Principal » Industry » Reviews for email marketing software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Reviews for email marketing software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

At some point last year they changed their plans. All their “free plans” were turned into “free trials” and at no moment did Moosend adhere to their own terms of services and notify us about up.

What a surprise it was to visit our account after a period without sending any campaigns only to realize our account was blocked until we entered a payment method.

We have less than 60 subscribers and send a few campaigns per year – but what stings is the surprise of having our plan changed without any notification. They did that to us and can do it to you.

Real review to a real email marketing software service

I got very excited when I purchase the system io startup plans, began to use it…and after few months of creating funnels but not using them, I requested a refund ( you could seee no acitvities there) but get a straight NO.

THere is nothing you cannot do for free that offers if you´re on wordpress and know where to look for free resources ( that you should be anyways if you dound s–.io)

Real review to a real email marketing software service

Close is trying to increase my monthly by 2.5x what I’m currently paying for no reason. I was given a discounted rate at sign up because I’m not able to use some of the core features in the business plan, but still wanted access to features that are only available in that plan.

Nothing has changed in the way that I use close, yet they have decided to no longer honor the original agreed upon terms. Now I’m migrating everything over to P–.

Real review to a real email marketing software service

All the great things don’t matter because your clients won’t receive the emails. Let me explain.

They are partnering-up with the 3rd party tool called T– for email warm-ups. A few days ago I’ve noticed a significant drop in the open rates (both for warm-up and outbound emails) and decided to reach out to support regarding this.

The support managed tried to assure me it was just a visual mistake and that there is a data discrepancy between the actual deliverability percent and the one that is shown. Of course it wasn’t.

After I continued trying to get to the bottom of this, they admitted there is an issue with the RCA (Root Cause Analysis), but it has already been fixed and everything will be fine soon and I can resume my outbound sequences tomorrow.

However, after running multiple inbox tests it turned out that the actual deliverability rate of my emails are less than 25% and the reputation of my domain has been completely ruined.

I have been requesting the call with somebody to clarify this situation, but only got responses like “we are sorry that it happened” and “we are working hard to fix it”, meanwhile my existing customers don’t receive emails from me because S– partners up with random 3rd party tool.

Real review to a real email marketing software service

Their cancellation terms are weird and not the usual for S–. We cancelled our service on 26 May and they wanted us to pay for the month of June, although we didnt send even a single email in June 2022.

They are using a fine print clause in T– saying the cancellation notice period is 1 month. Now they are sending emails threatening court action.

Totally unprofessional and uncalled for. On top of it, it is not the most affordable service. So in summary it is not recommended and one has to be very careful in signing up for any of their plans

Real review to a real email marketing software service


Email marketing remains a cornerstone of digital strategy for businesses across various industries. However, not all email marketing software services live up to expectations, often due to specific recurring issues identified in customer reviews.

Here, we examine these common complaints, providing strategic solutions to help you refine your service and distinguish it from competitors.


Poor user interface and usability


What competitors get wrong: A frequent criticism of some email marketing platforms is their complex and unintuitive user interface, which can intimidate and frustrate users, especially those with limited technical skills. This complexity often leads to underutilization of available features.


How to do it better: Focus on developing a clean, intuitive interface that simplifies the creation, management, and tracking of email campaigns. Consider employing drag-and-drop editors, customizable templates, and interactive tutorials to help users of all skill levels navigate the system effortlessly.


Inadequate integration with other platforms


What competitors get wrong: Users often encounter issues with how email marketing software integrates with other business tools, such as CRM systems, ecommerce platforms, and analytics software. Poor integration can lead to fragmented data silos and inefficient workflows.


How to do it better: Ensure robust API support and seamless integration capabilities with a wide array of platforms. By enhancing the ability to sync with other tools, you can provide a more unified marketing experience that allows users to harness data effectively across all their operations.


Limited automation and segmentation capabilities


What competitors get wrong: Some email marketing tools offer only basic automation options, which restricts users from creating sophisticated, targeted campaigns.

Additionally, inadequate segmentation capabilities can prevent marketers from effectively personalizing content based on user behavior or demographics.


How to do it better: Develop advanced automation features that enable users to set up complex, trigger-based campaigns with ease.

Provide robust segmentation tools that allow for detailed audience targeting, helping users deliver more personalized and relevant content.


Subpar deliverability rates


What competitors get wrong: Deliverability is a critical concern in email marketing, and some platforms fail to provide adequate support to ensure high deliverability rates. Users complain about emails consistently landing in spam folders, which drastically diminishes campaign effectiveness.


How to do it better: Invest in technologies and partnerships that enhance email deliverability. Offer built-in tools for spam testing, feedback loops, and reputation management.

Educate your users on best practices for email deliverability to help them avoid common pitfalls that lead to spam filtering.


Ineffective analytics and reporting tools


What competitors get wrong: Limited or overly complex analytics features can frustrate users who struggle to gauge the effectiveness of their email campaigns. Inadequate reporting tools can leave businesses without the insights needed to optimize their strategies.


How to do it better: Provide comprehensive, yet user-friendly, analytics and reporting features that offer clear insights into campaign performance, including open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and more. Enable customization of reports so users can focus on metrics that matter most to their business goals.


Insufficient customer support


What competitors get wrong: Lackluster customer support is a common issue with many email marketing platforms. When users need immediate assistance, especially in a campaign’s critical phases, unresponsive or unhelpful support can have detrimental effects on marketing outcomes.


How to do it better: Build a stellar customer support system that includes quick, reliable support through multiple channels like live chat, email, and phone. Offering resources such as detailed FAQs, user forums, and regular webinars can also help users become more proficient and self-sufficient.




By addressing these prevalent issues identified in competitor products, your email marketing software can significantly improve its service offering.

Enhancing usability, integration, automation, deliverability, analytics, and customer support will not only elevate the user experience but also ensure that your platform stands out as a leader in the competitive email marketing software market.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, hold the phone and stop everything—because addressing issues in competitor products is such a revolutionary concept that it just might be too bold. Enhancing usability?

Integration? Automation?

Deliverability? Analytics?

Customer support? Wow, are you telling me you’re actually going to make your email marketing software useful and functional?

I’m floored—this has never been done before in the history of software!

Let’s break it down: Usability. Because, clearly, your competitors thought making their software as user-friendly as a maze in a blackout was a winning strategy.

Integration? I mean, until now, everyone loved using fifteen different tools that don’t talk to each other, right?

Automation? Groundbreaking. I bet no one ever dreamed that in 2024 people might actually want to save time and effort.

Deliverability—so you’re telling me your emails will actually reach inboxes instead of wandering the digital abyss? That’s unheard of!

Analytics—because who knew data could help businesses make informed decisions? And customer support that doesn’t just tell you to “turn it off and back on again”?

That’s just crazy talk.

By focusing on these areas, you’re not just improving a service; you’re performing a public service. Your platform won’t just stand out—it will practically leap out of the screen and do a victory dance.

Get ready for a parade in your honor as the leader of the email marketing software market. How could anyone resist?




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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