal requests or the distribution of cards with contact information for feedback.

Encourage staff to be proactive in feedback and reward them for successful review collection.


Analysis and use of received feedback

Directly collected reviews need to be regularly analyzed and used to improve the operation of the business center. Highlight key points identified in the reviews and develop specific measures to correct or improve them.

Remember, clients appreciate seeing tangible results of their feedback, so actively implementing changes based on their reviews will help improve their loyalty to your business.


Creating a feedback culture

Establish a culture in your business center where feedback is an integral part of operations. Train employees to actively engage clients in leaving reviews and create processes for continuous collection and analysis of feedback.

Remember, a feedback culture should be integrated into all aspects of the business, from reception to top management.


Responder a las opiniones

Responding to every review received is an important step in managing your business’s reputation. Whether the review is positive or negative, the client should be heard and receive an appropriate response.

Publicly responding to reviews not only shows care for your clients but also demonstrates your commitment to continual improvement.


Continuous process improvement

The accumulated experience with feedback should form the basis for continuous process improvement in your business center. Evaluate the effectiveness of improvement measures, conduct regular reviews and analyses to identify new opportunities for enhancing service quality and client satisfaction.


Overall, effective feedback collection from clients requires a comprehensive approach and constant attention to this process. Use various strategies to collect reviews, actively analyze the data received, respond to reviews, and continually improve processes in your business to ensure high client satisfaction and strengthen your market position.


Examples of business center reviews


Below are real reviews from real clients (company names are not mentioned).


Just another business center. Various offices, firms, co-working spaces, clean and tidy.

Not far from Chernaya Rechka metro, about a 7-minute walk. There’s a good cafeteria inside, they have cutlets with mashed potatoes.


There’s currently renovation in the shopping center so it’s too early to say much. But I’ll write anyway 😅

There’s parking, but it’s paid. You approach and call security with a button.

You ask if you can park? They say – “no, you can’t, absolutely not”.

You’re surprised and ask – “and if I pay?”. “If you pay, of course, you can!” – happily.

And just for 100 rubles your carriage is parked. The guard might even escort you to the shopping center, opening the door with his magnetic key.

Otherwise, you have to go all around, and it’s a lot. When leaving, also ask someone to open the door to the parking.

You won’t be able to do it yourself.


Electricity in this business center, proudly called ‘Prestige’, comes from a generator. If the temperature drops below -18 degrees at night, the generator starts only every other morning.

If you’re unlucky, you might come in the morning to a dark, cold building where a crowd of similarly lucky penguins like you gathers in semi-darkness trying to figure out what happened. It turns out the diesel in the generator froze.

Then, a shaman-electrician is called who, with the help of a drum, fuel additives, and magic, restores the generator’s operation by about 2 pm. No cafe.

The crocodile in the aquarium died. On the plus side: beautiful Christmas trees at the entrance.


A very popular place for photo sessions of “expert experts” on Instagram and beyond. It’s only surpassed by Gazprom’s Mirror Courtyard.

Nothing new in a couple of years. Sooner or later, residential buildings will be completed, and it will become bigger and more interesting.

So far everything is stable – as there was a poster, so it remains. When we were here a couple of years ago, there were simply fewer people actually working here.

But we encountered three photo sessions in half an hour and even one master class. As I said – not much has changed since then.

But the place is really atmospheric. On weekdays during the day, it’s quite empty.

The main thing, shooting in a super popular “business location” recognized by every second person, is to remember that in such scenarios, it turns into a photo against a photo wallpaper, and the “expertise” effect can be the opposite.


The lobby is beautiful, lots of things are available. But the offices themselves are maximally simple.

The main downside is the lack of parking spaces. To visit this business center, you’d better leave your car at home))) otherwise, you are in for an unforgettable carousel of rides around these buildings.

You’ll definitely have to go around 5-6 times.


Get more reviews


Automatically publish reviews about your business on GINIX – get support for your business, thanks to positive reviews, and create an impressive online reputation.

This is a universal solution for obtaining online opinions. Get reviews for business center – allow your business to quickly respond to client feedback.

Positive client opinions win the trust of your audience, which helps you attract more potential clients. Order reviews on GINIX – the best marketing strategy for effectively attracting more potential clients.

Getting positive feedback should not be complicated or require hiring more staff — you can quickly buy reviews using our online reputation management system.

If you don’t know when a bad review appears on the Internet, you won’t be able to respond to it. If you consolidate all reviews and receive alerts when a new review appears, you can decide if intervention is needed. It’s also very nice to thank for good reviews.

You can easily set up when and how to receive alerts. And ways to receive reviews from visitors.

We handle all the setup – you get more reviews.

Get more reviews for your business.

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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