Principal » Industry » Reviews for QR code generator software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Reviews for QR code generator software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

We invested two months of development time to interface with the B– QR code API. We were happily and succesfully using the product for months before things went south.

They recently “ported” us to their new Cards platform without any notice and then informed us the price we would need to pay in the future will be 10x the price we signed up for ($99 -> $1000) a month.

On top of that, this update broke all of our digital business cards and it stayed that way for weeks while we waited for them to fix it, and they offered no credit for loss of service.

The other change they made is that it used to send the digital business card directly to the employee via email so they could add it to their A– or G– wallet, but now it will only send it to the “owner” of the card which in our setup is one of three admin users, and now I have to forward the email to each and every employee myself manually.

The solution they offered is to pay for 250 additional users and then I have to manually reassign each business card to the proper user, and then they can receive the email directly.

Support has essentially told me too bad and either spend a LOT more money or deal with it. They are essentially telling me what would have been considered a bug before is now a feature, and one that I have to pay for in order for it to work correctly.

The loss of development time and money, along with the new development we’re going to have to do to interface with another provider, is really disheartening. But the uncaring attitude and response from Beaconstac is why I absolutely cannot recommend them as a company or their products.

Real review to a real QR code generator software service

This is a complete scam. Once you print the QR code, you might think it’s a static image that will always direct people to your website.

No! If you print the QR code on your expensive business cards… like I did, you’re LOCKED in forever to pay QRFY if you want the code to work.

This is a scam. I’m furious right now.

Real review to a real QR code generator software service

Website could be more user-friendly and easier to access.

Real review to a real QR code generator software service

The application for url to completion does not always work. It sometimes lags and brings the participant to the page and then errors out.

Real review to a real QR code generator software service

It does not do what it says: get quality QR codes with variations in layouts. In a week of usage, I could find out many bugs.

There is scope to add more tools.

Real review to a real QR code generator software service


In the competitive realm of QR Code Generator Software services, it is essential to understand the common pitfalls that competitors encounter, as highlighted by customer reviews. Addressing these issues can provide a significant advantage, positioning our service as the preferred choice in the market.

Here’s an in-depth look at these frequent complaints, along with recommendations for how we can outperform our competitors.


Limited customization options


What competitors get wrong: A major complaint among customers is the limited customization options provided by many QR Code Generator Software services. Competitors often offer basic, static QR codes without the ability to tailor the design to match branding needs, such as incorporating logos, changing colors, or altering shapes.


How to do it better: To stand out, we must offer extensive customization features. Our software should allow users to customize QR codes with their brand colors, logos, and unique shapes.

Providing a user-friendly interface where clients can easily drag and drop elements to create visually appealing QR codes will set us apart. Additionally, offering pre-designed templates can help users who need inspiration or lack design skills.


Poor analytics and tracking


What competitors get wrong: Many customers express frustration with the inadequate analytics and tracking capabilities of competitor services. They often receive minimal data, making it difficult to measure the effectiveness of their QR codes and understand user behavior.


How to do it better: Our QR Code Generator Software should provide comprehensive analytics and tracking features. This includes real-time data on scan rates, geographic locations of scans, device types, and user demographics.

Offering integration with Google Analytics or other major analytics platforms can provide deeper insights. By delivering detailed, actionable data, we can help our clients optimize their campaigns and demonstrate the ROI of their QR codes.


Inconsistent QR code scanning performance


What competitors get wrong: Customers often encounter issues with QR codes generated by competitor software not scanning reliably or quickly across different devices and apps. This inconsistency leads to frustration and diminished trust in the service.


How to do it better: Ensuring our QR codes are universally compatible and scan reliably across all devices and QR scanning apps is crucial. We should regularly test our codes with various devices, operating systems, and scanning apps to guarantee performance.

Utilizing high-quality image rendering techniques and providing clear guidelines for optimal printing and display will further enhance scanning reliability.


Lack of multilingual support


What competitors get wrong: A common grievance is the lack of multilingual support. Competitors often offer their services in a single language, limiting their usability for global customers who require support in multiple languages.


How to do it better: We should offer our software in multiple languages to cater to a global audience. Providing multilingual support not only in the interface but also in customer service and documentation will make our service more accessible and user-friendly for international clients.

This can significantly expand our market reach and improve customer satisfaction.


Insufficient security features


What competitors get wrong: Many customers are concerned about the security of their data and the potential for QR code tampering. Competitors often overlook robust security measures, leading to vulnerabilities.


How to do it better: Implementing advanced security features can set us apart from the competition. Our software should offer encrypted QR codes and secure URLs to prevent tampering.

Additionally, providing features like password protection for sensitive QR codes and offering two-factor authentication for account access can enhance security. Clearly communicating our commitment to data security will build trust with our clients.


High pricing without clear value


What competitors get wrong: Customers often feel that the pricing of competitor services is too high relative to the value provided. High costs without clear benefits or demonstrable ROI lead to dissatisfaction and churn.


How to do it better: To avoid this pitfall, we must ensure our pricing structure is transparent and offers clear value. Offering tiered pricing plans that cater to different needs and budgets can attract a wider range of clients.

Clearly communicating the benefits and ROI of our services through case studies, testimonials, and detailed performance reports will help justify the costs. Providing a free trial or a money-back guarantee can also build trust and encourage new customers to try our service.




By addressing these common mistakes made by competitors, we can position our QR Code Generator Software service as the leader in the industry.

Focusing on extensive customization options, comprehensive analytics, reliable scanning performance, multilingual support, robust security features, and clear value will not only meet but exceed customer expectations. Let’s leverage these insights to enhance our product offering, foster customer loyalty, and drive our business forward.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

By correcting these mind-numbingly obvious mistakes our competitors just can’t stop making, we’ll miraculously crown our QR Code Generator Software as the undisputed industry leader.

Because who would’ve thought that focusing on extensive customization options, comprehensive analytics, reliable scanning performance, multilingual support, robust security features, and clear value was the secret formula?

Not only will we meet customer expectations—we’ll shatter them into a million pieces! Let’s exploit these “revolutionary” insights to supercharge our product, create an army of loyal followers, and launch our business into the stratosphere.

Clearly, the world has been on the edge of its seat waiting for our brilliance.




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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