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Reviews for embedded business intelligence software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Our sales associate couldn’t have been any worse. He didn’t have a ton of product knowledge, would say he was going to do something and not do it and came across as a sleazy, double charging us and not sending a refund.

In general, I have just spent way too much time chasing the support team and sales team to get a response. There is zero internal communication and depending who you talk to you will be told a different answer.

Example, after our purchase we received a broken URL for our authorization code which seemed like a very minor issue but took more than a week to resolve and led to more than a month of headaches and issues.

It has been super disappointing and I would not recommend this product to anyone. The headaches far out way any advantages this product might have over other providers.

Real review to a embedded business intelligence software service

Everything feels half-baked. It feels like the product team just wanted to try to match features with leading BI tools for optics, but most lack a lot of real utility/functionality.

They’re just there to fool folks into thinking that it’s feature-rich.

Real review to a embedded business intelligence software service

I don’t like lack of data modeling and SQL->Report approach. Constant sql copy/pasting is annoying.

I also didn’t like lack of data-tests, everyt time when you change your dashboard sql you have to eyeball numbers, over and over again

Real review to a embedded business intelligence software service

Sales function is really misleading, i had technical problems during the trial and they asked to call to help, which was great. However the person who called was an ADM who couldn’t provide technical support at all and wanted to close a 10k deal on the first call so he could ask a technical person to help.

Real review to a embedded business intelligence software service

I use T– as a field employee in sales, and my team is not full of data scientists. So little things can become such frustrations that my colleagues won’t actually use T–.

For instance, colors that change when you adjust your search, or when you pull two datasets needing to adjust so the Y axes match, and not being able to set a default.

These are small things for most companies, but not for a salesforce that needs quick and intuitive tools.

Real review to a embedded business intelligence software service


In the ever-evolving landscape of business intelligence (BI), embedded BI software services stand out by providing comprehensive analytics directly within business applications. However, not all implementations hit the mark.

Here, we analyze common pitfalls based on customer reviews of competitors’ services and outline strategies that can elevate your embedded BI software above the rest.


Inflexible integration capabilities


What competitors get wrong: Many competitors struggle with offering flexible integration solutions. Customers frequently complain about the “one-size-fits-all” approach that fails to align with their unique business processes or existing IT infrastructure.

This often leads to increased costs and extended deployment times.


How to do it better: To differentiate your service, prioritize customizable integration options that can easily adapt to various platforms and databases. Providing robust APIs and modular architecture can help ensure that your embedded BI software can seamlessly integrate with any system, enhancing user adoption and satisfaction.


Poor user experience (ux) design


What competitors get wrong: User experience in embedded BI is critical but often overlooked by competitors. Reviews commonly point out that their tools are not intuitive, with cluttered interfaces and a steep learning curve that hampers productivity.


How to do it better: Design your BI tool with the end-user in mind. Focus on creating a clean, intuitive interface that simplifies complex data analysis.

Features like drag-and-drop capabilities, customizable dashboards, and responsive design are essential. By improving user experience, your product can foster greater engagement and stand out as a user-friendly alternative.


Limited customization of reporting features


What competitors get wrong: Another frequent issue with competitors’ services is the limited scope for customization within their reporting features. Customers often feel boxed into predefined reporting templates that do not cater to their specific analytical needs.


How to do it better: Empower your users by offering extensive customization in reporting tools. Allow users to modify and build reports that precisely match their operational requirements.

This capability not only enhances the utility of the BI tool but also positions your service as a versatile and indispensable business asset.


Inadequate real-time data processing


What competitors get wrong: Embedded BI is most effective when it provides real-time data insights. However, customers report that competitors’ tools often fail to deliver timely data, rendering the insights less useful for immediate decision-making.


How to do it better: Your embedded BI service should excel in processing and delivering real-time data. Invest in powerful, in-memory data processing technologies to ensure that your users can access up-to-date information and react swiftly to market changes.

This feature will significantly boost your service’s appeal by supporting dynamic, data-driven business strategies.


Neglecting mobile optimization


What competitors get wrong: As business becomes increasingly mobile, many competitors lag in optimizing their BI tools for mobile devices. Customer reviews frequently criticize the poor performance and limited functionality of BI tools on smartphones and tablets.


How to do it better: Ensure that your embedded BI software offers full functionality on mobile platforms. Opt for a mobile-first design approach that guarantees a seamless experience across all devices.

This not only meets the growing demand for mobile access but also enhances the overall accessibility of your BI solutions.




The embedded BI software industry is competitive, but by addressing these common complaints and focusing on what competitors lack, your service can rise to the forefront. Ensure your solutions are flexible, user-friendly, customizable, timely, and mobile-optimized.

By doing so, you not only meet the evolving needs of modern businesses but also deliver a product that is distinctly superior to your competitors’.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, absolutely, because no one else in the embedded BI software industry has ever thought of making their solutions flexible, user-friendly, customizable, timely, or mobile-optimized. You’ll be the first! It’s revolutionary, really.

Just address those tiny, insignificant complaints customers might be mumbling about, and you’re golden. By doing so, you’re not just meeting needs, you’re defining them.

You’ll leap so far ahead of your competitors, they’ll think they’re still using dial-up. Your product won’t just be superior; it’ll practically be in a different universe.




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Have a great day!

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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