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Reviews for university

A key aspect for improving the quality of education and services at a university is collecting feedback from students and alumni. Effective interaction with the audience allows for identifying strengths and weaknesses of the educational institution and fosters a closer connection between the university and its students.

Continuous collection and analysis of reviews become an essential task that requires careful planning and implementation.


How to get reviews for university


Electronic surveys and questionnaires

Create electronic surveys using platforms like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey. Surveys can be anonymous to make students feel more comfortable expressing their opinions.

Design questions to cover all aspects of the educational process: quality of teaching, educational materials, infrastructure, and student life. Distribute these via email or through student portals.


Focus groups

Organize focus groups involving students and alumni to discuss specific topics and issues. This allows for a deeper understanding of their views and suggestions.

The group moderator should effectively facilitate the discussion, encouraging participants to engage in open communication. This format is suitable for exploring specific issues that require detailed discussion.


Feedback system on the university website

Place a feedback section on the university’s official website where students can leave their comments and suggestions.

Allow for anonymous comments to increase the number of genuine opinions. Regularly analyze the reviews and propose specific actions to improve based on constructive criticism.


Mobile app for collecting reviews

Develop a mobile app that allows students to easily leave reviews about various aspects of university life. The app can include surveys, chats, and forums where students can share their opinions.

Ensure the platform is simple and user-friendly to encourage active participation from students and alumni.


Personal meetings and interviews

Conduct regular personal meetings or interviews with representatives from student communities. This helps understand their opinion about the university’s operations.

This approach not only gathers feedback but also shows students that their opinions are valued by the institution. Face-to-face events can be conducted individually or as group discussions.


Social media analysis

Monitoring mentions of the university on social media also allows for gathering feedback from students and alumni. Use social media analytics tools to track reviews, comments, and suggestions.

Additionally, this method enables quick response to emerging issues.


Regular collection and analysis of feedback

Regular collection and analysis of feedback from students and alumni play a vital role in the development of the university. It helps not only to identify and address shortcomings but also to understand the institution’s strengths.

A variety of approaches to collecting reviews provides a comprehensive and objective overview. This enhances student satisfaction and strengthens the university’s reputation.


Examples of universities reviews


Below are real reviews from real clients (company names are not mentioned).


Only in my first year. Fantastic university, fantastic teachers, perfect IT dean’s office.

Large auditoriums are just a fairy tale. Especially A-P-207, captivates with its style.

Fantastic university, nothing more to say. The cafeteria, called “Vostochka” here, is simply a fairy tale!


Actually, I fell in love with this place, despite all its flaws. I studied here for 2 years.


  • Good teachers (most of them). I mean, those who know their subject and keep up with trends.
  • Relevant program (I think).
  • Many events. Conferences, forums, etc.
  • Good cafeterias.
  • Location. Near metro, tram stop.

Now, sadly the cons:

  • The university is held together by a thread. Auditoriums remind me of locations from Soviet Union movies.

Dusty and old, but generally bearable. (Not all, but many)

  • Some classrooms are equipped with old equipment. Yes, it works, but I think its days are numbered.
  • Again about the program. Because it seems current, but for some subjects, it feels like the program hasn’t changed in a while.

And in some places, you’re still writing on paper when it could easily be done on a computer.

Overall, I am satisfied with the four years I spent studying here. Even though I didn’t study very well, I did take some knowledge away.

Thank you!

I can recommend this place for study.

But remember, it’s not so much about where you study, but how you study.


We came to submit documents for our top student… a pleasant impression, friendly attentive staff, everything was wonderful…

Went to check out the cafeteria nearby… well, it’s just a cafeteria…

As we leave, my wife says she needs the restroom… I ask the security guard, where’s the restroom? Response – do you have a pass? Restroom – do you have a pass?

I don’t understand, why make it so complicated? (Well, we’ll figure it out, this is a question for the rector now…

Is there a cafeteria? Yes.

Should a food establishment be equipped with handwashing facilities and toilets according to the law? It should.

That the security guard was like that is another problem (young and making a life for himself))).

But, the residue remains, I expressed my opinion to the deputy head of security (while he sat and I stood, although I’m clearly older, and he didn’t even come over), is this the image of an educational institution?

People need to be people… especially on application days…

And by the way, we’re checking the lists today, my boy’s name isn’t there, we call, some glitch… Oh, what’s the name of this institute again?)))


I like that in addition to studies, the university offers a lot of extracurricular activities and various events that are interesting and I want to participate in. The university also greatly aids in self-realization, not just personal, but professional as well.

I also like the university’s multifaceted nature, which gives strength and motivation for further study, there are many different things in which you can participate, try something new, understand what you specifically like.

The psychological service office, which helps us students cope with difficulties for free, isn’t that great. The university also offers jobs on its premises, which is a plus, in my opinion.

The university encourages students’ activity in various ways, which is cool.


Terrible institute. Organization is a complete zero.

The dean’s office never knows anything and shifts responsibilities onto others, you have to go back and forth, and you still end up without an answer. All events are announced a day in advance.

And you must attend. Everyone absolutely does not care that you might live in another city and it takes an hour-two-three to get to the institute.

And, of course, no one considers your personal affairs, everyone thinks that you should only study and live at the institute.

The dean’s office has become a Multifunctional Center, where you need to take a ticket and wait your turn, on one hand, it’s good – there shouldn’t be a crush, on the other – the crowd is still there and you sit waiting 15-20 minutes while “employees” have tea and eat.

There are worthy teachers who actually competently present information, but they are few. There are also lenient ones, who don’t care about knowledge, and those who overrate their subjects.

Don’t enroll in the journalism faculty at all. They will really stress you out.

Better find other options, you’ll save your nerves and time.


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Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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