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Reviews for yoga tour

Obtaining reviews from clients plays a key role in strengthening the reputation and attracting new participants to yoga tours. Effective collection of reviews helps future clients form an impression of the quality of the services offered and the unique advantages of your tours.

Here is a detailed guide on organizing the review collection process.


How to get reviews for yoga tour


Providing questionnaires at the end of the tour

At the last session or evening of the tour, distribute questionnaires to the participants to fill out. Include questions aimed at assessing various aspects of the tour: quality of accommodation, food, organization of yoga sessions, and the level of support and accompaniment during the tour.

Add open-ended questions so that clients can freely express their opinions and suggest possible improvements.


Using electronic surveys

Create an electronic survey using services like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey and send the link to all participants by email after the tour concludes. The survey can include a rating system and space for free-form comments.

The convenience of electronic surveys increases the likelihood of receiving a review, as the participant can fill it out at their convenience.


Fomento de reseñas

Offer participants a small reward for leaving a review, such as a discount on the next tour or a free yoga class. This gives clients an additional incentive to share their experiences.

It is important to emphasize that you value honest opinions, regardless of their content.


Personal approach

Write personal letters or social media messages to tour participants, express gratitude for their participation, and ask them to leave a review. A personal approach increases the chances of receiving a review, as it creates an additional connection between the organizer and the participant.


Creating a dedicated page for reviews

Develop a section on your website for reviews, where clients can easily leave their comments and read reviews from other participants. Ensure a simple and intuitive interface for adding reviews.

You can also implement a system to rate tours based on client reviews.


Using social media

Actively use your yoga tour pages on social media to collect reviews. Post photos and videos from the tours, request reviews from participants in the comments, and create special posts asking for reviews.

Interaction on social media also helps expand and strengthen the community around your brand.


Monitoreando y respondiendo a reseñas

Regularly check the reviews you receive and respond to them, expressing gratitude for the feedback. Public acknowledgment of the importance of client opinions strengthens their loyalty and helps attract new participants.


Careful attention to client reviews and their analysis not only improves the quality of services but also builds trust with yoga tour participants, ultimately leading to an increase in their number and enhancing the recognition of your brand in the market.


Examples of  yoga tour reviews


Below are real reviews from real clients (company names not specified).


Let’s start with the fact that there were 38 active enthusiasts out of the stated 52. How can you assemble such groups?

Were we supposed to practice on two floors? The room is small and poorly ventilated.

In the end, we were divided into two groups. Instead of two-hour full sessions, we got a maximum of an hour and 30 minutes.

And a barely breathing yogatherapist by evening. Understandably, the path to oneself!

Everything is great!!! But we walked this path in the darkness occasionally.

Wind, rain – the lights go out. There is such a device.

It’s called a generator. Apparently, due to cost savings, an unattainable device.

Okay, the light. One day they also cut off the water.

Well, to fully connect with nature, they turned off the heating for a day and a half. To clarify: it was plus 6 degrees outside, windy, waves from the sea, rain!!!!

Why not sit in the room, wrapped in a blanket!!!! Food.

Be prepared. There really is no meat or fish.

Attention!!! There is a refrigerator.

One for all floors. And imagine, bags left there magically disappear on their own.

Apparently, a refrigerator in each room is just as much of an excessive expense as a generator. Dear owners and organizers, tell me, where is the promised comfort?

Ladies, if you love real comfort and peace on vacation, then no practices will help you relax in such conditions.


If you want people who have nothing to do with yoga, and its philosophy included, to profit from you – this is the place for you☝️The tour – dreadful for people who engage in sports quality and with pleasure.

Yoga, positivity, comfort, vegan food – my spouse and I never received any. The hotel is terrible, ants, they do not change bed linens, let alone towels.

Upon arrival – dirty, holey mats at the entrance – definitely not for yoga – at the very least – dangerously slippery, at most – completely unhygienic. Further – Sharing contacts – conducted in a ‘teacher’s’ tone by a girl, I will not say her name, so they don’t delete the only truthful review.

Guys! This is trash – there was more love and respect in a Soviet-era pioneer camp.

It was all about self-assertion. “Forcing” to declare “intentions for the tour” – refusals were not accepted 😂

Practices are boring! Very!

We never received any yoga. I quote a review by a girl who was also there “Well, if you practice yoga, understand – it’s not about that.”

The place for practice was a dirty cafeteria, or a tent like at a market – cold, unpleasant, dirty. We left on the fifth day – it became unbearable, plus one of the instructors insulted me and my spouse – I forgot when I last encountered such rudeness.

Just awful! Not all the money was refunded, had to bargain.

No positives. At all. This is a first for me personally.

Can’t say a single good word. Other than that, I’ve already made an appointment with a psychologist, to recover from such a ‘relaxing’ tour.


A review worthy of a journalist needs to ripen, but in short, this is a spiritual tour, go, brace yourself and have no doubts, it’s good! If you have questions, write, I’ll be happy to answer.

I’m from St. Petersburg, the Uchkuevka tour from April 30 to May 10.


Hello! I was on a trip recently.

I want more. I liked it.

It was my first time with tour-world.rf. For me, it turned out to be a benefit of physical culture with premises for creative development, striving for perfection.

Where have I been before?.. It coincided nicely: sun, sea, air, and such people: together whether yoga, a concert, or sightseeing.

Days were bright for me, and at night I slept like a baby, gaining strength. I generally respect the regime and a sense of proportion.

When it’s appropriate, and the fire breathing, and consciousness rules in the right direction: towards science and useful skills. When you relax and understand where the muscles are, where the ligaments are, and where your whole body is…

When you feel a dream nearby without losing reality. And right there, the support of a friendly shoulder.

It’s good! Heartfelt thanks to the organizers and all the guys!

See you!


Oh, this India🙃I love it 🙏🏻

And this time it was different, )))) interesting, bright, sounding, tasty, relaxing, filling, slimming😂, beautiful))))) The tour was so diverse🙏🏻,:our Yoga started at dawn on the seashore😍, then my friend and I drank tea➡️masala, swam and « hurried » to a tasty ☝🏻 breakfast at the Yoga-house)))

➡️beach➡️Ayurvedic massage👻➡️lunch))))➡️free time until dinner we spent differently, after practice👻👻👻👻we had planned excursions and not))) there were Temples, festivals, various beaches🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♂️

It was Great!!!! Fun!!!

Interesting!!! Daphna is clever🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻glad to meet her)))

And the girls))) how they changed))) with each day ))) with each practice ))) they opened up, filled up, became better, shined)))

Yes!!!! More!!!!

There were sessions on Beloyar!!!! In India, Beloyar👍🏻💪🏻for this special thanks 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Get more reviews


Automatically publish reviews about your business on GINIX – get support for your business, thanks to positive reviews, and create an impressive online reputation.

This is a universal solution for obtaining online opinions. Get reviews for yoga tour – allow your business to quickly respond to client feedback.

Positive client opinions win the trust of your audience, which helps you attract more potential clients. Order reviews on GINIX – the best marketing strategy for effectively attracting more potential clients.

Getting positive feedback should not be complicated or require hiring more staff — you can quickly buy reviews using our online reputation management system.

If you don’t know when a bad review appears on the Internet, you won’t be able to respond to it. If you consolidate all reviews and receive alerts when a new review appears, you can decide if intervention is needed. It’s also very nice to thank for good reviews.

You can easily set up when and how to receive alerts. And ways to receive reviews from visitors.

We handle all the setup – you get more reviews.

Get more reviews for your business.

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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