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How to get more online reviews: Boost your reputation today



Getting more online reviews for your business is easier than you think. In this guide, we’ll show you exactly how to do it and how to leverage those reviews to drive further growth.


The importance of online reviews


You’re a genius (of course). But you don’t have to be one to know that getting online reviews is crucial for your business. Research underscores this importance:

92% of consumers read online reviews either regularly or occasionally, highlighting their influence on buying decisions. (Source: BrightLocal, 2024)

88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, indicating their reliability in shaping opinions. (Source: BrightLocal, 2024)

40% of consumers form an opinion about a brand after reading just 1 to 3 reviews. (Source: ReviewTrackers, 2024)

Businesses with more than 200 reviews experience a 25% increase in conversion rates compared to those with fewer reviews. (Source: Podium, 2024)

Clearly, as a modern business owner, a significant part of your success hinges on your reviews.


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Challenges in getting reviews


While the benefits of reviews are clear, several challenges can hinder the review-collection process:

Industry-specific hurdles: Outside of sectors like restaurants and hospitality, many businesses struggle to encourage reviews. In fact, 63% of small businesses report difficulty in getting reviews. (Source: ReviewTrackers, 2024)

Customer reluctance: Customers often hesitate to leave reviews due to time constraints or simply forgetting. About 70% of customers say they would leave a review if asked. (Source: BrightLocal, 2024)

Negative perception: Fear of negative feedback can deter businesses from actively seeking reviews. Interestingly, companies that respond to negative reviews see a 15% increase in customer satisfaction. (Source: Harvard Business Review, 2024)

Inconsistent review frequency: A spike in reviews followed by a lull can appear suspicious and may trigger fake review filters. Maintaining a steady flow of reviews can be more effective.

Managing multiple platforms: Tracking reviews across various sites can be overwhelming. About 56% of businesses use automated tools to streamline this process. (Source: G2, 2024)

Lack of employee engagement: Without proper motivation or training, staff may miss opportunities to request reviews. Employees who are encouraged to ask for reviews contribute to a 20% increase in review volume. (Source: Forbes, 2024)

Technological barriers: Not all businesses use automated tools to collect reviews efficiently. Implementing these tools can improve review management and efficiency.


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Strategies to get more online reviews


Use multiple review sites

While focusing on Google reviews is beneficial, expanding your presence to other sites like Yelp, Facebook, or industry-specific platforms can enhance your reputation. 87% of consumers use multiple review sites to make decisions. (Source: BrightLocal, 2024)


Ask customers for reviews

Requesting reviews should be done tactfully. Avoid incentivizing only positive feedback. Instead, ask for honest reviews both in-person and via email follow-ups. 

For instance, after helping a customer at an appliance store, the sales associate can request a review by emphasizing the importance of honest feedback for future customers. Studies show that 75% of customers who receive a follow-up email after a purchase leave a review. (Source: HubSpot, 2024)


Incorporate review requests into your business process

When review requests are part of the company culture, the volume of positive reviews increases. Offering incentives such as bonuses for employees who successfully solicit reviews can be effective. 

Consistent review requests help avoid the appearance of fake reviews. 82% of businesses with integrated review strategies see improved results. (Source: Sprout Social, 2024)


Make it fast and easy

Many customers won’t take the time to leave a review unless it’s easy. Simplify the process by adding review links or badges to your website and email campaigns. 

60% of customers prefer a streamlined review process with minimal clicks. (Source: Customer Thermometer, 2024)


Host an email campaign

An email campaign asking for feedback can be effective. Ensure the campaign adds value and demonstrates how their feedback will benefit them. 

54% of consumers are more likely to leave a review if they perceive a direct benefit from their feedback. (Source: MarketingProfs, 2024)


Run a contest

Contests can motivate customers to leave reviews, but ensure compliance with review platform guidelines. For example, a jewelry store could ask customers to share their shopping experiences for a chance to win a prize. 

67% of businesses that ran contests saw an increase in review volume. (Source: Social Media Examiner, 2024)


Collect reviews in person

Collecting testimonials directly from customers after a purchase can be effective. This tactic is commonly used by restaurants and can be adapted for other types of businesses. 

73% of restaurant customers who receive a feedback request leave a review. (Source: Restaurant Business, 2024)


Respond to negative reviews

Responding to negative reviews transparently can improve customer perception. 68% of customers feel more positively about a business that addresses negative reviews. (Source: ReviewTrackers, 2024) 

Remember, not all responses need to be public; some issues may be better handled privately.


Use automated services

Automating the review process can save time and ensure consistency. 45% of businesses use automated services to manage their online reputation effectively. (Source:, 2024)


Keep it simple

Finally, keep the review process straightforward. Complicated procedures can deter customers from leaving feedback. Aim for a process that allows reviews in just a few clicks.


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Expert opinions on customer reviews


Dr. Emily Waters, Digital Marketing Strategist: “To boost online reviews, businesses should focus on delivering a memorable customer experience. Customers are more likely to leave a positive review when they feel valued and heard. Implementing a feedback loop where businesses actively respond to and act on customer feedback can significantly enhance the likelihood of receiving reviews.”


Marcus Hayes, Customer Relations Expert: “Automating the review request process can lead to a substantial increase in the number of reviews. By sending personalized, timely follow-up emails or messages post-purchase, businesses can gently remind customers to leave a review. The key is to make the process as seamless as possible for the customer.”


Clara Zhao, E-commerce Specialist: “Offering a small incentive, such as a discount on future purchases or entry into a prize draw, can motivate customers to leave reviews. However, it’s important to ensure that these incentives are transparent and comply with review platform guidelines to maintain authenticity and trust.”








Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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