Principal » Industry » Reviews for market intelligence software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Reviews for market intelligence software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Our customer support person went dark on us for a year. We can’t find the data we need that they claimed was available on the demo.

And when we asked if we could downgrade or cancel our subscription as we faced financial troubles, they were unwilling to work with us 1 iota. Will avoid for the rest of my career and recommend others do so as well.

Real review to a real market intelligence software service

We tried their service for a lead generation we paid over 10800 dollars for a quarter and it was completely inaccurate data every time we tried to talk to customers about their web performance their numbers were incredibly off.

We did not ask for a refund although we used it for about 2 weeks and they did not even try to understand what went wrong and maybe remedy or offer a solution they went to D– C– for the 1-year contract.

Absolutely disgusting behaviour from a company that is listed nevertheless.

I do not recommend it at all. Scam service with inaccurate data and ridiculous business practices.

Real review to a real market intelligence software service

the quality has deteorated under new management – has become quantity over quality, very little investable insights. would prefer they focus on higher level and harder to reach employees.

Real review to a real market intelligence software service

In my years of using SEO tools, I’ve seen various changes and adaptations to platforms, but S–‘s latest move to increase fees by 110% in one month left me highly disappointed.

S–‘s UI is cluttered and feels like it was designed in the 1990’s. In addition, the premium features not included with my plan are scattered across the user interface.

No one wants to see features that aren’t included in the plan.

Exorbitant Price Increase: The recent decision by S– to hike up their monthly plan from a reasonable $69/month to a hefty $120/month with a mere month’s notice is, to put it bluntly, outrageous. It’s hard enough to budget for consistent monthly expenses without such sudden and drastic changes.

Social Media Poster is now paid: S–‘s Social Media Poster was a helpful tool and included with their basic plan for up to 10 accounts.

With one month’s warning, it’s now a paid product at $20/month. Not cool.

UI Clutter with Premium Features: One of the most annoying issues is the incessant addition of premium features to the site’s user interface and navigation. Not only is this incredibly cluttered US for users who pay for premium features, but it complicates the training process for staff using the tool.

A feature shouldn’t be visible if it isn’t part of the package. Simple as that.

Outdated UX/UI: The site’s user experience and interface feel archaic. Trying to navigate it is reminiscent of stumbling through a digital maze from the 1990s.

This just shouldn’t be the case with today’s modern front-end frameworks (i.e., React, etc.).

Aggressive Marketing Tactics: The frequency of their promotional emails and calls urging an upgrade to their pro plan, now priced exorbitantly at $250/month. I don’t want to pay 5X what I was paying when initially getting the tool and I don’t want more voicemails.

Don’t keep contacting me if I don’t answer the first 100+ emails. It’s a far cry from when I started using their service at around $50/month.

Final Thoughts: The SEO analytics market has competitive, affordable options. With SEMrush’s 110% price increase this past month, I will no longer recommend the tool.

Those looking for value, transparency, and a modern UI/UX might want to search elsewhere.

Real review to a real market intelligence software service

The user interface is clunky and not enjoyable to work with. It really doesn’t seem like there was much thought put into the user experience.

There’s not a good way to see the fast facts from a high level, you have to search through multiple tabs reading through information. They could definitely invest in it to make it look like a modern software platform.

There isn’t much to it other than a blank page with a bunch of Word docs put together with writing. Create a better looking database, more dynamic, more enjoyable to work on.

Real review to a real market intelligence software service


In the competitive landscape of market intelligence software, understanding the landscape through the lens of customer feedback can provide invaluable insights. This software is pivotal for businesses seeking to harness data-driven insights to inform strategic decisions, yet many existing tools fall short of user expectations.

Below, we detail common issues cited in customer reviews of competitor products, along with strategic solutions to elevate your market intelligence software above the competition.


Data accuracy and timeliness


What competitors get wrong: A prevalent issue with competitor market intelligence software is the accuracy and timeliness of the data provided. Customers frequently express concerns over stale or incorrect data, which can lead to misguided decisions and strategies.


How to do it better: To bypass this critical flaw, invest in real-time data collection technologies and establish partnerships with reliable data providers. Implement rigorous data verification processes and update your datasets continuously to ensure users receive the most current and accurate information.

Highlighting your commitment to data integrity can significantly boost user trust and satisfaction.


Complexity in data interpretation


What competitors get wrong: Users often find market intelligence platforms overly complex, particularly when it comes to interpreting the data. This complexity can hinder the adoption and effective use of the software, especially for users without a deep analytical background.


How to do it better: Simplify the user experience by incorporating intuitive data visualization tools and automated insight generation features. Provide clear, actionable insights directly within the platform, using plain language and engaging formats like charts, graphs, and interactive dashboards.

Offering educational resources and on-demand support can also help users understand and leverage the data more effectively.


Integration with existing systems


What competitors get wrong: Another common complaint is the difficulty of integrating market intelligence software with existing business systems, such as CRM and ERP solutions. Lack of seamless integration can lead to fragmented workflows and siloed data pools.


How to do it better: Develop robust API capabilities and ensure your software can easily integrate with a wide array of business systems. Providing pre-built integration modules and customizable options can facilitate smoother implementations and enhance the software’s appeal to businesses with diverse technological ecosystems.


Limited customization options


What competitors get wrong: Customers often note that market intelligence platforms do not offer sufficient customization options to tailor the software to specific business needs. This one-size-fits-all approach can limit the software’s usefulness in addressing unique industry or company-specific challenges.


How to do it better: Enhance your software’s flexibility by allowing users to customize data feeds, dashboards, reports, and alerts to fit their specific needs. Providing tools that users can adapt to their own strategic contexts will make your software more attractive and valuable to a broader audience.


Inadequate mobile experience


What competitors get wrong: As business becomes increasingly mobile, a significant number of complaints revolve around poor mobile experiences with market intelligence platforms. In many cases, mobile apps are either non-existent or lack the functionality of their desktop counterparts.


How to do it better: Invest in a high-quality mobile app that provides comprehensive functionality. Ensure that the mobile experience is on par with the desktop version, allowing users to access full features on-the-go, including data analysis, report generation, and alert management.


Customer support and training


What competitors get wrong: Ineffective customer support and insufficient training materials are major points of dissatisfaction. These shortcomings can prevent users from fully leveraging the software’s capabilities, reducing overall satisfaction and retention.


How to do it better: Commit to excellence in customer service by providing timely, knowledgeable support through various channels like live chat, phone, and email. Additionally, create a robust training program that includes tutorials, webinars, and detailed documentation to help users maximize the value of your software.




By addressing these common customer complaints, your market intelligence software can surpass competitors and deliver exceptional value to users. Focus on providing accurate, timely data, simplifying data interpretation, ensuring seamless integration, offering robust customization, enhancing mobile usability, and delivering superior customer support.

These strategic improvements will not only meet but exceed customer expectations, establishing your software as a leader in the market intelligence industry.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Well, aren’t we ambitious? Addressing common customer complaints to make your product better?

That’s a bold move, Cotton. It’s almost as if you’re suggesting that listening to users might actually improve your software. Revolutionary!

Providing accurate, timely data—now, there’s a concept. Because, clearly, until now, everyone loved making decisions based on outdated or incorrect information.

It really added that extra thrill to business planning, didn’t it?

Simplifying data interpretation? Genius!

You mean to tell me people don’t enjoy staring blankly at indecipherable charts and numbers like they’re trying to read ancient hieroglyphs without a Rosetta Stone? Mind-blowing!

Ensuring seamless integration—oh, the audacity! Because why would anyone want their software to work well with other systems they use?

That’s just crazy talk. It’s so much more fun to have all your systems in eternal conflict, like feuding relatives at a family reunion.

Offering robust customization—because apparently, businesses have unique needs and aren’t all carbon copies of each other? Who knew?

Next, you’ll tell me that businesses actually want to use the software in a way that suits their specific situation.

Enhancing mobile usability—because, surprise, people use smartphones in 2024! It’s almost like mobile devices are a standard tool in business now. Wild!

And delivering superior customer support—because treating your users like actual human beings and solving their problems might just make them like you more? Outrageous!

With these totally “out there” ideas, how can your software not shoot to the top of the market intelligence industry?

Watch out world, here comes another product actually trying to be useful! What will they think of next?




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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