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Reviews for a lyceum

Collecting feedback from students and their parents is a key aspect of improving the quality of the educational process in a lyceum. Effectively gathered and analyzed information allows optimizing curricula, improving learning conditions, and extracurricular activities.

The importance of this process cannot be overstated, as it directly affects the reputation of the educational institution and the satisfaction with the educational process by its participants.


How to get reviews for a lyceum


Development and distribution of feedback forms

Create surveys that include questions about various aspects of the educational process, lyceum infrastructure, quality of food, level of extracurricular activities, etc. These surveys should be available both electronically through special platforms and the lyceum website, and in paper form within the lyceum premises.

It is important to ensure anonymity and confidentiality of responses to make respondents feel free to express their opinions.


Meetings with parents

Regularly hold meetings with parents to discuss current issues, achievements, and problems of the educational institution. During these meetings, Q&A sessions can be organized where parents can share their remarks and suggestions.

A “suggestion box” can also be created where parents can leave their written reviews and suggestions.


Organization of a student council

A student council can be an effective tool for collecting feedback from students. Students can gather suggestions and comments from their classmates and pass them on to the lyceum administration.

This allows their opinions to be considered when making important decisions.


Use of digital platforms and social networks

Actively use the lyceum’s website and official social media pages to collect reviews. Post special feedback forms, surveys, and polls there.

It is important to regularly publish current information about lyceum life and upcoming events to stimulate interest and involvement from students and parents.


Conducting parent conferences and open lessons

Organizing events such as parent conferences and open lessons provides parents with the opportunity to directly observe the educational process, interact with teachers, and share their impressions and suggestions.

After such events, surveys can be conducted or verbal reviews collected.


Personal approach to each parent

The importance of individual meetings with parents should not be underestimated. Such meetings can be organized to discuss the progress and difficulties of a specific student, as well as to collect reviews about the work of the lyceum as a whole.

A personal approach strengthens trust and openness in relationships.


Analysis and processing of received information

Collecting feedback must be accompanied by its thorough analysis and the development of measures to improve the lyceum’s operations based on the data obtained. The results of the analysis should be discussed with the teaching staff.

If necessary, adapt curricula, teaching methods, and the conditions under which students stay at the lyceum.


Examples of lyceum reviews


Below are real reviews from real clients (company names not mentioned).


Absolutely not impressed by this institution.

We all watched Harry Potter. Well, some teachers have become references for Professor Filch.

He’s the one who missed the days when students were hung in the dungeon by their thumbs. Wouldn’t be surprised if there are cameras even in the bathrooms aimed at the fixtures.

“The Sorting Hat” divides students not by abilities, but by their ability to pay. I understood this from the teachers’ questions.

Read all 77 reviews at the time of posting my own. Very surprised by the number of positive reviews recently.

Is it just me, or do they seem inflated?


Studying here is harder than getting admitted. Those who didn’t get in – don’t be upset, just be glad you can chill at your school. 🙂

(This is the truth they don’t tell you on open day, but all the lyceum students know 🙂


I can write if you are ready to forget about weekends and your free time, then this is the best decision. Even during vacations, you won’t be resting, but doing 60+ physics problems.

About the state of the school, I can say it’s very poor. Old doors, corridors, etc.

Small cafeteria. Teachers are not normal (freaks).

The atmosphere is tense. Need to change the policy of teaching because 3 is “very good”.


I studied there. Parents chipped in huge amounts for the teachers’ “table” at exams, the menu included red caviar and expensive champagne.

There are excellent teachers, but unfortunately, they don’t decide everything. Many who were deliberately failed, later through other educational institutions became excellent doctors.

The biochemistry teacher Olga Yuryevna openly flirted with boys in grades 7-8 and gave them good grades. Everyone knew and saw this.

In general – thank God this hell is behind me. I will never send my child there.


I studied there before. Teachers of very dubious thinking… Also, I really liked the physical education teacher (don’t remember his name but he wore an orange and black suit and smelled of cologne) because he had a great sense of humor!!

Gave it 2 stars because they also gave me 2.


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Автор: Джулия Монтерей
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