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Reviews for bank

Collecting customer reviews is a key aspect of improving the quality of service and offered services in the banking sector. Obtaining feedback helps shape a positive perception of the brand among consumers.

For a bank, as an institution dealing with people’s finances, it is important to maintain a high level of trust and customer satisfaction. Systematic collection and analysis of reviews help adapt to changing customer needs and strengthen market positions.


How to get reviews for bank


Organizing surveys in the bank’s mobile app

Bank mobile apps are one of the most convenient channels for communicating with customers. Develop and integrate functionalities for conducting surveys or obtaining reviews directly through the mobile app.

Optimal options may include a standard request to rate the app as well as more detailed surveys about the quality of specific services, credit offers, or the convenience of internet banking.


Creating specialized review pages on the bank’s website

The official website of the bank should have a dedicated section where clients can leave their reviews and suggestions. There could be separate feedback forms or specialized forums where users can share their experiences and receive comments from bank representatives.

Ensure the simplicity and ease of use of these features and guarantee the confidentiality and protection of users’ personal data.


Using social media

Social networks are a powerful tool for collecting reviews and interacting with clients. Create official bank pages on popular social networks and actively manage them.

Encourage clients to leave reviews and comments, respond to them promptly, demonstrating openness to dialogue and readiness to resolve emerging issues. These actions will strengthen the bank’s image as a customer-oriented organization.


Campañas de correo electrónico

Regularly sending out emails is an effective way to maintain contact with clients. Include links to review collection forms in the emails or invite clients to rate the quality of service after visiting a branch or using online services.

Ensure that the review submission process is as simplified as possible and does not require much time from the client.


SMS surveys

For clients who are less active on the internet, it is possible to collect reviews through SMS. After a transaction at the bank or using a certain service, send an SMS with a short text inviting them to rate the service quality.

Consider that this method should be unobtrusive and allow for opting out of further messages.

Implementing a comprehensive approach to review collection allows the bank to respond promptly to changing requirements and preferences. It is important to ensure the analysis of collected data and make decisions based on it.


Examples of bank review


Below are real reviews from real clients (company names not specified).


Sberbank, on Saturday your specialist at 13:44 mentioned that someone would contact me shortly, within 4 hours at most. It’s Monday morning 9 AM now?!

What does “shortly” mean? 120 business days?!


Due to constant calls from scammers, I had to change my phone number.

It was linked to cards. At VTBbank, I changed it without problems, but at Post Bank, they always make me take a photo. And no other options: neither on the internet nor at the terminal can it be changed.

Nowhere else are you forced to take photos, why can’t this be canceled? After all, it’s a bank, not a photo studio!

Let them make phone changes over the internet, hotline, at the terminal. What an underdeveloped bank!



I have been a payroll client of Sberbank for probably about 10 years now. I recently received a gold card, also in the payroll project.

On February 1st, I tried to withdraw money (300,000 rubles) from an ATM on 60 years of USSR in Fryazino. The ATM rustled and coughed for a long time, and in the end, gave nothing.

The money was debited (I almost fainted), and it returned a few seconds later, but only 290,000 rubles.

I tried to call 900 immediately, but a polite voice said “all operators are busy”. I wrote in the chat, there was only a useless assistant.

After about 20 minutes I got through, an indifferent guy took my appeal, and I was supposed to get a response today! (return of money, of course!). In the end, the consideration was postponed, “we will respond no later than February 11”.

Why not return the money immediately? Why so long?

Give me back my money! I seriously think it’s finally time to stop being a client of Sberbank, to stop dealing with it under any circumstances because it’s just a nightmare.


It started several months ago. They started calling with their offers to open a debit card, a credit card, a business account, and a credit!

They do not react to refusals.

I decided to call them on both hotlines, for business and the regular one. If with business it’s still normal, then getting through the regular one through a bot is something unreal!

I hung on the line for 35 minutes (!) trying to get through. In the end, I only managed to break it with a question about the price of a kilogram of platinum.

And you know what? They make an appeal and ask your permission to process your personal data!

So, you don’t need permission to pour advertisements into me? But that’s not the funniest part.

Now they’ve started calling again. On both my numbers!

Wonderful at all. And yes, of course, I am not a client of the bank.


Every morning your employee, Alexander, calls me, Fire him, is he sick or something?

I send him off every time, and he still calls? Does he like it when he’s sent off?

Stop calling me, Alexander, this is the worst bank, with the most intrusive advertising, Your advertising only drives customers away, it certainly doesn’t attract them.


Get more reviews


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Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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