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Reviews for audience response software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Very often slido will crash – not sure and the auto saved options aren’t available

Real review to a real audience response software service

1) 80% of the features are in “beta mode”

2) The product (in PRO) mode is completely overpriced. Go for the free version – really no need to pay (as we did)

3) The CEO is not customer-centric (and thus his product is not customer-centric)

4) Customer-service is non-existent

5) UX considerations are close to zero

6) No flexibility in design (and the little there is in “beta mode”)

7) Will not renew our (expensive) 1 year subscription

Real review to a real audience response software service

The back end user experience was quite complex and succeeded in stymying most of our session moderators. Several break out rooms failed because the host could not connect the speaker and his/her slides and/or video

Real review to a real audience response software service

I experienced vF– as an attendee to an academic conference, and it provided none of the essentials that a conference is meant to provide. The website was extremely confusing, and deeply lacking in functionalities.

The whole system feels like a collection of pre-existing tools haphazardly put next to each other, with no effort to integrate them beyond being hidden behind the same glowy 3D picture of a conference center.

Technical support is only there to say that the most obvious functionalities are not implemented. In the end, it is a bit difficult to understand what the organisers (and attendees) paid for.

Real review to a real audience response software service

I didn’t want a full year subscription, and won’t use it over the time period. I did not make the deadline since I had been misinformed about the upcoming apparent payment date which was the deadline to cancel the year-long K– subscription.

I additionally thought in the worse case I’d end up paying for a month of K–, but had not been informed that it would result in a +$300AUD yearly subscription. I have so far not been able to get a refund.

Real review to a real audience response software service


Audience response software plays a pivotal role in enhancing interaction during events, meetings, and educational sessions by enabling real-time feedback and engagement.

However, customer reviews frequently highlight several issues with such platforms.

This article reviews common complaints from users of audience response software and provides specific recommendations for software owners to enhance their services and outpace competitors.


Connectivity and reliability issues


What competitors get wrong: A common issue with some audience response systems is poor connectivity and frequent downtime during live events, which can disrupt the flow of interactions and diminish the user experience.


How to do it better: Ensure your software platform is built on robust, reliable infrastructure capable of handling high volumes of simultaneous connections.

Implement fail-safes and redundancies to maintain service continuity. Regular stress testing under various network conditions can help identify and mitigate potential issues before they affect your clients.


Complicated user interface


What competitors get wrong: Users often complain about complex and non-intuitive interfaces in audience response systems, which can deter engagement, especially in large groups where quick participation is essential.


How to do it better: Design a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate for both presenters and participants. Use clear, straightforward layouts and provide quick access to essential features.

Offering a tutorial or quick-start guide upon first use can also help users become comfortable with the platform quickly.


Limited customization options


What competitors get wrong: Another frequent point of contention is the lack of customization options that allow hosts to tailor the tool to fit the branding and specific needs of their event or organization.


How to do it better: Offer extensive customization options in your software, including branding features that allow users to add logos, customize color schemes, and adapt the layout to match their corporate identity.

Additionally, provide a variety of question types and interaction modes to fit different contexts and purposes.


Inadequate data analysis tools


What competitors get wrong: Insufficient analytical capabilities are often highlighted in reviews, with users expressing frustration over not being able to derive meaningful insights from the data collected during sessions.


How to do it better: Enhance your software with powerful analytics tools that can provide detailed reports on participant engagement, response trends, and session effectiveness.

Allow users to easily export data for further analysis and integrate these insights into broader event management or educational assessment tools.


Poor mobile optimization


What competitors get wrong: With many users accessing audience response systems via mobile devices, inadequate mobile optimization is a significant drawback. This includes poor layout on smaller screens, slow response times, and app crashes.


How to do it better: Develop a fully responsive design or a dedicated mobile app that ensures an optimal experience across all devices. Regular updates and optimizations should focus on improving speed, stability, and usability on smartphones and tablets.


Limited scalability


What competitors get wrong: Some platforms struggle with scalability, particularly when handling a large number of participants, leading to system slowdowns or failures during crucial interactions.


How to do it better: Build scalability into the core of your platform. This means not only being able to handle large numbers of simultaneous users smoothly but also providing features that cater to both small and large groups effectively.


Subpar customer support


What competitors get wrong: Delayed or unhelpful customer support is a critical area where many software providers fall short, especially when immediate assistance is required during live events.


How to do it better: Offer robust, 24/7 customer support with multiple channels, such as live chat, phone, and email. Ensure that your support team is well-trained and equipped to handle inquiries and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.




By addressing these common issues, your audience response software can stand out from competitors and become the preferred choice for event organizers, educators, and corporate clients.

Enhanced reliability, user-friendly design, versatile customization, advanced analytics, optimal mobile performance, scalability, and superior customer support are key areas that will drive satisfaction and loyalty among your users.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, what a shocker! Addressing common issues to make a product better? That’s just wild enough to work!

Who knew that not ignoring glaring problems could actually make customers happy? You’re on the cutting edge of business innovation here.

Enhanced reliability—because up until now, everyone obviously preferred their audience response software to be about as reliable as a weather forecast. Making it actually work consistently? That’s practically sorcery!

User-friendly design? Now, there’s a concept. Because it’s not like anyone actually wants to use software that doesn’t require a two-hour tutorial and a call to tech support just to get past the login screen.

You’re breaking new ground here!

Versatile customization—because, of course, one size fits all has always been such a hit, especially in settings as diverse as classrooms and corporate boardrooms. You’re just spoiling your users now, giving them what they actually need.

Advanced analytics—because knowing what’s actually going on has never been on anyone’s wishlist before. Next, you’ll tell me that optimal mobile performance is critical because, surprise, people use their phones a lot!

Who would’ve guessed?

Scalability? So you’re saying the software can grow with the user’s needs?

Revolutionary! Not like anyone enjoys outgrowing their tools and having to start all over again.

And, of course, superior customer support. Because providing actual help, rather than playing an endless game of email tag, might just keep customers around.

Imagine that!

With these radical strategies, your audience response software isn’t just going to stand out—it’s going to practically leap out of the market and into the arms of event organizers, educators, and corporate clients.

Watch as they line up with gratitude, dazzled by the sheer usability and dependability of your product. You’re not just making software; you’re making dreams come true!

What a hero!




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Have a great day!

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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