Principal » Industry » Reviews for content creation software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Reviews for content creation software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

I have been a premium customer at S– for over a year, mainly to keep my backlink profile clean with backlink audit scans. However, in August this tool suddenly stopped working.

Every day I was in customer service asking when the tool was made, as I receive toxic backlinks every day. One day I was told that it was being worked on, the next day ‘the team’ as they keep referring to it, had put it on the waiting list.

Days turned into weeks and I already warned that this was extremely dangerous for website owners, as Google currently attaches great importance to good backlinks.

After 6 weeks (!) the tool finally worked again, but unfortunately this was too late for me. In week 5 I had a huge drop and my website visitors dropped from several thousand per day to zero.

I contacted S– about this and asked for an appropriate solution. I showed the screenshot from analytics, and let them know that when the scan worked again, my backlink profile was more than 50% toxic!

I was told that I could not prove that it was the failed backlink scanner, but that it could also be other issues (knowing that my website was over 90% healthy and there were no other issues at all at the time, and I had not changed anything on my site). I was offered a 20% discount on my next charge.

I kindly thanked them for this ‘solution’ and told them that if they can’t put the consequences of their failing tools into perspective, they’re a bunch of e-commerce amateurs. They will never see me as a customer again.

Real review to a real content creation software service

I HATE having to make avatars, as I think the final result of my avatar looks very unprofessional. I have no professional studio or other kinds of equipment to film myself other than using a single webcam and it doesn’t provide me with the result I desire.

And everytime I try to upload a new avatar they’re erased and I hate it!

I have only made one and it looks terrible! And I can’t delete it and start over since customer service won’t allow me to.

Real review to a real content creation software service

The product plans are very sneaky. Once you are signed up to a $39/month plan you quickly realize that this is completely useless, as they put their company logo on your video.

You are FORCED TO UPGRADE to more than double $89/month.

This makes you feel like you have just fallen prey to the worst scheme ever.

They should be warning people VERY LOUD AND CLEAR as I would never expect to have any marketing logo on my videos once I’m paying for a plan, no matter how it is priced.

It’s a good platform otherwise, but this has sent us off to a bad start.

If your video is more than 1 minute long this platform gets EXTREMELY slow and freezes up often, even with the best of computers (I have a Mac with 16GB RAM, same issues at work windows 10 PC).

I cancelled and I’m looking for an offline/download solution for my videos.

Real review to a real content creation software service

There are many issues with the backend of the software itself. A lot of bugs/issues with the actual functionality of the website.

In addition, the process takes too long (6-8 weeks), which is not feasible for many of our clients given tight deadlines and quick turnarounds. Another note is that there is no flexibility to negotiate with influencers on pricing or bundles. Lastly, I don’t think influencer selection is great.

Influencers are only chosen if they sign up for the platform, thus, disregarding a large population we could be tapping into. Many influencers don’t align with the brand or campaign.

Real review to a real content creation software service

Most everything once I actually paid the premium price to start using it. The templates were a disappointment for my needs (9 different projects in 6 different industries.

Google presentation software and select anything EXCEPT V– and you’ll be happier.

Real review to a real content creation software service

Awful experience with service if you have any issues. It’s only by message and it can take them a day (or more) to get back to you with a superficial answer that does not help, then you have to send another message and hope you get an answer.

The worst part is that they have hidden limits on what you can preview.

For example I created a 2 minute video and previewed the audio less than 5 times, then it disabled any action with a message”daily rate exceeded” In other words I’m not able to do anything with the credits I bought. They said it would resolve in 24 hours but it didn’t.

This limit is not mentioned anywhere on their website or anywhere so it’s not even clear what cause you to get an “exceeded daily rate” message that disables any action.

Real review to a real content creation software service


Content creation software is a cornerstone for marketers, bloggers, and businesses aiming to produce engaging, high-quality content efficiently. Despite the pivotal role of these tools, many services still fall short, frustrating users with a range of shortcomings.

Drawing from extensive customer reviews, this article identifies the main issues plaguing these platforms and offers actionable insights on how owners of content creation software can significantly enhance their offerings.


Limited template variety and customization


What competitors get wrong: A common complaint among users of content creation software is the lack of diverse templates and limited customization options. Users find themselves restricted by template designs that do not fully align with their brand identity or specific content needs.


How to do it better: To outperform your competitors, provide a wide array of templates that cater to various industries and content formats. Ensure these templates are highly customizable, allowing users to modify layouts, styles, and colors to match their brand guidelines precisely.

This flexibility lets users feel more in control and encourages creativity, making your software a preferred choice.


Poor user interface


What competitors get wrong: Many content creation tools are criticized for having clunky, outdated interfaces that complicate the content creation process rather than streamline it. An unintuitive user interface can deter new users and decrease overall productivity.


How to do it better: Focus on developing a clean, modern interface that prioritizes user experience. Navigation should be intuitive, with commonly used tools easily accessible.

Investing in UX/UI design and regularly updating the interface based on user feedback can significantly enhance usability and satisfaction.


Inadequate integration capabilities


What competitors get wrong: Users often need to use multiple tools in their content creation process, yet many software solutions fail to integrate smoothly with other platforms, such as social media, CMS, or marketing automation tools. This lack of integration can disrupt workflow and reduce efficiency.


How to do it better: Enhance your software’s value by ensuring it integrates seamlessly with a broad range of platforms. Offer robust API support to facilitate these integrations and regularly update integration capabilities to include new tools and platforms as they become popular.

Seamless integration reduces the friction in content workflows and increases the attractiveness of your software.


Limited support for collaboration


What competitors get wrong: Content creation is often a collaborative effort, yet many software services do not support easy collaboration features, such as real-time editing, feedback tools, or version control. This limitation can hinder teams working on projects together.


How to do it better: Incorporate comprehensive collaboration tools into your software, including real-time co-editing, comment and review options, and clear version history.

These features should be designed to support both small teams and larger groups, making it easy for users to collaborate effectively, regardless of their location.


Insufficient support and resources


What competitors get wrong: Another prevalent issue is the lack of adequate customer support and educational resources. Users facing technical issues or those new to the software often find insufficient guidance available, impacting their ability to utilize the software to its full potential.


How to do it better: Develop a detailed support system that includes live chat, email support, and a comprehensive knowledge base with video tutorials and step-by-step guides. Regularly host webinars and training sessions to help users fully understand all features and capabilities of your software.

Effective support not only resolves issues but also empowers users, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction with your product.




By addressing these common mistakes made by competitors in the content creation software industry, your service can provide a superior user experience that stands out in a crowded market.

Focusing on customization, user-friendly design, seamless integration, collaboration support, and robust customer service will ensure your platform not only meets but exceeds the expectations of today’s creative professionals.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, hallelujah! By simply not being as mediocre as every other content creation software on the market, your service is on track to become the messiah of the creative world.

Who would’ve thought that actually fixing common mistakes could make a product better? Groundbreaking!


Focusing on customization—because apparently, no one else in the software world has thought that maybe, just maybe, creatives like a little personal touch to their tools. Genius!


And a user-friendly design? Stop it, you’re too kind.

Up until now, creatives clearly enjoyed the challenge of navigating software more complex than a Rubik’s cube.


Seamless integration, too? My word, you’re on fire!

Because obviously, creatives adore the seamless ‘error message’ pop-ups they get every time they try to sync up their current tools.


Don’t forget about collaboration support.

It’s totally unheard of in this day and age—creative professionals working together? What a concept!


And then, robust customer service. Because, as we know, ‘robust’ usually means getting an automated email response only slightly faster than it takes a snail to travel the length of the Great Wall of China.


By ensuring your platform not only meets but exceeds the expectations of today’s creative professionals, you’re practically a superhero in a software cape.

Watch as every creative dumps their old, clunky programs for your sleek, error-free masterpiece. Bravo, indeed!

What will you think of next—actually listening to user feedback? Revolutionary!




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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