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Reviews for owned media software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Hands down the worst aspect of Kajabi is the support. I have never encountered such a poor excuse for a support organization while paying such a premium for an offering.

Every single member of the support leadership needs to lose their job, they are utterly failing their clients. There is no ownership of mistakes, no accountability for follow up or communication, and the flippancy in their responses is utterly astounding.

They respond immediately to a ticket creation asking information already contained in the original message, just to make sure their preciouis TTFR metric still looks good to leadership, then never actually solve the real issue at hand; TTR can’t be computed since they haven’t actually resolved a single issue.

If I can urge you to make a better choice than I did, choose any other platform other than Kajabi, or you’ll end up in the exact same position I’m in based on their deplorable customer support.

Real review to a real owned media software service

Memberspace continues to raise the transaction fee. It’s increased from 1% to 4%, to a NOW A 5% TRANSACTION FEE on top of Stripe’s fee.

Ridiculous. So glad Squarespace Courses came out with a 0% transaction fee plan.

I’ve been looking for alternatives to Memberspace’s transaction fees and thank goodess Squarespace Courses listens to member feedback. Every since I’ve switched to Squarespace Courses, everything has been so much better.

The funniest part is, Memberspace disses substack for having transaction fees by saying this on their website: “Substack often touts the fact that there’s no cost to join. Instead of a monthly subscription fee, users forfeit 10% of every subscriber payment (plus credit card processing fees).

This pricing model can undoubtedly make sense for users with small email lists. If you’re planning to grow your subscriber base, though, it becomes expensive — fast.

There’s no cap to that 10% fee that Substack takes from each paid subscriber.”

…When they do they same thing with their transaction fees. Ha!

So glad Squarespace Courses listens to member feedback and constantly makes updates and improvements for longevity.

I’m excited that more software companies are listening to feedback regarding expensive transaction fees and creating options without them. It’s the princple of the matter.

Real review to a real owned media software service

Absolutely no plugins, no developers working on making it better. I’ve used GINIX before and how much would I pay to just go back to it.

The plugin support, the developer community is great. Ghost is the absolute worst.

If you’re a non coder like me, looking to make your blogs look better, say goodbye to your sleep!

Real review to a real owned media software service

I’ve been a user of Podia for almost a year but ended up getting very disappointed with their approach to customer support. Stripe has reported that one customer filed a fraud dispute for the products she bought through my podia account.

As a way to show Stripe that it was a real customer and not a fake scam, I was asked to provide server logs. The amount disputed is $3000 so it’s a pretty big deal.

I requested Podia to help me out but they refused saying this is not what they can help with. They only sent me an HTML version of an email which was sent to the customer.

How can this help me to explain that the product was really bought? Podia doesn’t request people to provide their mailing address nor checks for any scam verification before a purchase is made and thus this leaves space for scams.

Considering that, they could at least make an exception and provide extra help, especially when the sum is like this. I just don’t understand the humanity behind such a brand.

So disappointed with this brand!!! It clearly shows the values of such company.

Real review to a real owned media software service

The app’s organization is terrible for users who are trying to access posts that are anything other than the most recent. The only option is to scroll and scroll every time you want to see an older post (or listen to an older podcast episode), and I find that incredibly annoying.

It would be nice if the app allowed you to choose if you want to view posts oldest to newest instead of the default newest to oldest and if you could filter by posts you have seen or have not seen.

Real review to a real owned media software service


In the competitive field of owned media software, understanding customer grievances is vital for outpacing your competition. By examining customer reviews, we can pinpoint the recurring issues that tarnish the reputation of some providers.

This article dissects these key mistakes and provides actionable recommendations to ensure your service excels where others fall short.


Inflexible content management tools


What competitors get wrong: A recurring theme in customer feedback for competitors is the rigidity of content management tools. Users often find that these tools do not support diverse content formats or offer limited customization options, stifling their creative processes.


How to do it better: To set your service apart, develop a flexible and robust content management system that supports a wide array of content types, from videos to interactive infographics.

Additionally, allow for extensive customization of content presentation, ensuring that users can maintain their brand’s unique digital footprint across all media forms.


Lack of seamless integration with existing systems


What competitors get wrong: Many competitors fail to offer seamless integration with existing enterprise systems such as CRM, CMS, or e-commerce platforms, creating data silos and operational inefficiencies.


How to do it better: Your software should be designed to integrate effortlessly with a broad range of systems. This can be achieved by providing pre-built connectors, robust APIs, and comprehensive documentation that enables easy integration, helping users centralize their operations and streamline workflows.


Deficient SEO and content discovery features


What competitors get wrong: Customer reviews frequently highlight weak SEO capabilities and poor content discovery functionalities in competing owned media software. This leads to underperformance in organic search results and diminishes content reach and engagement.


How to do it better: Enhance your software with advanced SEO tools that automatically suggest optimizations and integrate current best practices.

Additionally, include powerful content discovery features such as smart recommendations and customizable content feeds to boost engagement and ensure users’ content reaches its intended audience.


Poor analytics and reporting


What competitors get wrong: Competitors often provide insufficient analytics that lack depth in insight, offering only surface-level data that fails to deliver actionable intelligence.


How to do it better: Develop a comprehensive analytics suite within your software that offers detailed insights into user engagement, content performance, and audience behavior. Ensure these tools are user-friendly and provide customizable dashboards to cater to various user needs.

Advanced tracking capabilities will enable your customers to make informed decisions and effectively measure ROI.


Substandard user experience


What competitors get wrong: User experience is another critical area where some competitors lag. Reviews often complain about clunky interfaces, slow loading times, and a steep learning curve which can deter user engagement and adoption.


How to do it better: Prioritize a clean, intuitive interface design that enhances user experience. Regularly update your software to incorporate the latest UX/UI trends and ensure the platform operates smoothly across all devices.

Quick onboarding processes and continuous user experience improvements based on user feedback can transform user satisfaction and retention rates.




The owned media software industry is fraught with opportunities for differentiation. By addressing these common shortcomings found in competitor platforms, you can ensure your service not only meets but exceeds customer expectations.

Focus on building a product that is both powerful and easy to use, with the flexibility to adapt to the evolving digital landscape. By doing so, your platform will not only retain a competitive edge but also drive higher satisfaction and loyalty among users.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, what a novel idea! Tackling the shortcomings in competitor platforms?

That’s just unheard of in the history of business! Here’s a wild thought: build something that’s not only functional but also user-friendly.

Revolutionary, right? Let’s sprinkle in some ‘flexibility’ to keep up with the ever-so-predictable ‘evolving digital landscape.’

Because obviously, no one else is thinking about adapting to changes. If you manage that, brace yourself—you just might maintain a competitive edge, woo users into staying loyal, and, hold onto your hats, increase their satisfaction.

Who would’ve thought that listening to customers and innovating could be the secret sauce? Groundbreaking!




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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