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Reviews for mobile attribution platforms services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Had I known that the onboarding experience was so impersonal, I would have signed up with A–. To bring new clients on with a muted, shared session, where you cannot ask questions, is probably the poorest experience in onboarding that I have ever been involved with.

They might as well send out a video.

Real review to a real mobile attribution platforms service

There is a glitch in their system which means it is not working for our business. No one responds…2 weeks and waiting 🙁

Real review to a real mobile attribution platforms service

– Awful, awful graphs (ones that would not pass a third-grade math class) e.g., looking at 3 comparable metrics (# of users going through 3 steps in a funnel) of similar magnitude (30-120), S– decides to put each on a different scale.

As a result, you get 3 bars across time with no way to compare their heights because they’re on different scales! Who came up with this bright idea??

– It’s supposed to simplify the various reporting data streams (e.g., installs reported by the tracker, S–, and network).

However, in the Source report (supposedly meant to be the single table to simplify your life), the installs (vaguely defined) are 1/3rd of those reported thru the network AND S–. Headscratcher, for sure.

– Charts and tables take forever to load or refresh.

– Singular links have yet a ways to go before being a true linking solution (e.g. unusable for referrals or affiliates)

Real review to a real mobile attribution platforms service

K– does not allow for bulk uploads to update trackers. You have to go manually in one by one to change ad name and landing pages

Real review to a real mobile attribution platforms service

The thing I would like to see with the product is the capabilities for more correlations. The amount available does restrict the type of analytics that could be done with the data.

Also if you were able to easily export it to an Excel document, Rather than manually doing everything.

Real review to a real mobile attribution platforms service


Mobile attribution platforms are essential for marketers aiming to track and analyze where their app users originate from, which marketing activities are driving app installs, and how users engage with their apps post-install.

Despite the critical nature of these platforms, user reviews reveal several common frustrations with existing offerings in the market.

As an owner of a mobile attribution platform, understanding these pitfalls and implementing strategies to avoid them can set your service apart. Here’s an in-depth analysis of prevalent complaints and strategic solutions for creating a superior mobile attribution platform.


Inaccuracy in attribution data


What competitors get wrong: A major issue with some competitors is the accuracy of the attribution data. Marketers depend on this data to make multimillion-dollar decisions, and inaccuracies can lead to misallocated budgets and poor marketing strategies.


How to do it better: To stand out from your competitors, invest heavily in the accuracy and reliability of your data. Utilize advanced algorithms and machine learning to continuously refine and validate attribution models.

Regularly update your technology to handle new advertising formats and platforms, ensuring that your data captures the most comprehensive and precise insights possible.


Complex integration and setup


What competitors get wrong: Users often report that setting up mobile attribution on their platforms can be overly complex, involving confusing documentation and technical hurdles that delay launch times.


How to do it better: Simplify the integration process for your clients. Offer clear, step-by-step integration guides, video tutorials, and an active customer support team specialized in assisting with setup.

Consider developing a more automated setup process that can detect and configure certain elements on its own, reducing the manual effort required from the user.


Limited support for multiple platforms


What competitors get wrong: A recurring complaint about competitors is the lack of support for multiple advertising platforms and channels. As digital marketing grows more diverse, this limitation becomes increasingly problematic.


How to do it better: Ensure your mobile attribution platform supports a broad array of ad networks and digital channels, including emerging ones. Regularly expand your list of supported platforms and provide tools that allow users to add custom sources.

This flexibility will make your service more appealing to marketers who use a mix of traditional and innovative marketing channels.


Poor user interface and usability


What competitors get wrong: Many platforms are criticized for their clunky and outdated user interfaces, which can make navigating the software frustrating and inefficient.


How to do it better: Design a clean, modern interface that emphasizes usability. Incorporate user feedback into the design process to ensure that your platform is intuitive and meets the needs of your users.

Features like customizable dashboards, drag-and-drop capabilities, and easy-to-read reports can greatly enhance user satisfaction.


Real-time data processing delays


What competitors get wrong: Delayed data processing is a significant issue in some mobile attribution platforms, hindering marketers from making timely decisions based on the latest user interactions.


How to do it better: Invest in infrastructure that supports real-time data processing. This capability will allow marketers to see immediate results of their campaigns, adjust strategies on the fly, and optimize their marketing efforts more effectively.


Inadequate customer support


What competitors get wrong: Ineffective customer support is a common criticism of existing platforms, where users feel their concerns and technical issues are not addressed promptly or adequately.


How to do it better: Build a reputation for excellent customer service by providing comprehensive support through multiple channels, including live chat, phone, and email.

Train your support team to not only respond quickly but also possess deep knowledge of your platform and the general marketing landscape to provide valuable advice and solutions.




By addressing these common issues identified in competitor mobile attribution platforms, you can develop a product that not only meets but exceeds market expectations.

Focus on delivering precise data, simplifying integration, expanding platform support, enhancing user experience, enabling real-time analytics, and providing exceptional customer service.

These improvements will make your mobile attribution platform the preferred choice for marketers looking to maximize their advertising ROI and deepen user engagement with their apps.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, what a shocker! Addressing problems actually makes a better product?

I would have never guessed. You’re about to turn the whole mobile attribution platform industry on its head with such unheard-of strategies!

Delivering precise data—because, of course, all this time, users have been clamoring for inaccurate and misleading data. “Please, give us more errors and inconsistencies!” they cried.

It’s practically a love song to marketers everywhere.

Simplifying integration? You’re kidding!

You mean to tell me that making things easier to use can actually improve user satisfaction? Stop it.

Next, you’ll be telling me that water is wet.

Expanding platform support—how generous of you to not limit your technology to a 1980s Atari.

It’s like you actually understand the diversity of today’s tech landscape. Groundbreaking!

Enhancing user experience? Truly avant-garde.

It’s almost as if users want to enjoy using your platform instead of feeling like they’re solving a Rubik’s cube blindfolded.

Enabling real-time analytics—because decision-makers absolutely love waiting days or weeks for data. The anticipation is just part of the thrill.

But sure, go ahead, take that away by offering them instant insights. Spoil them!

And providing exceptional customer service—how quaint! You mean treating customers like they matter is a good thing? That’s just adorable. It’s as if you think happy customers might actually lead to more business.

With these radical ideas, your platform is destined to be the belle of the ball in the world of mobile attribution. Who would’ve thought that actually improving functionality and service could make a product the preferred choice?

Oh, the audacity!




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Автор: Джулия Монтерей
Джулия - эксперт в области интернет-маркетинга с более чем десятилетним опытом работы. Она специализируется на привлечении клиентов и увеличении продаж для малых и средних предприятий. Её деятельность охватывает рынки Европы, Азии и Северной Америки. Обширный опыт Джулии делает её ценным активом для компаний, стремящихся расширить свое онлайн-присутствие и увеличить доходы.
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