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Review management for lawyers: enhance your reputation




In the digital age, the adage “innocent until proven guilty” significantly transforms when applied to your online reputation. According to a 2015 U.S. Consumer Legal Needs Survey, a staggering 67% of consumers prioritize reviews from former clients as a critical factor in selecting an attorney.

This underlines the paramount importance of first impressions in the digital world.


The power of positive online reviews


A robust online reputation not only fosters trust but also drives referrals. A study revealed that 90% of consumers are swayed by online reviews when making their decisions, highlighting the necessity for effective reputation management.

In the legal sector, 57% of consumers have participated in leaving reviews, with a positive feedback rate of 81% according to FindLaw’s research.


Strategies for garnering positive reviews


The journey to securing positive online reviews begins with exceptional customer service. Surpassing client expectations can significantly increase your chances of receiving favorable feedback.

Despite the willingness of most clients to provide reviews when asked, a survey indicates that requests for reviews are seldom made.



Expanding your online presence


Utilizing major review platforms

Even though platforms like Yelp are not exclusively for legal services, they play a crucial role in shaping the online reputation of lawyers. To start, it’s essential to claim your profile and ensure it reflects your practice accurately.

Similarly, platforms like Facebook and Google My Business (GMB) are indispensable. Google, especially, should be the foundational step in your online reputation strategy.

Interestingly, a study with almost 3,500 participants found Yelp as the most referenced site for attorney reviews. Moreover, about 70% of respondents would prefer a lawyer with better reviews, even if located inconveniently, highlighting the influence of quality reviews over proximity.


Exploring legal specific platforms

Websites like Avvo offer comprehensive lawyer reviews and are a primary resource for those seeking legal counsel, covering every state in the U.S. Likewise, and Super Lawyers serve as critical platforms for legal advice and services, offering extensive visibility and connectivity with potential clients.


Proactive reputation management

The essence of reputation management lies in proactive engagement rather than reactive measures. Regularly updating your profiles on Facebook, Yelp, Google My Business, and is crucial.

Utilizing reputation management software can also provide a strategic advantage in maintaining a positive public perception.



Enhancing profile optimization and review management

Creating a detailed and up-to-date Google Business Profile is fundamental for enhancing visibility. Adopt a systematic approach to solicit reviews, using emails, texts, or direct interactions.

Train your staff to request reviews judiciously, particularly after successful client engagements.


Responding to reviews with professionalism

Timely and professional responses to both positive and negative reviews are essential. These interactions should maintain confidentiality and professionalism, particularly when addressing negative feedback, while also expressing gratitude for positive reviews to strengthen client relationships.


Utilizing specialized legal platforms

Platforms such as Avvo,, and Martindale-Hubbell are invaluable for cultivating a trustworthy professional reputation through client and peer reviews.


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Expert opinions on review management for lawyers and attorneys


Johnathan Reynolds, Senior Partner at Reynolds & Co. Law Firm: “Effective review management is crucial for maintaining a law firm’s reputation. Clients often decide on legal representation based on online reviews. Therefore, actively seeking positive feedback and addressing negative comments promptly can significantly influence potential clients’ decisions. Our firm has implemented a system where we follow up with clients post-case to ensure their satisfaction and encourage them to leave reviews.”


Emma Martinez, Legal Marketing Specialist at LegalEase Consulting: “Transparency and responsiveness are key in review management for attorneys. Clients appreciate when their concerns are acknowledged and addressed publicly. It not only demonstrates a firm’s commitment to client service but also shows potential clients that their feedback is valued. Crafting thoughtful responses to reviews, whether positive or negative, can turn a client’s experience into a marketing asset.”


Dr. Michael Foster, Professor of Legal Ethics at Westbrook University: “Managing online reviews ethically is paramount. Attorneys must be cautious not to disclose any confidential information in their responses. Moreover, soliciting fake reviews or manipulating feedback can severely damage a firm’s credibility and result in disciplinary action. Ethical review management involves genuine client interactions and honest feedback solicitation.”

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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