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How attorneys respond to negative reviews: Build trust, improve reputation



Transforming negative reviews into opportunities for your law firm


In the digital age, managing online reviews is as critical for law firms as delivering quality legal services. Negative reviews can initially feel overwhelming, sparking concerns about potential clients’ perceptions and questioning the quality of the services provided. 

However, these reviews also present an opportunity to demonstrate professionalism, integrity, and commitment to client satisfaction. Here’s a strategic guide to transforming negative feedback into a positive opportunity for your law firm.


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Strategic approaches to handling negative reviews


Acknowledgment and reflection

When a review points out a potential mistake or dissatisfaction, it’s effective for attorneys to acknowledge the issue publicly. Admitting that perhaps the firm wasn’t the right fit for the client demonstrates professionalism and a commitment to integrity, which can reassure potential clients about the firm’s values.

 In fact, 89% of consumers read businesses’ responses to reviews, according to a 2023 survey by ReviewTrackers.


Subtle denial and clarification

If a review criticizes aspects like communication, responding calmly and with specifics can help clarify misunderstandings without escalating the situation. Detailing the times and methods of communication provides transparency and can help neutralize unfounded claims. 

A study by Harvard Business Review in 2022 found that businesses that respond to reviews see a 12% increase in perceived trustworthiness.


Explanation and education

Often, clients may not understand the complexities of legal processes, which can lead to frustration with case outcomes. By patiently explaining the nuances and setting realistic expectations, attorneys can educate their clients through their responses, fostering better understanding and adjusting client expectations. 

According to the American Bar Association, 70% of clients appreciate detailed explanations regarding their legal matters.


Research and verification

For reviews that unfavorably compare the attorney’s services to competitors, it’s crucial not to react impulsively. Verify the authenticity of the reviewer and the claims made. If the review is misleading, provide evidence to refute it and suggest taking the conversation offline to address any misunderstandings privately. 

Fake reviews are an issue for 82% of businesses, as highlighted by a 2023 report from BrightLocal.


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General guidelines for managing online reviews


Don’t act on impulse: Take a moment to process the feedback calmly and respond thoughtfully. A 2023 survey by Podium found that 65% of consumers expect a response to their reviews within 24 hours.

Review your responses: Have another staff member review your responses to ensure they are professional and objective.

Engage with all reviews: Address both positive and negative reviews to demonstrate attentiveness and appreciation. Businesses that engage with their reviews see a 37% increase in customer loyalty, according to a 2022 study by LocaliQ.

Consider your audience: Craft responses with potential clients in mind, not just the reviewers.

Manage inappropriate content: Familiarize yourself with the process for reporting and removing inappropriate reviews.

Respond quickly and privately: Respond within 48 hours and take sensitive discussions offline to respect client confidentiality.

Showcase firm values: Use responses to reinforce your commitment to quality service and client satisfaction.

Utilize negative feedback constructively: Reflect on valid criticisms to improve your firm’s services and operations. A 2022 survey by Zendesk showed that 72% of customers view companies more favorably if they address complaints constructively.

Encourage positive engagement: Balance your attention between managing negative feedback and promoting positive interactions. Positive reviews can increase trust in your firm by up to 73%, according to a 2023 report by Trustpilot.


By implementing these strategic responses and guidelines, law firms can effectively turn negative reviews into opportunities to enhance their reputation and demonstrate their commitment to client satisfaction. Each response not only addresses the concerns raised but also serves as a public display of the firm’s dedication to ethical practices and client care, helping to attract more clients and build a stronger online presence. 

According to a 2023 survey by BrightLocal, 92% of consumers hesitate to engage with businesses that have a low overall rating.


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Expert opinions on responding to negative reviews


David Reynolds, law firm management expert: “John Smith’s defensive response exemplifies what not to do. Potential clients are looking for attorneys who can handle criticism professionally. A dismissive or confrontational response can drive prospective clients away, as it suggests that the firm lacks the professionalism and emotional intelligence necessary for effective legal representation.”


Emily Brown, client relations specialist: “Emily Turner’s approach to acknowledging and offering solutions is exemplary. By addressing the issue and proposing improvements, she shows a proactive stance towards client feedback. This strategy not only resolves the specific complaint but also demonstrates a dedication to continuous improvement, which is highly valued by clients.”


Michael Harris, legal reputation manager: “Ignoring a negative review, as seen with Robert Miller, is a missed opportunity. Engaging with dissatisfied clients publicly shows that the firm cares about all feedback, whether positive or negative. This openness can enhance the firm’s image, portraying it as one that is attentive and responsive to client concerns.”

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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