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Reviews for apartment exchange services

Receiving feedback from clients is a key element of success in the home exchange service industry. It is not only a way to improve the quality of service but also a tool for attracting new clients.

Reviews can serve as proof of the reliability and professionalism of the services provided and can also be the basis for further development and refinement of operations.

Let’s consider specific methods and strategies that encourage clients to leave comments after using the home exchange service.


How to get reviews for apartment exchange services


Direct approach after the transaction

Immediately after completing the home exchange process, approach the client with a request to leave a review. This can be done through a personal meeting, a phone call, or an email.

It’s important to emphasize how valuable their feedback is for improving the quality of services provided and how it helps future clients make the right choice.


Developing a convenient review platform

Create a special section on the official website where clients can easily leave their reviews and ratings. Ensure that the process of submitting feedback is as simple as possible and does not require excessive effort or time.


Integration with social media

Using social media to attract reviews can also be effective. Create posts with a call to action.

For example, ask clients to share their experience with the home exchange. This approach can significantly increase the amount of feedback.


Offering incentives

Offering small bonuses, discounts, or other privileges for leaving comments can be a good incentive for clients. It’s important that the offer is transparent and honest, not creating the impression of buying reviews.


Solicitudes personalizadas

Sending personalized letters or messages asking clients to rate the service can significantly increase the chances of receiving feedback. Emphasize how important each client’s personal experience is to you and how it can help improve the service.


Real-time feedback

Organize the ability to leave feedback directly during or immediately after the home exchange process. This can be implemented through mobile apps or tablets at locations where meetings between clients and agents are held.


Transparency and openness to criticism

It’s important not only to collect but also to actively work with the feedback received. Openly discussing suggestions and criticism on social media or on the website will enhance clients’ trust and show your interest in improving the service.


Implementing these approaches and actively working with feedback will not only improve the quality of apartment exchange services but also significantly enhance the market reputation. This will attract new clients and increase the loyalty of existing ones.


Examples of apartment exchange services reviews


Below are real reviews from real clients (company names are not mentioned).


Purchased an apartment through ‘’ in the ‘Orange Wood’ residential complex. ‘Exchange’ swore that the building would be handed over ahead of schedule (September 21, 2017).

It’s September now. Instead of keys, we received an unfinished building with an unknown number of floors and the prospect of major problems with the heating (they plan to connect heating in the middle of the heating season, which contradicts all reasonable construction laws).

Would we use them again? Never!

Need to sort out this apartment situation! Whether to terminate the contract now or wait for more surprises from the developer!


Hello. We conducted a rather complex transaction, with alternatives, shares, and many participants involved.

Everything was done at a proper level by the agency, and also by the realtor Tatiana Vyacheslavovna Abramova, to whom I would like to express special thanks for her professionalism, competent and, most importantly, humane approach.

I had never encountered such an attitude in this field before and was pleasantly surprised. I would like to wish Tatiana success in her activities and many good clients.

The agency is advised to have more such employees. I definitely recommend this realtor.


I can’t keep silent, extremely unprofessional behavior. Literacy is zero, they just take the money.

I encountered this directly during the apartment acceptance. Not only did my realtor handle the entire transaction, instead of saying thank you and learning how to conduct transactions properly, Elena Korneeva took it personally and insulted my realtor.

Companies should first teach how to behave with clients and colleagues, who are much more competent professionally, rather than succumbing to the influence of an equally illiterate private realtor who tried to disrupt the deal throughout. Pay attention to whom you want to work with!

There are companies represented all over Russia and have extensive experience. Think ten times before dealing with agents from this company.


Good day everyone! I want to express immense gratitude to this agency, namely Dmitry Gushchin and Anastasia Aleshina.

We had a MAXIMALLY complex transaction, alternative with guardianship, and Dmitry and Anastasia did the impossible. Most realtors immediately refused.

These employees are professionals. I never doubted the choice of agency!


We express great gratitude to the agency and personally to the agent from the northern Moscow branch, Ruslan Samidinov, for his professional approach based on a deep knowledge of the “product” on the market and competent analysis of real transaction prices.

We really liked the outline of the structure and conditions for implementing various transaction options, from renting to buying.

We immediately received exhaustive answers to all questions, felt no pressure from the agent, and received full support from viewings to signing the act of transfer and keys.

Initially, we planned to rent out our 1-room apartment and rent a 3-room with an additional payment, but we ended up buying a 3-room apartment on fair terms.

Moved in a month ago, very satisfied with the purchase, living, enjoying. Thank you very much for the new professional level of work in the real estate trading sector.


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Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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