Principal » Industry » Reviews for press release distribution software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Reviews for press release distribution software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

The press release on most websites stayed live for 30 days and then was deleted.

Real review to a real press release distribution software service

PR distribution service is a SCAM. Stories are not actually published on the media sites they claim in their reports.

Real review to a real press release distribution software service

I am utterly disappointed with C– N–-. This platform is anything but user-friendly – it’s outdated and frustrating to navigate.

As if that weren’t bad enough, their customer service is absolutely atrocious. They take forever to respond to emails (if they even bother to respond at all), and when we did manage to reach someone via chat or email, they had the audacity to ask us to call them!

What kind of company in this day and age operates like that?

But that’s not even the worst part. C– N– has zero transparency when it comes to billing.

If you select certain options that require extra payment, they won’t even tell you until you receive their invoice at the end of the month. That is completely unethical and downright sleazy.

And if that wasn’t enough to make you want to steer clear of this platform, they also modify your URLs without your permission. We lost out on 300 backlinking opportunities because they decided to make our links “trackable” without our consent.

In conclusion, I would not recommend Cision Newswire to anyone. Their platform is terrible, their customer service is even worse, and they engage in unethical practices that only serve to line their own pockets.

One star is too generous for a company like this.

Real review to a real press release distribution software service

Outdated UI/UX

Low reach and distribution

Deceptive advertising and prices – it says on the Premium package twice > Go viral. But when reaching out to customer service they say that this is not true and usually their customers don’t reach virality.

So why to claim it?!

Real review to a real press release distribution software service

The pick ups you do receive are mostly international and do not amount to more than just a headline or arbitrary tweet. Rarely any major networks or publications.

Real review to a real press release distribution software service


The press release distribution software industry is highly competitive, and understanding the common mistakes made by our competitors is crucial for our success. Analyzing customer reviews reveals several recurring issues that can be addressed to elevate our service above the rest.

Here’s an in-depth look at these common complaints and how we can avoid them to gain a competitive edge.


Limited distribution channels


What competitors get wrong: One of the primary complaints customers have is the limited distribution reach of many Press Release Distribution Software services. Competitors often restrict their distribution to a narrow set of media outlets, reducing the potential visibility and impact of press releases.


How to do it better: To surpass our competitors, we must offer an extensive network of distribution channels. This includes major news outlets, industry-specific publications, social media platforms, and international media.

Partnering with a diverse array of media channels and continuously expanding our network will ensure our clients’ press releases reach a broader and more relevant audience. Additionally, providing detailed reports on where press releases are published can enhance transparency and client satisfaction.


Poor targeting capabilities


What competitors get wrong: Customers frequently complain about the lack of advanced targeting options in competitor services. Generic distribution often results in press releases reaching irrelevant audiences, diminishing their effectiveness.


How to do it better: We need to integrate advanced targeting capabilities into our software. By allowing clients to segment their distribution lists based on criteria such as industry, geographic location, job title, and interests, we can ensure that press releases reach the most relevant audiences.

Incorporating AI-driven analytics to suggest optimal targeting parameters based on past performance can further enhance targeting precision and effectiveness.


Inadequate analytics and reporting


What competitors get wrong: Many competitors fail to provide comprehensive analytics and reporting tools. Customers often receive basic metrics that do not offer deep insights into the performance of their press releases, making it difficult to measure ROI and adjust strategies.


How to do it better: Our software should offer robust analytics and reporting features. This includes metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, engagement levels, geographic reach, and media pickups.

Offering real-time analytics and customizable reports can provide clients with valuable insights into the effectiveness of their press releases. By helping clients understand which strategies work best, we can become a trusted partner in their PR efforts.


Complex user interface


What competitors get wrong: Customers often express frustration with the complicated and non-intuitive interfaces of competitor software. A steep learning curve and cumbersome navigation can hinder productivity and user satisfaction.


How to do it better: To stand out, we must prioritize user-friendly design. Our software should feature a clean, intuitive interface with easy-to-navigate menus and straightforward workflows.

Offering drag-and-drop functionality, clear instructions, and interactive tutorials can make the user experience seamless and enjoyable. Regularly gathering user feedback and continuously improving the interface based on this input will ensure we meet and exceed user expectations.


Insufficient customer support


What competitors get wrong: A common grievance is the lack of adequate customer support from competitors. Customers often experience slow response times, unhelpful support staff, and limited support channels, leading to unresolved issues and dissatisfaction.


How to do it better: We must excel in customer support to differentiate ourselves. Implementing a multi-channel support system, including live chat, phone support, and a comprehensive knowledge base, will ensure customers can get help quickly and effectively.

Training our support staff to be knowledgeable and empathetic will enhance the support experience. Additionally, offering proactive support, such as onboarding assistance and regular check-ins, can demonstrate our commitment to customer success.


High costs without clear value


What competitors get wrong: Customers often feel that the costs of competitor services do not match the value provided. High pricing without corresponding benefits or clear ROI leads to dissatisfaction and churn.


How to do it better: To avoid this pitfall, we must ensure that our pricing structure is transparent and offers clear value. Providing tiered pricing plans that cater to different needs and budgets can attract a broader range of clients.

Clearly communicating the benefits and ROI of our services through case studies, testimonials, and detailed performance reports will help justify the costs. Offering a free trial or a money-back guarantee can also build trust and encourage new customers to try our service.




By addressing these common mistakes made by competitors, we can position our Press Release Distribution Software service as the leader in the industry.

Focusing on extensive distribution channels, advanced targeting, robust analytics, user-friendly design, exceptional customer support, and clear value will set us apart and ensure our clients receive the highest level of service and satisfaction. Let’s leverage these insights to exceed customer expectations and drive our business forward.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

By fixing these mind-blowing mistakes our competitors just can’t seem to avoid, we’ll miraculously elevate our Press Release Distribution Software to the pinnacle of industry greatness.

Focusing on extensive distribution channels, advanced targeting, robust analytics, user-friendly design, exceptional customer support, and, of course, clear value (because that’s never been done before), will obviously make us the chosen ones.

Our clients will bask in the glory of unparalleled service and satisfaction. Let’s wield these “revolutionary” insights to not just meet but utterly demolish customer expectations and catapult our business into the stratosphere.

Because clearly, the world has been waiting for our genius.




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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