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How to get customers to write reviews: Boost your online reputation



Consistently obtaining a steady stream of positive online reviews is essential for the success of your business. Here’s how to make it happen.


The importance of customer reviews


In today’s social media-driven world, potential customers quickly scan through their options before deciding where to spend their money. Reviews significantly impact their choices, not just based on the average rating but also on the number of reviews, their content, and their recency. Research shows that 91% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase, and 84% trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations .

A systematic approach to gathering reviews and feedback is crucial. Here’s why reviews matter:


The impact of reviews

A recent survey of over 1,000 American consumers revealed that reviews directly influence shopping behaviors:

84% trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

74% feel positive reviews increase their trust in a business.

54% visit a business’s website after reading positive reviews.

However, a few positive reviews aren’t enough. Three out of four people find reviews relevant only if written in the last three months, and 90% of reviewers read fewer than 10 reviews before making decisions .

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The benefits of having more reviews


Having a robust review system offers several perks beyond attracting new customers:

Social sharing: Customers share their reviews on social media, spreading the word to a wider audience. Research indicates that user-generated content, including reviews, increases engagement on social media by up to 28% .

Free advertising: Reviews serve as advertisements, highlighting your tips, specials, and products.

Insightful feedback: Customer reviews provide valuable insights for ad campaigns, using their words to convert potential buyers.

Improvement opportunities: Feedback helps identify areas for improvement, such as customer service or operational hours.

SEO benefits: Increased online mentions boost your SEO, improving search engine rankings. Reviews contribute fresh content and keywords that enhance search visibility.

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Attracting customers not actively looking for you


The more people talk about you, the more visible you become. For instance, if you own a coffee shop in Memphis, a person searching for “best chocolate Memphis” might find a review praising your hot chocolate, leading them to visit your shop. Products with customer reviews have a 270% higher likelihood of purchase than those without reviews .


Strategies to get more customer reviews


Ask directly

Encourage reviews by simply asking. After a transaction, say, “Thanks for your business! If you have a minute, we’d appreciate a review on Yelp/Facebook/Google.” Train employees to do the same, but skip this if a customer is unhappy.


Spread the word

Promote reviews when customers are online or on their phones. Include a call-to-action for reviews in emails and social media channels with phrases like, “Happy with our service? Leave us a review!” Link to various review sites. Follow-up emails sent 3-7 days post-purchase yield the highest response rates .


Use humor or creativity

Engage customers with funny or creative social media posts. A lighthearted poem like, “Roses are red, violets are blue, we think you’re swell, leave us a review” can capture attention.


Delegate the task

Running a successful business is time-consuming. Sometimes, outsourcing review management can yield better results.

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Common pitfalls to avoid


Fake reviews

Using fake reviews poses significant risks and can have serious consequences:

Loss of credibility: Once customers or competitors discover fake reviews, your business’s credibility and trustworthiness will be severely damaged.

Legal repercussions: Many jurisdictions have laws against deceptive advertising practices, including the use of fake reviews, leading to legal penalties and fines.

SEO damage: Search engines are increasingly sophisticated at detecting fake reviews, and engaging in this practice can negatively impact your search rankings.

Erosion of trust: Customers value authenticity. If they suspect that your reviews are not genuine, they are likely to take their business elsewhere.


Ignoring negative feedback

Ignoring negative reviews can be detrimental to your business:

Unresolved issues: Failing to address negative feedback leaves customer concerns unresolved, which can result in lost business and a tarnished reputation.

Perception of indifference: Customers may perceive your business as indifferent or unresponsive to their concerns, leading to decreased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Missed opportunities: Negative feedback often highlights areas where your business can improve. Ignoring it means missing valuable insights that could help enhance your services.

Amplified negative sentiment: Unaddressed negative reviews can snowball, with dissatisfied customers sharing their experiences with others, further damaging your reputation.


How to handle negative feedback effectively

Acknowledge the issue: Start by acknowledging the customer’s concerns and apologizing for any inconvenience caused.

Provide a solution: Offer a solution or steps you are taking to address the issue. This shows that you are committed to making things right.

Take the conversation offline: Encourage the reviewer to contact you directly to discuss the matter further. This can help resolve the issue more effectively and privately.

Learn and improve: Use the feedback to identify areas for improvement and implement changes to prevent similar issues in the future.


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Expert opinions on effective ways to get customers reviews


Dr. Emily Harper, Marketing specialist at Bright Strategies “One of the most effective ways to encourage customers to leave reviews is by integrating the request into the post-purchase experience. Send personalized follow-up emails that thank customers for their purchase and kindly ask for their feedback. This approach makes the request feel more personal and less like a mass marketing tactic, increasing the likelihood of a response.”


Jason Miller, Chief customer officer at Retail Nexus “Incentivizing customers is key. Offering small rewards such as discount vouchers, loyalty points, or even entry into a prize draw can significantly boost review rates. Customers appreciate feeling valued and rewarded for their time, making them more likely to take the extra step to leave a review.”


Sarah Lopez, Social media strategist at ConnectWave “Leveraging social media platforms to ask for reviews can be highly effective. Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences on social media and tag your business. This not only prompts reviews but also spreads positive word-of-mouth, reaching a wider audience.”


Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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