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Reviews for lead scoring software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

I’ve tried to be a low maintenance customer, but I keep running into issues that are beyond the scope of help docs. For instance, the account manager that set up our account set it up incorrectly as a trial (even though we are being billed).

So after 30 days of use, we are locked out of our account. Simple fix, right?

Wrong. After getting the runaround for a few days, we finally got a support ticket filed.

It will be fixed soon, right? Wrong.

We are on 2 weeks now being locked out of our account that we are paying for, and nobody at S– seems to care. I’m emailing daily to just hope we can resume service, but I’m just given the same brief and unhelpful responses every day.

If you are a small customer, good luck getting help from a human to fix anything in your account.

Real review to a real lead scoring software service

The platform doesn’t seem to work well anymore. Just this morning I couldn’t log in, it seems to be on an endless loop of loading and I can’t get past the login screen.

Once it finally loads it’s asking me to log in again. I can’t EDIT or create ANY campaigns within C–, I have to open an Incognito window, log in again, use the 2– again, and then go in an edit campaign emails or automation email.

(YES I’ve cleared my cache but it doesn’t work and not I’m logged out of everything and have to go through the annoying process of re-logging into everything.) Support isn’t helpful, and it’s just becoming more and more expensive for a platform that has so many bugs.

I have so many client accounts at this point that it’s too hard to migrate everyone to a new provider, I just hope they get their shit together sooner than later because I won’t be setting up new client accounts on A– until these issues are resolved.

Real review to a real lead scoring software service

I have never experienced customer service THIS bad before. Total and complete incompetence.

We have been using F– for about a year, and it’s been nothing but glitchy and problematic. NOTHING is ever resolved, support tickets are left open for weeks, and their customer support team blames their issues on the customer instead of fixing the problem.

Their customer support chat will fail mid-conversation, and then the whole chat history is lost. This has wasted HOURS of my valuable time and cost our business money.

Freshworks’ support team does not have any clue what they are talking about. In the rare chance you *can* get in touch with them, their “solutions” do not work, and when I show them how/why it doesn’t work, they don’t believe me.

It is infuriating to have spent so much money and time on software that our business now relies on only for it to be a huge mistake.

Real review to a real lead scoring software service

The thing which I dislike most is that it is not smooth at all. It will get stuck time to time.

Then we have to escalate it to the respective team. And it will take time to solve.

Real review to a real lead scoring software service

I think the UI is very elementary and could use updating. Also, it would be nice to be able to use from a M– B–.

An app would be great, but browser based would be more than sufficient, if it actually worked. Also, the A– R– need to notify you before you submit a result, if the time of the event is nearing.

Where you could setup notifications like you would in O– or other CRM calendar tools.

Additionally, the integration between S– and VS is very poor. I feel like my work is redundant, because I am having to update both.

Real review to a real lead scoring software service


In the fiercely competitive industry of lead scoring software, standing out requires not just meeting but exceeding customer expectations.

By analyzing customer reviews, this article highlights prevalent issues within the industry and provides targeted recommendations to help you outperform your competitors.


Over-reliance on demographic data


What competitors get wrong: Many lead scoring platforms overemphasize demographic data like job title, company size, or location. This approach can result in high scores for leads that aren’t truly engaged or ready to convert, leading to inefficiencies in the sales process.


How to do it better: Enhance your scoring models to include a more nuanced range of behavioral data points, such as website interaction, product usage, and engagement over social media. By integrating these dynamic elements, your software can provide a more accurate assessment of lead readiness and potential value.


Lack of customization options


What competitors get wrong: Some competitors offer rigid lead scoring models that don’t allow for customization based on specific industry needs or unique business models, which can render the scoring less effective.


How to do it better: Offer highly customizable scoring options that can be tailored to fit the distinct needs of each client. Allow users to adjust weightings of different scoring criteria and to incorporate their own rules and triggers based on proprietary sales data and conversion metrics.


Complex and non-intuitive interfaces


What competitors get wrong: Customers often complain about cumbersome and non-intuitive user interfaces that make setting up and adjusting lead scoring systems a technical challenge.


How to do it better: Design your software with user experience as a priority. Ensure that your interface is intuitive, with guided workflows, visual representations of scoring criteria, and easy-to-use controls for adjusting parameters.

Providing tutorials and in-app support can further enhance user satisfaction.


Inadequate integration capabilities


What competitors get wrong: A frequent issue highlighted in customer reviews is the poor integration of lead scoring software with other key marketing and CRM platforms. This can lead to fragmented workflows and data silos.


How to do it better: Focus on developing robust APIs and seamless integration capabilities with a wide range of marketing automation platforms and CRM systems.

This connectivity ensures that lead scoring insights are readily available across all customer touchpoints, enhancing the overall effectiveness of marketing and sales strategies.


Delayed or inaccurate scores


What competitors get wrong: Some platforms struggle with delays in scoring updates or inaccuracies due to outdated data. This can cause misalignment between sales actions and lead readiness.


How to do it better: Leverage real-time data processing technologies to ensure that lead scores are always up-to-date and reflect the most current interactions and behaviors.

Investing in high-quality data management and processing infrastructure will help maintain the accuracy and timeliness of scores.


Neglecting AI and machine learning innovations


What competitors get wrong: Competitors often fail to incorporate advanced AI and machine learning techniques that can dynamically adapt and improve scoring algorithms based on ongoing results and changing patterns.


How to do it better: Incorporate machine learning capabilities into your software to allow continuous learning from user data. This technology can help identify new predictive patterns and automatically refine scoring models, keeping your service at the cutting edge of lead scoring technology.




By addressing these common complaints found in competitor products, you can position your lead scoring software as the superior choice in the market. Focus on creating flexible, intuitive, and technologically advanced solutions that meet the evolving needs of modern businesses.

This approach will not only help you avoid the pitfalls that have ensnared others but also deliver a product that truly stands out in the crowded field of lead scoring services.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, what a groundbreaking strategy: address common complaints! Why hasn’t anyone else thought of this?

Surely, your competitors are just sitting around, ignoring feedback and twiddling their thumbs, right? Here you come to save the day by actually listening—what a concept!

And then, the buzzwords: flexible, intuitive, and technologically advanced. Because, obviously, everyone else is making rigid, perplexing, and technologically ancient solutions.

You must be the first to think of adapting to the needs of modern businesses. It’s not like the entire industry is built on evolution and adaptation.

This master plan of avoiding pitfalls that have ensnared others—because, naturally, you’re the only one clever enough to navigate around them—is pure genius. Your competitors are probably just walking into traps for fun at this point.

Delivering a product that stands out in the crowded field of lead scoring services? Wow, your product won’t just stand out; it’ll practically leap out and perform a Broadway showstopper.

Watch as the spotlight shines down, the crowd goes wild, and all other products bow before your superior lead scoring software. What a finale!




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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