Principal » Industry » Reviews for marketing automation software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Reviews for marketing automation software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Pricing automatically increases if the marketing contacts increase and there is no way to block it. They have detailed complicated processes built to overcharge customers.

They might make a couple of hundred dollars by these unethical practices but they’ll lose loyal customers

Real review to a real marketing automation software service

We find the reporting a little complicated, and often need to turn to Insider’s support team to

help us understand the performance metrics. We would like to be able to do this ourselves.

Real review to a real marketing automation software service

I’ve had to reach out twice in the last 6 weeks to their support team.

The first instance the automation builder wasn’t working correctly.

The second issue is that I can’t import job titles, and so can’t use the personalisation tag.

The quality of support is absolutely awful. I’ve had a ticket open for more than 3 weeks for a fix on the job title imports.

All I get back is a link to the generic support article (with solutions I’ve already tried).

The point of their platform is that you can automate and market more smartly, but basic functions aren’t working and support are little help. I’m considering moving back to H–.

Real review to a real marketing automation software service

There was a rush to get onboarded and we were not onboarded during that 3 month or so period. If you have a question, you just get sent confusing documentation.

It is also really hard to get help from technical support. I think customer success managers should be able to answer questions about the features and platforms that are supporting brands.

I wish B– was more open to have a technical support rep for each account or more willing to set up calls with a brand and B– technical support.

Real review to a real marketing automation software service

M– refuses to take spam seriously. I have reported hundreds of messages to them and they take a very long time to respond.

They have no method to block your domain from being imported . M– thrives off spammers using their free offering and they simply rinse and repeat sending spam to email lists they purchase and then import to mailchimp.

M– doesn’t want you to be able to opt out of having your email address or domain imported into these lists as they would lose business.

If m– is as serious about spam as the false promise they claim to be, they need to introduce a method for a domain to be impossible to import from a list, therefore combatting spam completely. They could still allow email form sign up + email confirmation opt in, but they refuse to.

Real review to a real marketing automation software service


Marketing automation software is integral to modern digital marketing strategies, offering tools to streamline and enhance marketing efforts across various channels. However, not all platforms meet the high expectations of their users.

From integration issues to insufficient support, several recurring complaints surface in customer reviews. Understanding these issues is crucial for providers who want to differentiate their products from those of their competitors.

This article discusses common pitfalls based on customer feedback and provides strategies for how your marketing automation software can avoid these mistakes and surpass competitors.


Complicated setup and onboarding


What competitors get wrong: A frequent complaint about competitor marketing automation software is the complexity of the setup and onboarding process. Users often find themselves overwhelmed by the intricate initial configuration requirements, which can deter them from fully utilizing the platform.


How to do it better:How to do it better: Simplify the user onboarding experience by offering guided setup wizards, intuitive interfaces, and customizable templates that make the initial configuration as straightforward as possible.

Consider implementing AI-driven recommendations to help users set up campaigns based on their specific goals and industries, ensuring a smoother start and quicker value realization.


Poor integration capabilities


What competitors get wrong: Customers frequently criticize competitors for their software’s inability to seamlessly integrate with existing CRM systems, email platforms, social media networks, and other digital marketing tools. This lack of integration can fragment the user’s marketing ecosystem, leading to data silos and inefficient workflows.


How to do it better: Focus on developing robust API capabilities and out-of-the-box integrations with a wide range of tools that businesses commonly use. Ensure that your software can easily sync with these systems to provide a unified and efficient marketing platform.

Highlighting your solution’s integration capabilities can significantly appeal to potential customers looking for a cohesive marketing solution.


Limited automation features


What competitors get wrong: Some competitors offer very basic automation features that do not meet the evolving needs of dynamic marketing teams. Users report frustrations with the inability to customize or scale their automation strategies effectively.


How to do it better: Develop advanced automation capabilities that go beyond simple email autoresponders. Include features like lead scoring, complex workflow creation, behavior-triggered actions, and omnichannel campaign management.

Provide users with the flexibility to create sophisticated, customizable, and scalable automation strategies that can grow with their business.


Inadequate analytics and reporting


What competitors get wrong: Insufficient analytics and detailed reporting capabilities are common shortcomings in competitors’ offerings. Marketing teams need detailed insights to measure performance and make data-driven decisions.


How to do it better: Enhance your software with comprehensive analytics tools that track and report on a wide range of metrics, including campaign ROI, customer engagement levels, conversion rates, and more. Offer customizable reporting dashboards that allow users to focus on the metrics that matter most to them.

Providing deep analytical capabilities can set your platform apart and enable marketers to optimize their strategies effectively.


Subpar customer support


What competitors get wrong: Many reviews for competitors’ software mention inadequate customer support, which leaves users feeling frustrated and unsupported, particularly when facing complex issues.


How to do it better: Invest in a well-trained, knowledgeable, and accessible customer support team. Offer multiple support channels, including live chat, email, and phone support.

Additionally, develop a comprehensive knowledge base and community forums where users can find quick answers and share insights. A strong support structure is critical for user satisfaction and retention.


Overlooked user experience (ux) issues


What competitors get wrong: Clunky or outdated user interfaces are significant drawbacks mentioned in reviews of some competing software. A poor UX can hinder user adoption and long-term engagement.


How to do it better: Prioritize a clean, modern, and user-friendly design for your software interface. Regularly update the UX based on user feedback and the latest design trends.

An intuitive and appealing interface can enhance the user experience, making complex tasks more manageable and less time-consuming.




By addressing these common complaints effectively, your marketing automation software can stand out in a crowded market. Focus on user-friendly design, robust integration capabilities, advanced automation features, comprehensive analytics, exceptional customer support, and an easy onboarding process.

These enhancements will not only meet but exceed the expectations of your customers, positioning your company as a preferred choice in the marketing automation software industry.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, address common complaints effectively? Groundbreaking!

I mean, who would’ve thought that fixing problems could actually make customers happier? Truly, this is a revelation that will shake the very foundations of the marketing automation software industry.

And then you suggest focusing on a user-friendly design? Stop the presses! Since when did making software easier to use become a selling point? Next, you’ll be telling me that water is wet.

And robust integration capabilities? As if anyone today is using more than one tool at a time—oh wait, they are!

Advanced automation features, you say? What a concept!

Here we all were, just enjoying our manual processes and you come along with the idea to automate them. Mind.

Blown. Comprehensive analytics too?

Because apparently, making decisions based on actual data is a thing now. Revolutionary!

Exceptional customer support? Wow, treating customers well?

That’s such a novelty! And an easy onboarding process?

Goodness, making it simple for customers to start using your product? That’s just too much common sense for one paragraph.

With all these wild, unheard-of ideas, how can your software not be the preferred choice? Brace yourself, world, this is going to be a game-changer.

Keep up the good work, you pioneers of the obvious!




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Have a great day!

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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