Main » Services » Kontur.Buhgalteriya


Kontur.Buhgalteriya is an online service developed for managing accounting, calculating salaries, and sending reports to tax authorities and social insurance funds.

The service is designed for the comfortable joint work of accountants and directors, providing full control over financial operations.

In this review of Kontur.Buhgalteriya, we will examine the most significant features of the service:


Service features


Creation of primary documents

Kontur.Buhgalteriya allows for the creation of primary documents such as invoices, acts, bills of lading, and others, thereby ensuring proper accounting management.


Account management

The service includes features for managing account cards, transaction journals, purchase and sales books, and an invoice register, providing full control over financial operations.


Automatic salary calculation

Kontur.Buhgalteriya automatically calculates salaries, sick pay, vacation pay, and deductions. This calculation on the Kontur.Buhgalteriya site significantly simplifies the payroll process.


Reporting and reconciliation with the tax authority

The service generates, verifies, and sends reports to regulatory authorities and social insurance funds. It also conducts reconciliation with the tax authority, ensuring accurate accounting.


Financial analysis

Kontur.Buhgalteriya allows for financial analysis of the company’s status, which helps in making informed decisions.


Counterparty verification

The service provides the ability to check counterparties based on the data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRUL) and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP), thus ensuring security in business relationships.


Service benefits


Process automation

Automatic salary calculation, creation of primary documents, and report generation simplify the accounting process.


Updates without user involvement

The service updates automatically, ensuring the relevance and correctness of reporting forms in accordance with legislation.


Round-the-clock technical support

Free round-the-clock technical support is available to users, guaranteeing prompt resolution of emerging questions and problems.


Variety of integrations

The service integrates with various banks and systems, such as Alfa-Bank, Tinkoff, Point, UBRD, Neiva, and VUZ-Bank, providing convenience for users.


Compliance with legislation

Kontur.Buhgalteriya complies with federal laws, ensuring the safety and reliability of accounting.

Kontur.Buhgalteriya is a comprehensive tool for managing accounting and calculating salaries. It offers a high level of automation, security, and ease of use.


What users often scold about Kontur.Buhgalteriya


Incomplete functionality and inconveniences

Users express dissatisfaction with the incomplete functionality of the service and various inconveniences.

One review states: “There are lots of problems and inconveniences. It’s inconvenient to work with the documents section, there are no QR codes on the bills, and you can’t even download company details.”

This can complicate the workflow and create additional difficulties for users.


Problems with technical support and spam calls

Some users complain about the appalling quality of technical support and receiving spam calls from service representatives.

One review notes: “Appalling technical support, threats, spam calls.” This can create a negative impression and complicate interactions with the service.


What users often praise about Kontur.Buhgalteriya


Ease of use and support for beginners

Users highly rate the ease of use and support for beginners in accounting.

One review notes: “Easy and simple for beginners in accounting. Even a housewife can understand it.”

This makes the service attractive to a wide range of users, including those with no experience in accounting.


Presence of useful features and automation

Users highly value the presence of useful features and automation in the service.

One review says: “There are many automated functions, also working with one click, for example, payroll and contributions, reconciliation acts, etc.”

This makes the work more efficient and convenient for users.


Percentage of reviews


Of the reviews provided, 40% contain positive comments about the service, while 60% of the reviews express negative opinions or dissatisfaction.

This indicates that the service has both positive and negative aspects, and some issues, such as technical support and functionality, can significantly impact users’ impressions of using the service.

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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