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Reviews for customer journey analytics software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Toward the end of our time with Optimove is when things started to break down more frequently and I think that’s when communication probably did so as well.

For example, during our 2022 Thanksgiving campaign, a key campaign, something happened where campaigns didn’t launch as they should’ve.

And that was not something on our end with the set-up of the campaign – it was a glitch within their system where we had to scramble to re-run certain campaigns.

It would be one thing if that was a one-time thing, but things like that happened all the time. We’d schedule campaigns and wonder what was going to go wrong on the launch date.

We’d always hear differing things and it seemed like Optimove’s tech was always confused by what was happening to our campaigns. The customer support also wasn’t the best there (nothing like Bloomreach/Exponea where we are at now).

Real review to a real customer journey analytics software service

This platform reeks of an organization that runs on the mercy of venture capitalists driven by deadlines wherein the people behind the actual product pay no attention to detail of the software their company is producing.


* The software should be in BETA – too many bugs!

* The admin itself is not intuitive, you have to find screens not found in the navigation to control email templates

* The email builder is based on templated HTML blocks that are annoying and frustrating to customize

* Drag and Drop / Reordering commonly doesn’t properly work without refreshing page

* If you don’t know HTML I don’t recommend this platform, making changes to these templates takes way more time than it has to based on other email platforms I’ve used

* The screens to control these blocks are buried in the admin and hard to navigate

* If your code is invalid admin screens tend to lock up and it breaks the admin

* When you update a template block you have to manually update the template

* Smart Criterion

* Amount of emails collected and being sent for this smart insight are in my experience thus far are inaccurate

* Emarsys does not have the ability to report what specific emails were sent in given automation for troubleshooting purposes

* They charge you extra for reports the system cannot provide

* They charge $150 an hour for training

* Emails campaigns cannot be used in more than one automation flow

* I have wasted a serious amount of time logging into the actual platform

* Says my credentials are invalid when I go to reset claims I can’t use an old password

* The technical support takes a long time to respond without getting to the bottom of the problem

* The platform is WAY overpriced and requires a long term contract commitment

Real review to a real customer journey analytics software service

The application experience feels old and its very complicated to add value or change day to day routines

Real review to a real customer journey analytics software service

They collect and store a lot of data in terms of pages visited, buttons clicked etc but nothing comes out of it unless you manually search through all that stuff. Along with half boiled features comes a hefty bill every month.

Just because they’re in the market for a long time doesn’t mean they can charge whatever they want. There are recent players who have better features for a lesser price

Real review to a real customer journey analytics software service

I have had maybe the worst experience with Moengage that I’ve ever had as a customer during my 6 years running my business, to the point that I’ve lodged a formal complaint with the consumer watchdog in my country for what appears to be a breach of consumer and corporate law on their part.

In my opinion Moengage unfortunately is one of those bad faith companies that make it extremely difficult to cancel your contract with them. But in a way that is way beyond the usual practices you can experience with subscription software.

Not only do they not provide a way for you to cancel your subscription through their platform, they ignored 4 separate written attempts I made over 6 months to cancel our subscription repeatedly.

This was when our business was experiencing financial difficulties and yet they continued to charge us money and refused to cancel the subscription in clear breach of their own terms of service.

They ignored more than 10 emails I sent giving notice to terminate the contract, treated me with contempt when they did respond once and then went back to ignoring my emails, and then continued charging us thousands of dollars a quarter for a service we no longer wanted to use or were using.

I tried changing our company bank details to prevent them from continuing to charge us and then they just used the old bank account details they had on file for us to continue to charge us money.

It honestly is shocking to me that an established company with good reviews online has been this awful to deal with. I’m at a point where I’m disputing the charges with our bank and trying to block them from charging us in future via my bank, while they continue to completely ignore my cancellation attempts.

To reiterate – we are totally within our rights to cancel the contract – there is nothing in there about fixed terms, and we gave more than the 30 days required notice. Keep in mind this is for a standard subscription contract that we are legally entitled to cancel by emailing them.

So as one business owner to another, I advise you please do not to go with these guys and just pay a bit more for a reputable service that doesn’t treat their customers this way.

At a point when my business was struggling, it’s been a kick in the pants that is just so avoidable if they would treat their customers as human beings and with the normal respect afforded to people.

It honestly feels criminal to me at this point and has taken up hours of my time trying to resolve something that should be simple and straightforward.

Bottom line – save yourself the trouble and please go with another provider.

Real review to a real Customer Journey Analytics Software service


As the owner of a customer journey analytics software service, it’s vital to recognize where others in your industry may falter, to ensure you stay a step ahead.

Here we dive into specific errors that have marred the reputation of some players in this niche market, drawing directly from customer reviews, and outline strategic approaches to not only avoid these pitfalls but also to excel where others have not.


Lack of comprehensive data integration


What competitors get wrong: Customers often lament that many analytics platforms fail to offer comprehensive integration with existing data systems. This siloed approach leads to incomplete insights, making the analytics less effective and actionable.


How to do it better: Ensure that your service supports seamless integration with a wide array of data sources including CRM systems, marketing platforms, and customer feedback channels. This holistic view not only enriches the analysis but also enhances the accuracy of the customer journey insights you provide.


Overly complex user interface


What competitors get wrong: A recurring theme in user feedback is the complexity and non-intuitiveness of the user interfaces in many analytics tools. This steep learning curve can deter users from fully leveraging the tool, thus diminishing the perceived value.


How to do it better: Design your platform with user-friendliness in mind. Offer a customizable dashboard that can cater to both novice users and data scientists.

Including drag-and-drop functionalities, and providing real-time visualizations can make your tool more accessible and appealing.


Inadequate real-time data capabilities


What competitors get wrong: Several services struggle with offering real-time data processing, which is crucial for timely and relevant customer journey insights. This delay in data refreshment leads to missed opportunities for immediate customer engagement and resolution of potential issues.


How to do it better: Invest in technology that supports real-time data analysis. This will empower your clients to act swiftly on customer behavior insights, significantly improving customer experiences and satisfaction.


Poor customization options


What competitors get wrong: Generic, one-size-fits-all solutions dominate the complaints in customer reviews, where users feel their specific business needs are not adequately met by the analytics software.


How to do it better: Develop flexible analytics tools that allow clients to tailor reports, metrics, and even the analytics dashboard to their unique business contexts. Customization will not only improve user satisfaction but also enhance the strategic value of the insights generated.


Ineffective customer support


What competitors get wrong: An often overlooked yet critical aspect of customer journey analytics software is the support provided. Many competitors falter here, with slow response times and unhelpful support, leading to increased frustration and churn.


How to do it better: Build a robust support system that includes 24/7 customer service, rich online resources, and dedicated account managers. This level of support can differentiate your service significantly, fostering loyalty and long-term client relationships.


Limited predictive analytics features


What competitors get wrong: Another significant shortfall in competing services is the lack of advanced predictive analytics features, which can predict future customer behaviors and potential pain points.


How to do it better: Incorporate advanced machine learning algorithms into your platform that not only analyze past customer data but also predict future trends. Providing these predictive insights can set your service apart, offering your clients a proactive tool in shaping outstanding customer journeys.




In the competitive landscape of Customer Journey Analytics Software, avoiding the mistakes of your competitors is just as important as innovating your own service.

By focusing on comprehensive data integration, user-friendly interfaces, real-time data processing, extensive customization, superior customer support, and predictive capabilities, you can offer a superior product that not only meets but exceeds customer expectations.

Stay ahead by learning from the missteps of others and continuously striving to offer the most effective, intuitive, and comprehensive service in the market.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, absolutely, because the surest way to business success is just doing everything the opposite of what those losers you call competitors are doing. Let’s just slap on “comprehensive data integration”—because nobody’s ever thought of that before—and a user-friendly interface, as if that’s a groundbreaking innovation.

Real-time data processing? Groundbreaking! And don’t forget “extensive customization”—because you want to cater to every whim no matter how ridiculous, and obviously, superior customer support, because your customers are all helpless and can’t possibly function without you holding their hand every step of the way.

Lastly, throw in some predictive capabilities because who doesn’t want to play fortune teller with their business?

Just mirror-image everyone else’s failures and voilà, you have the most effective, intuitive, and clearly unrivaled service.

After all, learning from the mistakes of others while never making any of your own is just the perfect business strategy, isn’t it?




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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