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Reviews for attribution software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

It is not intuitive at all. Trying to build automations is an exercise in frustration for anyone who is not technology saavy.

Customer support is a a crap shoot. They send you videos to follow which provide no context for how the mistake was made or why it isn’t working.

Real review to a real attribution software service

For about 10 days I have been getting high levels of abandoned calls. C– support is somewhere between nonresponsive to absolutely not helpful.

Through trial and error, I was able to figure out that some of the dynamically placed number rings three times and then disconnect. It’s not the callers disconnecting.

So I am losing potential new client calls because of call rail. I spent another week after identifying the issue trying to get help.

The lack of support is absolutely atrocious. So here I am, canceling my account and leaving a candid review

Real review to a real attribution software service

Previously used this software, its simply utm tracking so overpriced for what it is. We canceled in march of this year to switch over to madgicx.

We made the cancelation on there site and thought all was well. We recently realized they’re still billing us so contacted them with no resolution provided other than a “we will escalate” statement that I’m sure will go in their favor.

Went back through the cancelation process the second time before this conversation. No email confirmation or anything proving I did cancel which is super convenient for them with disputes.

An hour later I go back to look and it shows as STILL SUBSCRIBED! All my billing info still there ready to bill me again December 1st.

My advice is unless you like overpaying for UTM tracking and you plan to use this service for the rest of your life (because its impossible to cancel) then don’t do it.

Other reviews are floating around complaining of the exact same thing.

Not sure what it is about E– related software companies but this seems to be a common issue with them billing post cancelation and then conveniently having no record of your cancelation once you reach back out.

Real review to a real attribution software service

They charge you to Port out numbers! If you cancel they bill you for 2 more months which is absurd. Their pricing keeps going up and up and then they corner you with their terms conditions.

Real review to a real attribution software service

Currently automations are not working. They only send the first 2 emails and then it just stops working.

No notifications. No alerts.

When I finally noticed and reached out to customer support, I was told to manually send individual emails until it’s fixed.

With no ETA on when it would be fixed, and considering it’s already been months, we downgraded our account because we didn’t want to pay for a service that wasn’t working.

I also don’t like the lack of personalization options when creating automations that are available elsewhere.

And we don’t use C– as a CRM platform due to reliability concerns.

Real review to a real attribution software service


In today’s data-driven marketing landscape, accurate attribution is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of each channel and campaign. Attribution software plays a pivotal role in this process, yet many services fall short of user expectations.

Drawing on detailed customer reviews, this article highlights the top mistakes made by providers in the attribution software industry and outlines how companies can enhance their offerings to outshine competitors.


Inaccurate or incomplete data integration


What competitors get wrong: A common complaint among users of attribution software is the inaccuracy or incompleteness of data integration.

Many platforms fail to incorporate data from all relevant sources, such as offline channels or new digital platforms, leading to a skewed or partial view of customer journeys.


How to do it better: To differentiate your service, prioritize comprehensive data integration capabilities. Ensure that your software can seamlessly integrate with a wide range of data sources, including emerging digital channels, traditional media, and CRM systems.

Utilize advanced APIs and ensure regular updates to support new technologies and platforms as they become relevant.


Overly complex user interfaces


What competitors get wrong: Another significant barrier is the complexity of the user interfaces in many attribution tools. Users report frustration with navigating complicated dashboards that do not provide clear, actionable insights, deterring them from making full use of the software’s capabilities.


How to do it better: Focus on developing a user-friendly interface that simplifies the complexity inherent in data analysis. Design intuitive navigation and interactive dashboards that allow users to easily access and visualize data.

Incorporate customizable views and filters that cater to different user needs, enhancing the overall usability of the software.


Limited real-time capabilities


What competitors get wrong: Many attribution software services lag in offering real-time data processing, which is crucial for timely decision-making. This delay prevents marketers from quickly adjusting campaigns in response to their performance, potentially leading to missed opportunities.


How to do it better: Enhance your software with real-time data processing capabilities. This includes the ability to track and report on campaigns as they happen, providing marketers with immediate insights that can drive faster and more informed decisions.

Investing in powerful servers and efficient algorithms will help facilitate this feature.


Poor customer support


What competitors get wrong: Customer support is a critical component, yet many attribution software providers offer inadequate assistance. Reviews frequently cite slow response times and a lack of expert guidance, which can leave users feeling unsupported and hinder their ability to effectively leverage the tool.


How to do it better: Invest in a knowledgeable customer support team that is responsive and accessible through multiple channels, such as live chat, phone, and email. Provide thorough training for support staff to ensure they can offer expert advice and effective solutions.

Regularly update FAQ sections and provide detailed user guides and video tutorials to help users self-serve common issues and questions.


Lack of customization


What competitors get wrong: Users often need to tailor attribution models to fit their unique business contexts, but many services offer limited customization options. This one-size-fits-all approach can render the software less effective for specific marketing strategies or business models.


How to do it better: Develop your software to offer flexible, customizable attribution models that can adapt to a variety of marketing strategies and business needs. Allow users to modify weightings, integrate custom data sources, and select different attribution methods based on their specific requirements.

This adaptability will make your software more appealing to a broader range of businesses.




By addressing these common mistakes, your attribution software can provide superior service that meets the evolving needs of marketers. Ensure your tool excels in integrating comprehensive data sources, offers an intuitive user interface, processes data in real-time, provides exceptional customer support, and allows extensive customization.

These enhancements will set your service apart from competitors, helping you to attract and retain discerning customers.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, brilliant! Just by not tripping over the same hurdles every other attribution software seems to face plant into, your tool could actually become something marketers might want to use.

Ensure it excels in integrating comprehensive data sources? Groundbreaking! Because integrating only a couple of random, irrelevant data points is clearly what every marketer loves.

And an intuitive user interface? Wow, such innovation!

It’s not like every software ever has claimed their UI is “user-friendly”—only for users to feel like they’re navigating a labyrinth blindfolded.

Processing data in real-time? That’s just witchcraft! Nobody else in the history of software has ever thought to do that. Surely, this will have competitors shaking in their boots!

Then, throw in exceptional customer support, because, as we all know, the standard practice is to aim for mediocre support that makes users want to pull their hair out. And don’t forget extensive customization—because obviously, providing rigid, one-size-fits-all solutions is the current industry benchmark.

These enhancements are so unique and innovative that they’ll set your service apart from the crowd, making it the belle of the ball.

Clearly, addressing basic functionality and decent customer service are the secret ingredients that have been missing all this time. Who would have guessed?




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Have a great day!

Автор: Джулия Монтерей
Джулия - эксперт в области интернет-маркетинга с более чем десятилетним опытом работы. Она специализируется на привлечении клиентов и увеличении продаж для малых и средних предприятий. Её деятельность охватывает рынки Европы, Азии и Северной Америки. Обширный опыт Джулии делает её ценным активом для компаний, стремящихся расширить свое онлайн-присутствие и увеличить доходы.
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