Principal » Industry » Reviews for mobile marketing software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Reviews for mobile marketing software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

A lot of the experiences are not suitable for luxury brands due to them being very promotional.

Real review to a real mobile marketing software service

The onboarding was atrocious. We worked with as many people as possible to try to get it right, but effectively our small start up threw $6,000 out the window.

We have had to rely on our own reading and re-reading to make our investment work. If I could go back in time, I would have chosen another platform.

Real review to a real mobile marketing software service

The customer support is very poor in clevertap, every issue takes a long time to be addressed and solved

Real review to a real mobile marketing software service

I seriously caution using A– if you want to retain subscriber data (they took our list from K– and scrubbed everything except email and mobile number. They don’t understand basic requirements like opt-in/out data.

As I try to extract my subscriber list from them (to move back to K–), my subscriber list has three columns. It’s a joke.

The reasons we want to leave are many:

Email design is glitchy and you can’t save mid-design (meaning you lose work unless you want to save and get backed out each time), customer service reps are MIA, and tech support patchy.

Analytics and reporting are very basic and many essential reports have to be requested (because they’re gatekeeping data, I suspect because so many people are fleeing).

They don’t have any online billing page so if you change your credit card, you will have to spend at least 20 minutes to pay an invoice through their clunky payment link.

Once they started charging us for all services (July 2023) the cost is 2x what K– charges. I can’t see any justification as Attentive is clearly a basic/partially built platform vs Klaviyo being the gold standard.

What is most disappointing is that they grew their business by starting brands up with free email service and charged far more than expected when billing kicked in.

When I questioned this, they were unwilling to discuss it. This is not a service you can work with for the long term.

They seem more interested in getting a few big invoices paid over growing together.

Proceed with caution.

Real review to a real mobile marketing software service

Frequent slowness/outages/UI bugs. Automated journeys lack sophisticated features.

Data limitations. OOTB functionality is very basic. Hard to get ahold of our rep, gives the run around, goes out of office and doesn’t leave backup contacts for support.

Real review to a real mobile marketing software service


Mobile marketing software is pivotal in today’s marketing strategy, helping brands engage with consumers on their most personal devices. Despite its importance, not all mobile marketing platforms meet user expectations.

Here, we explore the top mistakes made by competitors in the mobile marketing software industry, as revealed by customer reviews, and provide strategic recommendations for how your software can effectively avoid these pitfalls.


Inadequate personalization capabilities


What competitors get wrong: A common grievance with competitor software is the lack of robust personalization features. Modern consumers expect tailored content that resonates with their interests and behaviors.

Platforms that fail to provide advanced personalization tools often lead to campaigns that feel generic and irrelevant.


How to do it better: To stand out, enhance your software’s personalization engine. Utilize AI and machine learning to analyze user data and behavior, enabling marketers to automatically segment audiences and tailor messages based on user preferences, location, and engagement history.

Offering dynamic content capabilities within your platform will allow users to create more compelling, personalized experiences that drive engagement.


Complex user interface


What competitors get wrong: Many users find mobile marketing platforms difficult to navigate, with interfaces that are not intuitive. This complexity can discourage the use of advanced features and reduce overall campaign effectiveness.


How to do it better: Design your software with simplicity in mind. Provide a clean, user-friendly interface that makes it easy for marketers to create, execute, and monitor campaigns.

Consider features like drag-and-drop editors, pre-built templates, and visual campaign builders that help users implement campaigns without extensive technical knowledge.


Poor integration with other systems


What competitors get wrong: Effective mobile marketing requires integration with other digital marketing tools and systems, such as CRM software, e-commerce platforms, and data analytics suites. Competitors often lack seamless integration, which can create data silos and disrupt workflow.


How to do it better: Ensure that your mobile marketing software integrates flawlessly with a wide range of other business systems. Providing robust API support and developing plug-and-play integrations can help users synchronize their marketing tools efficiently, offering a more cohesive and powerful marketing ecosystem.


Limited multichannel capabilities


What competitors get wrong: Customers frequently point out that mobile marketing platforms do not adequately support multichannel campaigns, which are crucial for engaging consumers across various touchpoints.


How to do it better: Expand your software’s capabilities to encompass a broader range of channels, including SMS, MMS, email, social media, and push notifications. This multichannel approach should be manageable from a single platform interface, allowing marketers to create cohesive campaigns that reach users across all digital fronts.


Subpar data analytics and reporting


What competitors get wrong: Analytics are the cornerstone of effective marketing, yet many mobile marketing platforms provide inadequate tools for measuring campaign performance. Users often complain about not having access to real-time analytics or detailed reporting that could help them optimize their strategies.


How to do it better: Equip your platform with comprehensive analytics tools that offer real-time data tracking and visual reporting. Include metrics that matter most to mobile marketers, such as user engagement, conversion rates, and ROI.

Additionally, enable customization of reports so marketers can focus on the insights that are most relevant to their goals.


Ineffective customer support


What competitors get wrong: Customer support is a critical component of any software service. Negative reviews often cite slow response times and lack of knowledgeable support as significant issues with existing platforms.


How to do it better: Invest in a responsive, well-trained customer support team. Offer multiple support channels, including live chat, email, and phone.

Additionally, build a rich online resource center that includes FAQs, tutorials, and best practice guides to empower users to solve problems independently.




By addressing these key areas, your mobile marketing software can significantly improve user satisfaction and operational efficiency. Focus on delivering exceptional personalization, seamless integrations, comprehensive analytics, and outstanding customer support.

These enhancements will not only set your product apart from competitors but also provide your clients with the tools they need to execute successful mobile marketing campaigns.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, stop the presses—your groundbreaking plan is to actually improve user satisfaction and operational efficiency? What a novel concept!

Nobody in the history of software ever thought of making their product better to stand out. Groundbreaking!

Exceptional personalization, you say? Because up until now, every marketer loved the “one-size-fits-all” approach.

“Please, treat me just like everyone else,” said no successful marketer ever. You’re on to something bizarrely sensible here!

Seamless integrations—oh, the humanity! It’s almost as if people want their software to work together like a well-oiled machine instead of acting like feuding siblings.

Crazy talk, making things work together in harmony!

Comprehensive analytics—wow, you mean actually understanding the results of campaigns is beneficial? Mind-blowing!

Here I thought marketers preferred making decisions in the dark, based on gut feelings alone like some sort of marketing witchcraft.

And let’s not skim over the pièce de résistance: outstanding customer support. Revolutionary!

Treating customers as if their problems matter? That’s just wild enough to work. Because obviously, happy customers are such a bizarre goal for a business.

With these radical improvements, how can your product not catapult to the top? Prepare for a shocking result where clients might actually start enjoying and benefiting from your software.

I mean, who would have thought improving things could lead to success? Astonishing!




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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