Principal » Industry » Reviews for location-based marketing software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Reviews for location-based marketing software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Where to start…

– The interface looks about 15 years out of date – because it is. While this may not affect the usage of the platform, it shows how much Salesforce care about M– C–.

– The user experience is non-existent and basic functions like searching for contacts is extremely limited. I’m writing this review while I sit here and wait to export over a million contacts to search that way, as the search function in MC is so bad.

– Getting your data from an external source is filled with so many problems and breaks a lot – we currently do not have subscribers flowing into our database.

– The email template builder is…you guessed it, incredibly limited and outdated, impacting the quality of emails we are able to send out.

– It’s overly complicated just to do the most basic of tasks, something that could be done in a few seconds on better platforms. For example, we have to use SQL just to pull together the most basic form of segmentation going.

I could go on but you get the picture; there really is nothing good about this platform. S– has clearly not updated it in well over ten years and it shows.

Instead of creating a competitive product that people want to use, they live up to their name and sell the dream, then lock people into long and expensive contracts.

Real review to a real location-based marketing software service

If any of the problems require development or is it something that is outside of the roadmap you won’t see it in the near future as well as dealing with small issues (that shouldn’t take more than few hours of dev) – it will take them weeks to provide input and extra few weeks to do the work (if it simple otherwise it will be months…)

If you want to customise the customer journey and to be fitted to your website (e.g not to use out of the box inbox) you will need to invest a lot of extra work to make it work with patches and not straight forward soultion

Real review to a real location-based marketing software service

there is no storage so we can’t upload an image for media push or popup. I can’t see or export segments from N–. Besides, We can’t see SMS click rates

Real review to a real location-based marketing software service

Customer service, user definitions that only P– understand, unable to test the system from a customers point of view, Chose a program thats easy to use and accessable customer support. You can always get through to sales but never to support.

Real review to a real location-based marketing software service

Overhead Installation is always a challenge. In terms of creating a B– with multiple beacons, a synchronised network is difficult to set up.

Device level auto sync can improve this.

Real review to a real location-based marketing software service


Location-based marketing software is pivotal for modern businesses aiming to target consumers more effectively by their geographic locations. Despite the potential of this technology, many companies in this field fail to meet customer expectations due to several recurring issues.

As an owner of a location-based marketing software service, understanding these flaws in competitor offerings can guide you in refining your own service. Here, we delve into the most common complaints based on customer reviews and provide specific recommendations for overcoming these challenges.


Limited geotargeting precision


What competitors get wrong: A frequent criticism of competitor services is the lack of precision in geotargeting capabilities. Customers report that campaigns often reach users outside the intended geographic area, leading to wasted marketing resources and diluted campaign effectiveness.


How to do it better: To bypass this issue, enhance your software’s geotargeting technology. Invest in advanced GPS and IP-based location data to refine how accurately campaigns can target potential customers.

Offer multiple levels of targeting, from broad regions down to specific neighborhoods or streets, allowing your clients to tailor their campaigns with greater precision.


Complex user interface


What competitors get wrong: Users often find the interfaces of location-based marketing software cumbersome and non-intuitive. Competitors’ platforms can overwhelm users, especially those with less technical expertise, due to their complex configurations and settings.


How to do it better: Develop a user-friendly interface that prioritizes simplicity without sacrificing advanced features. Employ user experience best practices to create a clean, intuitive dashboard that makes setting up and managing campaigns straightforward.

Additionally, provide ample training materials and responsive customer support to assist users in navigating the platform.


Inadequate integration with other marketing tools


What competitors get wrong: Another common issue is that many location-based marketing tools do not integrate well with other digital marketing platforms. This lack of integration can hinder the efficiency of overall marketing strategies and complicate data management.


How to do it better: Ensure your software offers robust integration capabilities with popular CRM systems, email marketing platforms, social media management tools, and analytics software.

Seamless integration allows your clients to streamline their workflow and centralize campaign management, making it easier to launch cohesive marketing strategies across multiple channels.


Poor data privacy compliance


What competitors get wrong: With stringent data privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA, customers are increasingly concerned about how their data is handled. Many competitors fail to adequately address privacy concerns, risking non-compliance and eroding trust with users.


How to do it better: Position your software as a leader in data privacy. Implement strong security measures and ensure full compliance with all relevant data protection regulations.

Transparently communicate your data handling practices to clients and provide them with tools to help them manage consumer data ethically and legally.


Limited analytical insights


What competitors get wrong: Users complain about the lack of detailed analytics and reporting features in competitor products, which are crucial for measuring the effectiveness of location-based campaigns and optimizing future strategies.


How to do it better: Enhance your software with comprehensive analytics tools that provide deep insights into campaign performance, user engagement, and ROI. Include features such as heat maps, user demographics, conversion tracking, and behavior analysis.

These tools can help your clients understand the impact of their location-based marketing efforts and fine-tune their strategies for maximum effectiveness.


Slow adaptation to new technologies


What competitors get wrong: The pace of technological change is rapid, and some competitors are slow to incorporate new technologies into their offerings, such as augmented reality or advanced predictive analytics, leaving clients behind on innovative marketing opportunities.


How to do it better: Stay ahead of the curve by continuously updating your software with the latest technological advancements. Engage in ongoing research and development to incorporate cutting-edge features that can provide novel marketing opportunities, such as AR-enhanced experiences or AI-driven predictive targeting.




By addressing these prevalent issues in competitor offerings, your location-based marketing software can significantly outperform and provide more value to your clients.

Focusing on precision targeting, user-friendliness, seamless integrations, data privacy, insightful analytics, and innovation will not only attract more clients but also retain them by consistently delivering superior results and a satisfying user experience.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, what a shockingly radical approach! Addressing issues that competitors overlook?

Now that’s just crazy enough to work! Precision targeting?

I guess until now, everyone else was just throwing darts blindfolded. And user-friendliness? Stop it. It’s almost as if you want people to actually enjoy using the software.

Seamless integrations? Groundbreaking. I’m sure no one has ever thought of making their software work well with others.

Data privacy? In this day and age?

Revolutionary! It’s not like privacy is on everyone’s mind or anything. Insightful analytics?

How insightful of you to include that. It’s not like businesses need data to make informed decisions.

And let’s top it all off with innovation—because clearly, you are the first to ever attempt to innovate in the tech industry. With such unheard-of strategies, how could anyone possibly resist your software? You’re not just setting the bar, you’re launching it into space! Keep up the good work, trailblazer.




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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