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How to ask for a review for your law practice: gain credibility and clients



Enhancing your law practice’s online presence through effective review strategies


Many review platforms, such as Facebook and Avvo, prioritize businesses that maintain complete and active profiles, particularly those with a steady influx of new reviews. However, numerous law practices face challenges when it comes to soliciting reviews from their clients.

This guide will help you navigate the process of requesting reviews for your law practice in a way that is organic, easy, and professional. You’ll discover strategies to improve your ranking and promote reviews that increase your practice’s visibility in local searches.


Ensure your reviews are unique


Encouraging clients to share their genuine experiences with your practice is one of the most effective ways to build a 5-star reputation. Asking every client for a review ensures a diverse range of feedback, reflecting the quality of your services.

A BrightLocal survey found that 79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, highlighting the importance of positive feedback.

Positive reviews and high ratings act as social proof to potential clients, demonstrating that they can expect excellent service. The challenge for many lawyers is scalability—how to consistently request reviews while managing client needs.

Automating this process or integrating it into your case closure routine can help manage this challenge effectively.

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Have reviews for all services


As an attorney, you likely serve clients across various practice areas, such as personal injury, divorce, or corporate law. It’s beneficial to ask clients to rate you on the specific service they received.

This specificity increases your chances of appearing in search results for attorneys with particular expertise. For example, if one reviewer mentions your assistance with personal injury and another discusses a smooth divorce process, you’ll appear in searches for both types of cases.

According to ReviewTrackers, 63.6% of consumers are likely to check online reviews on Google before visiting a business, underlining the need for detailed reviews across your service offerings.


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Include relevant reviewer information


No matter how positive a review is, it won’t carry much weight if it’s listed under “anonymous.” Potential clients assess the authenticity of reviews, and this is only possible if the reviewer appears legitimate, with details such as their name and the review date.

Research from Spiegel Research Center shows that the likelihood of purchase increases by 15% when customers read verified reviews.


Check review site filters for real, positive reviews


Positive feedback often attracts more of the same, creating a snowball effect. Detailed, specific reviews can draw in other clients looking for those services.

Ensure that as many positive reviews as possible are visible on all review platforms. Regularly check the platform’s filters to ensure positive reviews aren’t being mistakenly flagged or hidden.

Moz reports that 67% of consumers are influenced by online reviews when making a purchase decision, emphasizing the need to maximize your visible positive feedback.


Don’t ignore negative reviews


Negative reviews can be just as valuable as positive ones. The reality is that you can’t please everyone, and potential clients understand that.

A Harvard Business Review study found that customers who have their complaints addressed are 82% more likely to return as repeat customers. If you receive a poor review, respond professionally.

Start by acknowledging any issues, clarifying misunderstandings, and thanking the customer for their feedback. Apologize if appropriate, and use this opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to resolving problems.

Your response to an unsatisfied client shows prospective clients that you are trustworthy and dedicated to customer satisfaction.


How to ask your clients for a review


Wrong ways to ask for reviews

Offering incentives for reviews.

Asking friends, relatives, or employees to leave reviews.

Pressuring clients to leave positive reviews.


Right ways to ask for reviews

Setting up business profiles on major review sites.

Asking for personal feedback before requesting reviews.

Politely asking for reviews in person, via email, or newsletters.

Reassuring clients they don’t need to share sensitive information.

Encouraging clients to use their preferred review format.


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Best practices for requesting reviews


Timing: Ask for feedback at the end of a case when your service is fresh in the client’s mind. Timing is critical—BrightLocal found that 77% of consumers will leave a review if asked, so timing your request appropriately can significantly increase response rates.

Personalization: Send personalized review request emails. A personalized touch makes clients feel valued and more likely to respond positively.

Automation: Use automated emails if personalized ones are challenging to maintain consistently. Tools like BirdEye and Podium can automate this process while maintaining a personal touch.

Guidance: Ask specific questions about their experience to guide the review process. This can lead to more detailed and useful feedback.

Ethics: Avoid pressuring clients, offering incentives, or writing fake reviews. Ethical practices build long-term trust with clients and within your professional community.

Consistency: Maintain a steady stream of reviews and respond to them. Consistent feedback helps keep your practice visible and credible in the eyes of potential clients.

Client satisfaction: Ensure accessibility, responsiveness, a personal connection, and modernized practices to maintain high client satisfaction, which naturally leads to positive reviews.

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Maintaining a profile on review sites


It’s essential to maintain profiles on major review platforms like Google, Avvo, Facebook, Yelp,, and Nolo. Regularly update these profiles and actively encourage clients to leave reviews.

A consistent online presence across multiple platforms enhances your visibility and credibility.


Making it easy for clients


Simplify the review process for your clients by reminding them to leave reviews and using automated emails to streamline the process. Consistently gather reviews and respond to all feedback—both positive and negative.


Utilizing review services


Consider using tools like BirdEye, Podium, and ReviewTrackers to manage and optimize your review collection process. These tools can help you automate requests, monitor reviews across platforms, and respond promptly.

By following these strategies, you can enhance your law practice’s online presence, attract more clients, and build a robust reputation in your field.



Expert opinions on review management for lawyers and attorneys


Samantha Green, Legal Operations Manager: “Establishing a follow-up system is essential. If a client hasn’t responded to your initial review request, a polite reminder a week later can be very effective. Always maintain a courteous tone and express gratitude for their time and consideration. Persistence, without being intrusive, often pays off in obtaining valuable feedback.”


David Clarke, Client Experience Advocate: “Building a culture of feedback within your practice is fundamental. From the initial consultation, let clients know that their feedback is vital to your firm. When clients understand the importance you place on their opinions from the beginning, they are more likely to provide a review when asked.”


Rachel Adams, Legal Branding Specialist: “Incorporating a review request into your firm’s closing process is a seamless way to gather feedback. When concluding a case, alongside final documents and thank-you notes, include a review request. This approach makes the request a natural part of the client’s final interaction with your firm, increasing the likelihood of compliance.”

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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