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Reviews for a family kindergarten

For the successful development of a family kindergarten, it is crucial to pay close attention to client opinions. Parent reviews not only help improve service quality but also serve as evidence of reliability and professionalism for potential clients.

In this context, obtaining feedback is a key aspect of management and development of the institution.


How to get reviews for a family kindergarten


Organizing personal meetings

Organizing periodic meetings with parents can be an effective way to gather reviews. At these meetings, you can discuss the child’s development, individual successes and challenges, as well as the quality of services provided by the family kindergarten.

It is important to create a trustworthy and open atmosphere so that parents feel comfortable expressing their opinions.


Implementing a survey system

Developing and distributing surveys among parents helps to collect feedback in a structured way. Surveys can be both paper-based and electronic, using specialized platforms or social networks.

It’s crucial that the questions cover various aspects of the family kindergarten’s operation: from meal and sleep arrangements to the educational program and staff qualifications.


Using digital platforms

Creating a group or page on social networks simplifies the process of communicating with parents and collecting reviews. Through these platforms, you can share news, photos from the family kindergarten, and receive comments from parents.

Specialized messaging apps can also be used, where parents can leave their suggestions and comments in real time.


Conducting satisfaction surveys

Periodic satisfaction surveys help assess parents’ overall impressions of the family kindergarten and identify potential areas for improvement. These surveys can be conducted as anonymous questionnaires, which allows for more honest and open responses.


Creating a suggestion box

Placing a suggestion box within the family kindergarten premises allows parents to leave their reviews anonymously on paper. This method is beneficial because it collects feedback from those who prefer not to express themselves publicly or electronically.


Encouraging parents to leave reviews

Motivating parents to leave reviews through various forms of incentives (e.g., discounts, bonuses for the next month’s visit, or small gifts for children) can significantly increase the amount of feedback received. It’s important to emphasize that all opinions are valued, and each review helps to improve the family kindergarten.


Regular communication with parents

Establishing regular dialogue with parents, whether through daily brief meetings when dropping off and picking up children, or regular emails with updates about the family kindergarten, helps maintain open relationships and fosters feedback in a more informal setting.

It is important to remember that successfully obtaining and utilizing reviews requires openness to criticism and a willingness to make changes based on received feedback. Only then can a family family kindergarten continue to grow and develop, meeting the needs of its little visitors and their parents.


Examples of reviews for a family kindergarten


Below are real reviews from real clients (company names are not mentioned).


Thank you to the entire friendly, humane, responsive team at Vesta! You give the kids a happy childhood, I’ve been bringing my third child to this center, there’s something to compare, such a family atmosphere is priceless!!!

The activities for the kids are interesting, age-appropriate, and they find a way to each little one with love for the children! Carefully for the future, because the most valuable investment in humanity is the education of love, harmony, and careful

treatment of each other in our children❤️🌷


The best daycare center in the area. A very good program for toddlers, my child likes it, always runs there with pleasure! It feels like the kindergartens from our childhood.

There are a child psychologist and a music teacher present during the sessions, which makes the activities always interesting and instructive.


Wonderful center! I take my child to classes, and he really likes it, and he’s very sensitive and not every place suits him, but he goes here joyfully.

Excellent professional, young, positive, energetic, patient teachers. The staff is always friendly, they smile and talk.

The atmosphere is pleasant, you want to come here.


Great center, a wide selection of activities, good teachers and most importantly very reasonable attitude towards absences due to illness (I had a negative experience in another center, so this was an important criterion for me)) My child goes there with pleasure)


We live nearby. Saw an advertisement on Instagram.

Decided to come for a trial day at the kindergarten. As a mother, I liked that contact was immediately established with my child.

Both the administrator and the nanny and the teacher were very welcoming. Also, a big plus is that the groups are small.

None of the children is left unattended, as can happen in regular kindergartens. My son especially liked the “store” and “chair game” (a scenario-based role play and training, as the teacher explained to me).

It’s a pity we didn’t learn about “Vesta” earlier. We will definitely keep going)))


Get more reviews


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This is a universal solution for obtaining online opinions. Get reviews for a family kindergarten – allow your business to quickly respond to client feedback.

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Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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