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Essential tips for realtors: Avoid these social media marketing mistakes to boost engagement



Revamping social media marketing for realtors


Social media marketing is indispensable in the real estate industry. It offers realtors unprecedented opportunities to reach broader audiences, showcase properties, and engage with potential clients more dynamically than ever before.

However, navigating social media’s complex landscape is fraught with potential missteps that can derail even the most promising campaigns. This article elucidates the pivotal role of social media marketing in real estate and outlines essential strategies and common pitfalls to avoid.


Essential elements of a successful social media strategy


Consistent branding

To build a recognizable presence, maintaining a uniform brand image across all platforms is crucial. Consistency helps reinforce your brand identity and enhances recognition among your audience.


Engaging content

The cornerstone of any social media strategy is content that captivates and adds value. Whether it’s educational, inspirational, or entertaining, content must resonate with your audience to be effective.


Regular posting schedules

Consistency in posting keeps your audience engaged and helps maintain a steady stream of communication. According to HubSpot, consistent posting can increase engagement by up to 3.5 times.


Active engagement

Prompt interaction with followers—responding to comments and messages—builds relationships and can significantly enhance engagement rates, potentially tripling them according to Sprout Social.


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Common social media marketing mistakes



While showcasing personality is important, the ultimate focus should remain on the properties and client satisfaction. Emphasizing client success stories can foster a positive brand image and demonstrate a commitment to client needs.


Inappropriate comments

Given the public and permanent nature of social media, it’s vital to steer clear of posts that could be misinterpreted or seen as offensive. When in doubt, opting out of posting is a safer strategy.


Excessive promotion

Frequent promotional content can repel followers. Balancing promotional materials with informative and personal stories keeps content diverse and engaging.


Information overload

Overwhelming your audience with too much information or too frequent posts can be off-putting. It’s important to find a balance that keeps followers informed but not inundated.


Lack of originality

Authenticity is key in social media marketing. While it’s acceptable to share content from other sources occasionally, original content that showcases your unique insights and offerings is crucial for building a genuine, trustworthy brand.


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Best practices for social media marketing


Diverse and high-quality visual content

In real estate, visual appeal is paramount. High-quality images and videos are essential for effectively showcasing properties.

Posts with images or videos receive 94% more views than those without (MDG Advertising).


Engagement balance

A mix of promotional and informative content can keep the audience interested. 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business, highlighting the platform’s utility for visually-driven real estate content (Instagram).


Regular interaction

Building trust and strengthening relationships require regular engagement with your audience, making them feel valued and respected.

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Leveraging different social media platforms


Each social media platform targets different audiences and serves different purposes. Realtors must tailor their content accordingly:

Facebook is ideal for community engagement and detailed posts.

Instagram excels with visual content like photos and videos.

Twitter is suited for quick updates and industry news.

LinkedIn is perfect for professional networking and sharing industry-related articles.


Integrated statistics and data


Engagement can increase threefold with active follower interaction (Sprout Social).

65% of consumers have a more positive view of brands that respond to online comments (Sprout Social).

Mastering social media marketing requires a deep understanding of both the tools at your disposal and the common pitfalls. By adopting a strategic approach that emphasizes quality content, consistent branding, and dynamic engagement, realtors can not only enhance their online presence but also drive tangible business results in today’s digital-first world.


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Expert opinions on realtors social media marketing mistakes


Dr. Emily Smith, Marketing Strategist “One of the most pervasive mistakes I’ve observed is realtors neglecting to maintain a consistent brand narrative across their social media channels. Consistency isn’t just about visuals; it’s about messaging too. When potential clients encounter conflicting messages or varying aesthetics across platforms, it dilutes the brand’s identity and confuses prospects. Establishing a unified brand voice and visual style not only enhances recognition but also builds trust and credibility over time.”


John Davis, Digital Marketing Consultant “A common misstep I see among real estate professionals is treating social media purely as a broadcast platform for property listings. While showcasing listings is essential, it’s equally crucial to engage authentically with your audience. Real estate is as much about relationships as it is about transactions. Sharing local market insights, addressing FAQs, and providing value beyond listings can foster a community of engaged followers who see you not just as a salesperson but as a trusted advisor.”


Sarah Thompson, Social Media Manager “From my experience managing social media for real estate clients, one of the biggest pitfalls is irregular posting. Realtors often underestimate the power of consistency. Posting sporadically can cause your content to get lost in the noise of social feeds. Establishing a reliable posting schedule keeps your brand top-of-mind and ensures that you maintain a steady flow of content that keeps followers engaged and informed.”

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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