Principal » Industry » Reviews for content analytics software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Reviews for content analytics software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

First of all, it’s really hard to use and by the time you get used to your workflow, they change the user interface. Second, the most important data to me (where are visitors coming from) is obscured.

It used to be available, but now it says it’s not. What happened?

Finally, the conversion data doesn’t match data coming in from Google Adwords or my own servers.. so I can only deduce that the data is incorrect.

Oh… and there’s zero customer support.

Real review to a real content marketing software service

It seems the product has a major flaw. The tool does not separate www traffic from root domain traffic.

This means if you are looking at a website, the traffic report gives you traffic in addition to traffic.

It is easy to see and compare subdomains, but not www domains. I confirmed this flaw exists with Semrush customer support, who gave a workaround that would require exporting and manual editing of data.

The end result leaves you with wildly incorrect comparisons of websites and makes it hard to deduce top of funnel demand across competitors.

I suppose there are use cases where this could still be useful, but for my purposes this tool is pretty useless.

Real review to a real content marketing software service

I haven’t had the value from it until I have started understanding how it works properly. Additionally, I have found the Keyword planner a little confusing.

Once I recognised there was a reason the search ranking links were in red, life became easier.

I would like to see more, shorter You Tube tutorials, with specific features covered in greater detail

I would find it helpful if the “Paid Traffic” gave an accurate rank. It seems strange that I have the ability to see a “Paid Search” column, but cannot add my GoogleAds account.

Real review to a real content marketing software service

They trick you with a UI detail so that you think they have a monthly plan and then they charge you with a yearly subscription.

Then what? DISASTER – After requesting a refund they answer you that is not possible.

Once you tell them you have to right to have the refund they answer you “AFTER 14 DAYS” that you can request refund in 14 days 🙂 Already requested but still no refund.

Real review to a real content marketing software service

The rating of the website is sometimes not appropriate. I have the biggest growth than ever, but my rating goes down.

Especially some mistakes that are found are not relevant. If it would be possible to exclude some points, it would be very helpful.

Real review to a real content marketing software service


Content analytics software is crucial for businesses aiming to maximize the impact of their digital content through detailed analysis and insights. Despite the pivotal role this technology plays, many service providers in this industry face criticism over common operational shortcomings.

Based on extensive customer feedback, this article examines the primary issues reported by users and provides targeted recommendations on how companies can improve their offerings to outperform competitors.


Inadequate data accuracy


What competitors get wrong: One of the most prevalent issues cited in customer reviews is the accuracy of the data provided by content analytics platforms. Inaccurate data can lead businesses to make misguided decisions that negatively affect their content strategy and business outcomes.


How to do it better: To set your platform apart, prioritize data accuracy and reliability. Invest in advanced data processing technologies and sophisticated algorithms that can ensure high data fidelity.

Regularly update your systems to handle new types of content and data formats, and conduct frequent quality checks to maintain data integrity.


Limited integration capabilities


What competitors get wrong: Many content analytics tools struggle with integration into existing content management systems (CMS) and marketing platforms. This lack of seamless integration can disrupt workflow and hinder the efficient use of analytics insights across different departments.


How to do it better: Develop robust API interfaces that ensure easy integration with a wide range of CMS, social media platforms, and marketing automation tools. Offering customizable integration solutions that cater to the specific needs of diverse business environments will enhance user experience and utility.


Overly complex user interface


What competitors get wrong: Complexity of use is a common barrier preventing users from fully leveraging the capabilities of content analytics software. An interface that is not user-friendly can deter users from engaging with the tool, thereby reducing its effectiveness.


How to do it better: Design your software with a focus on simplicity and intuitiveness. Streamline the user interface and provide clear, actionable insights in an easy-to-understand format.

Regular user experience testing can help identify and eliminate pain points, making the software more accessible to users of all skill levels.


Insufficient real-time analytics


What competitors get wrong: The inability to perform real-time analysis is another significant criticism of some content analytics platforms. Delayed insights can prevent businesses from capitalizing on timely opportunities or responding quickly to emerging content trends.


How to do it better: Enhance your software to provide real-time analytics capabilities. This feature allows businesses to immediately gauge the performance of their content and make quick adjustments as needed.

Investing in powerful, real-time data processing tools will give your clients a competitive edge in fast-paced market environments.


Poor customer support


What competitors get wrong: Lackluster customer support is a frequent point of frustration among users of content analytics software. Inadequate support can leave users feeling frustrated, particularly when facing technical issues or seeking to optimize the use of advanced features.


How to do it better: Offer a comprehensive support system that includes live support, extensive online resources, and regular training sessions. Make sure your support team is well-trained and knowledgeable about both the technical aspects of the software and its practical applications.

A proactive customer support approach can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.




By directly addressing these common shortcomings found in competing content analytics software services, your company can distinguish itself in a crowded market. Focus on ensuring data accuracy, simplifying integration, enhancing the user interface, providing real-time analytics, and delivering superior customer support.

These strategic improvements will not only attract new users but also foster a loyal customer base that values the enhanced capabilities and service excellence your platform offers.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, what a shocker—actually addressing problems instead of just slapping a new logo on them and calling it innovation!

By tackling these common shortcomings that every other content analytics software seems to blissfully ignore, your company could actually stand out. Imagine that!


Ensuring data accuracy—what a concept! It’s almost like users prefer correct information over creative fiction. And simplifying integration?

Genius! It turns out users weren’t all that thrilled about needing a PhD in software engineering to get things running.


Enhancing the user interface, too? Revolutionary!

Who would have thought that making software more user-friendly could make it more… user-friendly? Clearly, this is cutting-edge stuff.


And let’s not forget about providing real-time analytics. Because, of course, no one ever needed timely data before—most businesses love making decisions based on last year’s trends.


Top it all off with superior customer support, because it’s a well-known fact that customers generally enjoy being on hold for three hours only to be told to restart their computer. Your groundbreaking approach of actually helping them might just catch on!


These strategic improvements are so radical, they might not only attract new users but actually keep them around. Because, evidently, a customer base that values enhanced capabilities and service excellence is a novel idea in the tech world.

Welcome to the future, where software does what it promises—mind-blowing, isn’t it?




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Have a great day!

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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