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Reviews for email deliverability tools services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

I’ve been a faithful user of C– for 14 years, maintaining both a P– and a second account for which I paid a hefty $250.00 per month.

However, my long-standing loyalty to this email marketing platform was severely tested when they made some abrupt policy changes in September.

I found myself in a frustrating situation that truly highlighted the company’s lack of consideration for its dedicated customers.

The trouble began when C– sent out an email notification regarding these policy changes, which I regrettably missed. Upon realizing the consequences of this oversight, I decided to reach out to their customer support for assistance.

Little did I know that this would be an incredibly disheartening experience.

My initial call to C–‘s customer support had me waiting on hold for over an hour, only to get disconnected without any resolution.

Frustrated but determined, I dialed their number once more, enduring another 32 minutes of hold music before finally speaking to a representative named John from the “partner team.”

Hoping for some understanding and goodwill from a company I had faithfully supported for over a decade, I inquired if there was any possibility of receiving a concession for the two months of additional $18 billing I was being subjected to.

It seemed only fair, given my 14 years of unwavering patronage.

To my astonishment, J–‘s response was not only disappointing but also downright disrespectful. He displayed an unapologetically condescending attitude and appeared completely uninterested in addressing my concerns.

At one point, he callously remarked that he was “just there to answer the phone,” essentially conveying that he had no intention of taking any action to resolve the issue or offer any compensation.

This encounter left me incredulous and deeply disheartened. It’s disheartening to witness a company like C–, with such a long history in the industry, displaying such blatant disregard for customer loyalty.

The lack of empathy and willingness to accommodate a long-term customer speaks volumes about their priorities.

In conclusion, my recent experience with C– was nothing short of disappointing. Their indifference to the loyalty and trust I had placed in them for 14 years was a bitter pill to swallow.

It’s a stark reminder that some companies seem to have forgotten the value of customer appreciation and goodwill. If you’re considering C–, be prepared for a tough and unsympathetic customer support experience when you need it most.

Real review to a real email deliverability tools service

The pricing is a bit strange, in order to get some of the more useful features you need to go into the paid level, but don’t see any increase in quantity.

Artificial roadblocks in S– is the new normal though. I do think they could gain some more love if they tweaked the pricing a bit.

I’d especially like to see them support startups more.

Real review to a real email deliverability tools service

The support do not really care about improvement of solution.

For some downtime with API which are appearing every 1/2 month for years they still do not confirm that there is intermittent issue and never fixing it .

They are working in 80/20.

Anything which looks too complex to fix in never taken in consideration even if is is stopping sending email.

Lot of frustration fo that , we will probably move out for this solution to have better stability when we will have time to do migration.

Real review to a real email deliverability tools service

Their login system sucks, authenticator not working, text message not working, and you don’t have option to recover account.

If you want to contact support you have to login first, and what if your issue is login related.

Real review to a real email deliverability tools service

They closed our account without any notification saying there’s no use in a while but I was there everyday and scheduled even a campaign the day before they closed our account!!

So after sending out an email blast, they immediately close your account without reason!? There is NO customer support of any kind.

So you’ll lose your money. It’s a scam.

Real review to a real email deliverability tools service


In the competitive realm of email marketing, deliverability tools play a crucial role in ensuring that emails reach their intended recipients’ inboxes effectively.

However, not all tools meet the mark, as evidenced by frequent complaints found in customer reviews.

This article provides a detailed analysis of these common issues with email deliverability tools, alongside strategies for how your service can excel where others fall short.


Inadequate real-time analytics


What competitors get wrong: Many users report frustration with deliverability tools that offer delayed or insufficient analytics.

Without real-time data, marketers cannot swiftly adjust their strategies in response to delivery issues, which could impede the overall effectiveness of their campaigns.


How to do it better: Implement advanced, real-time analytics in your tool to provide immediate feedback on email performance. This includes detailed reports on deliverability rates, bounces, opens, and clicks.

Real-time data allows users to quickly identify and rectify issues, ensuring optimal campaign performance.


Complex user interface


What competitors get wrong: A common barrier to effective use of deliverability tools is a complex user interface that can confuse users, especially those with limited technical expertise.

Overly complicated dashboards and settings can deter users from utilizing all available features.


How to do it better:Design your tool with simplicity and user experience in mind. An intuitive interface with easy-to-navigate dashboards and clear, actionable insights will encourage more frequent and effective use.

Consider including guided tours, tooltips, and a comprehensive help section to assist users in navigating the platform.


Poor integration capabilities


What competitors get wrong: Users often criticize deliverability tools for their lack of integration with other marketing platforms, such as CRM systems, content management systems, and automation tools.

This can create inefficiencies and disjointed marketing efforts.


How to do it better: Enhance your tool’s integration capabilities to ensure seamless compatibility with a wide range of marketing software.

Robust APIs and pre-built integrations will allow users to easily connect their email campaigns with other tools, creating a more streamlined and cohesive marketing strategy.


Limited customization of testing tools


What competitors get wrong: Many email deliverability tools provide only basic testing options, which may not cover all aspects of an email’s deliverability potential, such as different devices, operating systems, or inbox providers.


How to do it better: Offer extensive and customizable testing tools that allow users to simulate delivery across multiple environments and conditions.

Features like spam filter testing, inbox preview on different devices, and detailed feedback on email authentication (SPF, DKIM, DMARC) will help users fine-tune their emails for optimal deliverability.


Ineffective spam detection and resolution advice


What competitors get wrong: Customers frequently express dissatisfaction with the effectiveness of spam detection features and the lack of actionable advice for resolving deliverability issues identified by the tool.


How to do it better: Invest in developing sophisticated spam detection algorithms and provide users with detailed, step-by-step guidance on resolving issues that could lead to spam filtering.

Additionally, regular updates reflecting the latest trends and changes in email regulations will keep your tool effective against evolving spam tactics.


Inconsistent customer support


What competitors get wrong: Another notable complaint revolves around inconsistent or unresponsive customer support from email deliverability tool providers, especially when users encounter urgent deliverability issues.


How to do it better: Establish a reliable and responsive customer support system. Offer multiple support channels, including live chat, email, and phone, and ensure that your support team is knowledgeable and well-equipped to handle a wide range of deliverability issues.

Fast and effective support can be a key differentiator in the marketplace.




By addressing these common pitfalls, your email deliverability tool can surpass competitors and become a preferred choice for marketers.

Focusing on real-time analytics, user-friendly design, extensive integration, advanced testing customization, proactive spam management, and exemplary customer support will not only meet but exceed user expectations, enhancing both the effectiveness of their email campaigns and their satisfaction with your service.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Well, well, well, isn’t this just the email deliverability tool to end all email deliverability tools?

By addressing common pitfalls—because, obviously, no one else in the history of software has ever thought of fixing problems before—they just let them fester like a bad smell.

Real-time analytics? How avant-garde! It’s almost like marketers might actually want to know what’s happening as it’s happening, rather than getting a postcard about it two weeks later.

User-friendly design? Now there’s a concept!

Because up until now, everyone loves using software that feels like solving a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded.

Extensive integration—because your tool isn’t just a tool, it’s a social butterfly, ready to mingle with every app and platform out there.

Advanced testing customization? Oh, the luxury!

Marketers can now experiment with their emails like mad scientists tweaking their latest potions.

Proactive spam management—because, obviously, your tool is like the superhero of the email world, swooping in to protect innocent inboxes from the evil clutches of spam.

And exemplary customer support? How noble! While everyone else’s support teams are more elusive than Bigfoot, yours is standing by, ready to leap into action with the grace of a gazelle.

By focusing on these awe-inspiring features, your email deliverability tool is not just meeting expectations but blowing them out of the water, rocketing marketers’ email campaigns to stardom, and their satisfaction into the stratosphere. How could anyone possibly choose another tool?

Bravo! What a revelation!




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Автор: Джулия Монтерей
Джулия - эксперт в области интернет-маркетинга с более чем десятилетним опытом работы. Она специализируется на привлечении клиентов и увеличении продаж для малых и средних предприятий. Её деятельность охватывает рынки Европы, Азии и Северной Америки. Обширный опыт Джулии делает её ценным активом для компаний, стремящихся расширить свое онлайн-присутствие и увеличить доходы.
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