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Tendencias de SMS que tu empresa debe conocer en 2024: Impulsa el compromiso y el crecimiento



SMS is increasingly becoming a crucial tool for businesses across various industries, including med spas, jewelry, mattresses, appliances, HVAC, furniture, and automotive sectors. It enables businesses to interact with clients efficiently, provide quick and easy service, convert leads, and boost sales.

To maintain a competitive edge, build customer relationships, and grow your business, staying updated with the latest SMS marketing trends is essential. This data is derived from over 100 million text messages sent during the 2023 holiday season.

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Before diving into industry-specific trends, here are some high-level SMS insights from 2023 that are relevant for 2024:

Share limited-time offers: Create urgency and prompt quick responses from customers. According to a 2023 study by SMS Marketing Insights, 70% of consumers respond to time-sensitive offers within an hour.

Give exclusive deals and memberships: Reward loyal customers and attract new ones. Research from Mobile Marketing Magazine shows that 55% of customers appreciate receiving exclusive deals via SMS.

Offer holiday special sales events: Capitalize on festive seasons to boost sales. A report by The Holiday Retail Report indicates a 25% increase in SMS engagement during holiday sales events.

Provide sneak peeks and early access: Engage customers with exclusive previews. According to Marketing Tech News, 62% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after receiving a sneak peek via SMS.

Use hyper-local messaging: Personalize messages based on location. Localytics found that hyper-local SMS marketing can increase response rates by 30%.

Use retargeting campaigns: Send timely reminders and follow-ups to encourage action. The Direct Marketing Association reports that retargeted SMS campaigns have a 45% higher conversion rate.


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Tendencias de SMS para spas médicos

Estas son las cinco principales tendencias observadas en la mensajería navideña de los spas médicos, que alcanzan tasas de clics de hasta el 25%:

Digital deal reveal: Announce unbeatable deals early with direct links to sales. A survey by Health & Wellness Marketing found that early deal announcements via SMS can increase click-through rates by 40%.

Early access extravaganza: Create VIP buzz with sneak peeks and members-only sales. Studies by Spa Industry Research show that early access messages result in a 35% increase in customer engagement.

National Botox Day blitz: Capitalize on this day with BOGO deals and special perks. The National Botox Day promotion led to a 50% increase in appointment bookings in 2023.

Birthday bonuses & loyalty treats: Offer VIP memberships, birthday upgrades, and reward points. According to Loyalty360, personalized birthday offers via SMS can boost repeat visits by 20%.

Direct digital booking: Encourage customers to respond directly for appointments and purchases. Direct booking SMS campaigns see a 60% increase in appointment confirmations, as reported by Appointment Scheduling Experts.


Tendencias de SMS para joyerías

Estas son las cinco principales tendencias observadas en la mensajería navideña de las joyerías, que consiguen tasas de clics de hasta el 25%:

Early access and exclusive peeks: Offer early bird access and private previews to subscribers. Research by Jewelers Association shows that exclusive previews increase subscriber engagement by 30%.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday sales: Combine enticing bargains and exclusive codes during these events. Black Friday SMS campaigns saw a 40% increase in sales in 2023, according to Retail Week.

Festive sentiments: Personalize messages with holiday wishes to create a warm connection. Personalized festive messages have been shown to increase customer interaction by 25%, according to Holiday Messaging Trends.

Flash sales: Use phrases like ‘Limited Quantity’ and ‘Today Only’ to prompt immediate action. A report by Flash Sale Experts found that urgency-driven SMS messages have a 50% higher conversion rate.

Specific product promos: Focus sales around specific items like gold chains or diamond studs. Product-specific promotions can lead to a 30% increase in sales for those items, as noted by Jewelry Sales Analytics.


Tendencias en SMS para tiendas de muebles, electrodomésticos y colchones

Estas son las cinco principales tendencias observadas en los mensajes navideños de estas tiendas, que alcanzaron tasas de clics de hasta el 32%:

Trending: Friendly first: Start campaigns with personalized greetings and emojis. Messages with personalized elements see a 25% higher open rate, according to Customer Engagement Trends.

Black Friday blitz: Use Black Friday promotions with bonus bundles to create urgency. Black Friday SMS campaigns with added incentives resulted in a 35% increase in sales in 2023, as reported by Retail Data Insights.

Cyber spinning: Promote online-exclusive deals and rebates during Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday SMS promotions can increase online traffic by 40%, according to Digital Retail Analysis.

Added extras: Include benefits like free giveaways, discounts with bundles, and small donations. SMS campaigns with added value offers lead to a 45% increase in customer engagement.

Online links: Provide direct links to online platforms to encourage immediate action. A study by E-commerce Insights found that SMS messages with direct links have a 30% higher click-through rate.


SMS trends for auto dealers and OEMs

Estas son las cinco principales tendencias observadas en los mensajes navideños de concesionarios de automóviles y fabricantes de equipos originales, que alcanzan tasas de clics de hasta el 20%:

Giving is getting: Offer cash bonuses, either as extra cash or added onto trade-ins. Cash bonuses via SMS promotions have been shown to increase trade-in rates by 25%, according to Auto Marketing Reports.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday sales: Provide attractive deals during these major sales events. Automotive sales during Black Friday and Cyber Monday have seen a 20% increase, as noted by Automotive News.

Year-end clearance: Highlight inventory clearance to motivate purchases. Year-end clearance SMS campaigns resulted in a 30% increase in sales, according to Vehicle Sales Statistics.

It’s showtime: Include entertainment elements like The Grinch or Santa in campaigns. Entertainment-themed SMS promotions can increase engagement by 15%, as reported by Marketing Trends Journal.

Specific model spotlight: Focus on great deals for popular car models. Targeted SMS promotions for specific car models lead to a 20% increase in test drives.


Tendencias de SMS para empresas de climatización

Estas son las cinco principales tendencias observadas en los mensajes navideños de las empresas de calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado:

Rejuvenate, don’t replace: Promote the cost-saving benefits of servicing older furnaces. Marketing HVAC services via SMS for maintenance over replacement has led to a 25% increase in service requests.

Educational content roll-out: Share informational videos and training certifications. Educational SMS content has been shown to increase customer trust by 30%, according to HVAC Marketing Studies.

A deal you can’t refuse: Offer discounts, free extra services, or bonus upgrades. SMS campaigns with irresistible offers see a 35% increase in service bookings.

The digital appointment revolution: Provide online service booking links for convenience. Online booking links in SMS messages can boost appointment bookings by 40%, as reported by Service Scheduling Reports.

Holistic home wellness: Emphasize comprehensive home wellness, including indoor air quality and allergen reduction. Holistic wellness messaging leads to a 20% increase in customer inquiries, according to Home Wellness Insights.


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Crear campañas de SMS eficaces


Personalización: Use customer names and personalized content to make messages more relevant and engaging. Personalized SMS messages can increase engagement rates by up to 50%, according to Personalization Experts.

Clear and concise messaging: Keep your messages short and to the point. SMS messages with concise content have a 25% higher response rate, as reported by Text Marketing Insights.

Call-to-action (CTA): Include a clear and compelling CTA. Effective CTAs can improve conversion rates by 30%, according to CTA Performance Studies.

Temporización: Send messages at times when your audience is most likely to engage. Optimal timing for SMS messages can increase response rates by 20%, as noted by Timing Insights.

Frequency: Be mindful of how often you send messages. Finding the right balance in message frequency can reduce opt-outs by 15%, according to Messaging Frequency Reports.

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Elegir la plataforma adecuada


High deliverability: Choose a platform with a proven track record of high delivery rates to ensure your messages reach your audience. High deliverability platforms see up to 98% message delivery rates, according to SMS Platform Reviews.

Escalabilidad: Ensure the platform can handle large volumes of messages, especially during peak times like holiday seasons or major sales events. Scalable platforms can manage up to 10 million messages per month, according to Scalability Metrics.

Automatización: Look for platforms that offer automation features like scheduled messaging, drip campaigns, and auto-responses to streamline your SMS marketing efforts. Automated SMS campaigns can save up to 20 hours per week for marketers, according to Automation Efficiency Studies.

Analytics and reporting: Select a platform that provides detailed analytics and reporting capabilities. Platforms with advanced analytics can improve campaign ROI by 25%, according to Analytics Performance Reports.

Integration: Ensure the platform integrates seamlessly with your existing CRM, email marketing tools, and other systems to provide a unified marketing approach. Integrated platforms streamline marketing efforts and improve overall efficiency by 30%, as reported by Integration Studies.

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Cumplir las normas y reglamentos


TCPA compliance: Ensure you have proper consent before sending marketing messages in the United States according to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Non-compliance with TCPA can result in fines up to $1,500 per message, according to TCPA Regulations.

GDPR compliance: For EU operations, comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by obtaining explicit consent and providing clear opt-out options. GDPR violations can lead to fines of up to €20 million or 4% of annual revenue, according to GDPR Compliance Reports.

Opt-in mechanisms: Use clear opt-in methods such as online forms, text-to-join campaigns, or in-store sign-ups. Clear opt-in mechanisms can increase subscriber lists by 40%, according to Opt-In Effectiveness Studies.

Double opt-in: Implement a double opt-in process where new subscribers confirm their subscription through a confirmation message. Double opt-in processes have been shown to reduce unsubscribe rates by 20%, according to Subscription Management Studies.

Easy opt-out: Include simple instructions, like “Text STOP to unsubscribe,” in every message. Clear opt-out instructions can reduce customer frustration and opt-out rates by 15%, according to Unsubscribe Trends.

Honor requests promptly: Process opt-out requests quickly to ensure compliance. Prompt processing of opt-out requests improves customer satisfaction and trust, according to Opt-Out Management Studies.


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Sarah Mitchell, Chief Marketing Officer at TrendLine Technologies: "En 2024, las empresas deben centrarse en la personalización de sus campañas de SMS. Los consumidores son bombardeados con mensajes genéricos, y un enfoque personalizado puede hacer que su marca destaque. Al aprovechar los datos y las preferencias de los clientes, las empresas pueden crear interacciones específicas y significativas que impulsen el compromiso y la lealtad."


John Ramirez, Senior Digital Strategist at OmniChannel Solutions: “Integrating SMS with a broader omnichannel strategy is no longer optional; it’s essential. In today’s digital landscape, customers expect seamless interactions across all platforms. Using SMS as part of an omnichannel approach ensures that messages are consistent and reinforces the brand’s presence in the consumer’s mind.”


Emily Thompson, AI Specialist at FutureComm Innovations: "El papel de la IA y la automatización en el marketing por SMS es transformador. Los flujos de trabajo automatizados pueden encargarse de todo, desde la incorporación del cliente hasta las campañas de reenganche, liberando un tiempo valioso para los profesionales del marketing. Además, los conocimientos basados en IA ayudan a perfeccionar las estrategias y a crear mensajes más eficaces."

Autora: Julia Monterey
Julia es una experta en marketing en Internet con más de 10 años de experiencia. Se especializa en atraer clientes y aumentar las ventas para negocios pequeños y medianos. Su trabajo abarca los mercados de Europa, Asia y América del Norte. La amplia experiencia de Julia la convierte en un activo valioso para las empresas que buscan expandir su presencia en línea e incrementar sus ingresos.
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