Principal » Servicios » Saby (SBIS) Buhgalteriya i uchyot

Saby (SBIS) Buhgalteriya i uchyot

Saby (SBIS) Buhgalteriya i uchyot is an online accounting system designed for financial management and bookkeeping in companies of various scales.

The service is equipped with numerous functions that automate accounting processes, ensure compliance with legislative requirements, and enhance business efficiency.


Service features


The platform offers numerous functionalities. We will review “Saby (SBIS) Buhgalteriya i uchyot” and focus on the most significant and important features, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the service without overwhelming them with excessive information.


Direct integration with banks

“Saby (SBIS) Buhgalteriya i uchyot” provides automatic downloading of bank statements, autofill of payment forms, error control, and reconciliation of banking transactions. This reduces the time spent on accounting processes and increases data accuracy.


Built-in counterparty directory

The system automatically fills in counterparty details using data from state registers (ЕГРЮЛ and ЕГРИП) and checks their reliability. This simplifies the process of working with clients and suppliers and reduces the likelihood of errors.


Built-in electronic document management

The platform allows for electronic document management without the need for additional integrations, ensuring fast and efficient document and transaction transfer between employees and counterparties.


Recognition of primary documents

The system recognizes primary documents from photos or scans, saves them in an electronic archive, and automatically records them in the accounts. This feature reduces document processing time and minimizes the likelihood of errors.


Warehouse and asset management

“Saby (SBIS) Buhgalteriya i uchyot” provides a full cycle of warehouse operations accounting, including purchasing, sales, cost calculation, and accounting of fixed and intangible assets. Companies can efficiently manage their resources and assets.


Electronic workbooks and personnel accounting

The system automates the processes of employment documentation, terminations, attendance tracking, and vacation scheduling. It also ensures automatic filling of forms and information for the Social Security Fund and tax authorities.


Service benefits


Integration with banks and government bodies

Direct integration with banks and government agencies speeds up financial accounting processes and ensures compliance with all necessary legislative requirements.


Automation and optimization of accounting processes

Accounting processes are significantly simplified and accelerated due to automatic document recognition, electronic document flow, and integration with banks.


Support for various taxation systems

The system supports all taxation systems, including simplified taxation, unified tax on imputed income, and general taxation, making it a versatile tool for businesses of any scale and ownership type.


Comprehensive approach to accounting and management

“Saby (SBIS) Buhgalteriya i uchyot” offers a wide range of functions from warehouse operations to personnel accounting, becoming a comprehensive tool for total business management.


Support and accessibility

Round-the-clock support is available by phone, on-site chat, or Telegram, ensuring prompt response to any issues or questions that arise.


“Saby (SBIS) Buhgalteriya i uchyot” is a tool for managing accounting and financial operations in companies of any scale and ownership type. Its multitude of functions and integrations with external services ensure efficient and reliable business management.


What users often scold about Saby (SBIS) Buhgalteriya i uchyot


Limited functionality in tax accounting

Users express dissatisfaction with the limited functionality of the service in the area of tax accounting: “Despite all the advantages, there are aspects that could be better. For example, I sometimes encounter limited functionality in terms of tax accounting; I would like more advanced capabilities in this area.” This could complicate tax reporting and require users to exert extra effort to circumvent limitations.


Lack of integration with online cash registers

Users express dissatisfaction with the lack of integration with online cash registers: “There is no integration with online cash registers, so cash transactions have to be entered manually.” This requires additional time and increases the likelihood of data entry errors.


What users often praise about Saby (SBIS) Buhgalteriya i uchyot


Simplicity and clarity of the interface

Users note the simplicity and clarity of the service’s interface: “What I especially like is the simplicity and clarity of the interface. It’s easy to keep track of income and expenses; all data is conveniently categorized.” This makes the service more user-friendly and effective for users at all levels.


Ability to account for different projects

Users highly value the ability to account for different projects: “My favorite feature is the ability to account for funds by projects.” This helps them better monitor financial flows and assess the effectiveness of each project.


Percentage of reviews


According to the reviews provided, 100% of the feedback is positive. This may indicate a high level of user satisfaction with the service. However, the absence of negative reviews might limit an objective assessment of the service and lead to an underestimation of its potential shortcomings.

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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