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Reviews for food delivery services

The success of a food delivery service directly depends on customer satisfaction. To enhance the quality of service and meet the needs of its audience, it is essential to regularly collect feedback.

Customer reviews not only help identify and address shortcomings in operation but also highlight the strengths of the service, which can be emphasized in advertising campaigns.


How to get reviews for food delivery services


Direct request for a review

Immediately after an order is completed, send the customer a message thanking them for using your service and requesting that they leave a review. An SMS or email containing a direct link to a review form on your website or in your app is an excellent option.


Implement a loyalty system

Motivate customers to leave reviews by offering bonuses or discounts for their feedback. Ensure that the reward process is simple and understandable for the user.


Use social media

Regularly post content related to your food delivery service and encourage followers to share their impressions. Special hashtags can help gather reviews in one place and simplify their analysis.


Integrate a review form on your website or app

Your website or mobile app should have an intuitive and easily accessible form for leaving reviews. Indicate that you value each client’s opinion and guarantee that all comments and suggestions will be considered.


Feedback through customer support

Encourage customers to contact customer support not only with problems but also with positive reviews. Ensure that the communication process is as simple as possible and accessible through various channels (phone, in-app chat, social media).


Conduct surveys

Periodically conduct surveys among your customers to find out their opinions about the quality of food, service level, and delivery speed. Collecting necessary data will easily allow you to identify common trends.


Analyze and process received reviews

It is crucial not only to collect reviews but also to respond appropriately. Thank customers for positive reviews and promptly address issues described in negative comments.

A significant percentage of success depends precisely on your interest in improving service and striving to increase customer loyalty.


Use external review platforms

Ensure that your food delivery service is represented on popular review and rating platforms. The more visibility your business has, the easier the process of collecting and analyzing reviews will be.

Systematic collection and analysis of reviews not only improve the quality of food delivery services but also build trustful relationships with clients. Using various methods and channels to obtain feedback will increase the number of reviews and help make your service even better.


Examples of food delivery services reviews


Below are real reviews from real clients (company names not mentioned).


The courier delivered the order. He couldn’t understand a simple Russian phrase: “Zero, four fives, call.”

After several attempts to explain, he needed to press “zero, five, five, five, five, letter v”. Then, this “foreigner”, after finally getting to the apartment, also started to complain that he was treated impolitely.


Entrepreneurs, if you call what you cook pizza, then I am shocked.

Take your chefs to Italy and show them how to make pizza! Meanwhile, call your creation a flatbread!!!


Mixed up orders on delivery. We ordered two misos.

If this is miso, then I am Jean-Jacques Rousseau. One broth, rather water, it’s not even broth, it’s like after it, they rinsed the pot.

The only thing that deserves attention and praise are the rolls: they are indeed good.


I placed an order 5 hours early to be delivered on time, and they were 1.5 hours late. The service needs improvement.

No apologies were given. The courier said over the phone: “I’ll get there when I get there.”



Just for laughs. Nothing like this has ever happened to me, but after such a funny excuse and 3 * a lot.

It’s been 2 hours since I placed the order, well, that happens. The courier comes up, rings the doorbell (there was a special comment to leave it by the door, who knows what a person is busy with, especially since there’s such an option in the app, it’s not made up).

I open it—the next dialogue is fabulous. He wants something from me, it’s unclear what…

He didn’t bring the order and seems to think that I need to give him something… I really don’t understand what’s happening, there could be some mistake, and after about 10 minutes of figuring it out, he went to call the operator.

It was already late evening. I wait, nothing happens.

I call the courier— he’s checking with the operator… time passes. I had to write to support myself.

After some time, an amazing response— the order was damaged in transit— cancellation. More questions than answers.

How could he have arrived, rung the bell, and stood there with a puzzled look— I don’t understand why I am here. Don’t the couriers know what they are carrying?

Or was he just picking up air to deliver. How could the order be damaged when it actually wasn’t there?

Or maybe they decided to joke at the place where the order was made. Nothing is clear, but very interesting.

I suspect that if I hadn’t written myself, we would have sat until a silent cancellation. Absurd and circus.

What pleases me most is when they treat us like idiots, explain in human terms that we can’t deliver, preferably before the actual arrival of the order.


Get more reviews


Automatically publish reviews about your business on GINIX – get support for your business, thanks to positive reviews, and create an impressive online reputation.

This is a universal solution for obtaining online opinions. Get reviews for food delivery services – allow your business to quickly respond to client feedback.

Positive client opinions win the trust of your audience, which helps you attract more potential clients. Order reviews on GINIX – the best marketing strategy for effectively attracting more potential clients.

Getting positive feedback should not be complicated or require hiring more staff — you can quickly buy reviews using our online reputation management system.

If you don’t know when a bad review appears on the Internet, you won’t be able to respond to it. If you consolidate all reviews and receive alerts when a new review appears, you can decide if intervention is needed. It’s also very nice to thank for good reviews.

You can easily set up when and how to receive alerts. And ways to receive reviews from visitors.

We handle all the setup – you get more reviews.

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Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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