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Reviews for business park

For successful development of your business park, it is essential to actively collect reviews from clients. They not only help you understand what is already working well, but also identify opportunities for improvement.

An effective review collection strategy will help you maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and strengthen the reputation of your business park.


How to get reviews for business park


Emails and newsletters

Sending personalized emails to clients after their visit to the business park can encourage them to leave reviews. In the email, you can thank them for their visit and offer a simple feedback form.

It’s important that the email is brief, easy to fill out, and includes a link to a platform where clients can leave their review.


Review points

Setting up special review points in various areas of the business park, such as the reception, cafes, or commercial areas, can encourage more active review leaving. These points can be equipped with kiosks or tablets with access to an online feedback form.

It’s important that these points are conveniently located and attractively designed to draw clients’ attention.


Use of QR codes

Placing QR codes in various places around the business park, such as on information stands, cafe tables, or brochures, can make it easier for clients to access the feedback form. With a smartphone, clients can quickly navigate to the online platform and leave their review.

It’s important that QR codes are clearly visible and easily scannable.


Interactive signs

Installing interactive signs inviting clients to leave a review at prominent places inside and outside the business park can attract attention and motivate them to take action. Such signs can include information on how to leave a review, as well as attractive incentives such as discounts or gifts for leaving a review.


Active participation in social networks

An active presence of the business park on social media can allow you to interact with clients and encourage them to leave reviews. Regular posting of interesting content, as well as responses to comments and queries, can help motivate the audience to share their opinions.


Realizar encuestas

Organizing surveys among visitors to the business park can be an effective way to collect structured feedback. It is important that the survey includes a variety of questions and is available both in print and electronic formats.


Use of rewards and incentives

Introducing a system of rewards and incentives for leaving reviews can encourage clients to provide active feedback. For example, you could offer discounts or free services for writing a review.

You could also organize monthly prize draws among all those who have left a review.

Effectively collecting reviews from clients requires a comprehensive approach and active efforts from the owners and managers of the business park.


Examples of  business park reviews


Below are real reviews from real clients (company names not mentioned).


I would leave zero stars if I could. Couldn’t get past the barrier for 40 minutes, just couldn’t get the card out of the parking meter. Found guards and technicians: “we don’t know anything, we are not responsible for anything, it’s not our job – the barriers.” Necessary and very useful, damn, people. Went to the fitness “charge” also those yet. I run on the treadmill, and I sweat not from running, but because guys are cutting doughnuts around my car in their Ladas. Loved it too, but not at the expense of other people. Often there are already crashed cars waiting for the traffic police. The traffic police, in turn, do nothing within the “law”. SADNESS.


I’ve been there for work many times, maybe it’s not bad to work there, but everyone there awaits one surprise that completely spoils the mood, elevators from some unknown manufacturer, to get somewhere up you might wait 5,10,15min. The elevator goes up and down, very slowly, easier to gather strength and climb the stairs, descend exactly only that way, otherwise going up and down might take up to half an hour, just wish everyone patience


A big hello to the management of the business center. In summer they painted almost all the pedestrian paths completely white, covering the asphalt with a smooth layer of paint. Consequently, it was slippery in the rain. It’s December now. Guess what’s happening there now? It’s a skating rink, in the season to wear skates. Half of the pedestrians are forced to walk on the roadway because there it’s NOT SLIPPERY, can you imagine? Overall, a big hello to the management. Expect lawsuits from pedestrians with sprains, bruises, and other injuries…


Free parking for 3 hours. Navigation around the business park is terrible, need to arrive an hour early, then wander around looking for the right office: numbering of buildings, offices, pavilions, etc. is completely illogical, unclear, you’ll get lost even with a navigator. In building E on the 4th floor, there are three 401-x offices! In the bathrooms after renovation (building E, 4th floor), they installed such short taps that it’s impossible to wash hands, and toilets are hung so high they are unreal to use! Water pressure is as thin as hair. On holidays and weekends, they reduce heating, the temperature in January in the office dropped to +12. Feels like this whole complex was slapped together from what was there and called it a “business park”


Terrible place, looks like a market. Just a name, that it is a business center. The building is eternally under renovation. The arrangement of driveways as if the architect sneezed. No sidewalks, just walk on the roadway.


Get more reviews


Automatically publish reviews about your business on GINIX – get support for your business, thanks to positive reviews, and create an impressive online reputation.

This is a universal solution for obtaining online opinions. Get reviews for business park – allow your business to quickly respond to client feedback.

Positive client opinions win the trust of your audience, which helps you attract more potential clients. Order reviews on GINIX – the best marketing strategy for effectively attracting more potential clients.

Getting positive feedback should not be complicated or require hiring more staff — you can quickly buy reviews using our online reputation management system.

If you don’t know when a bad review appears on the Internet, you won’t be able to respond to it. If you consolidate all reviews and receive alerts when a new review appears, you can decide if intervention is needed. It’s also very nice to thank for good reviews.

You can easily set up when and how to receive alerts. And ways to receive reviews from visitors.

We handle all the setup – you get more reviews.

Get more reviews for your business.

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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