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Reviews for online reputation management software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Picture messages won’t send. The app needs some technical help for sure.

Also tech support is rough.

Real review to a real online reputation management software service

They have gotten so big that you’re just another cog in the wheel, regardless of how large your organization is or how long you have been a customer. I’ve worked with R–.com as a CMO with two organizations for 12 years and I’ve seen their service decline with each passing year.

This will likely be my last year with them as we’re actively working on our RFP for a new provider as I write this review.

Real review to a real online reputation management software service

The fact that the pages entirely refresh to page one when you change a single engagement’s sentiment (sentiments are often tracked wrong, making me have to track them manually). The fact that engagements take 5-20 seconds EACH to load when I try to expand details.

The fact that i can’t see what posts the engagements take place on without expanding. The fact that the sentiment and resolve rate reporting is often wrong.

For example, engagements will show 0 negative comments, but the insights will say 7% negative.

Real review to a real online reputation management software service

They have a 30 day cancelation policy. I canceled my monthly subscription through my account portal BUT I received a message saying that I could only cancel after customer support had a meeting with me.

This exit meeting is unnecessary and they do this just to make time drag.

Anyways, it took 7 days for the meeting to happen – because customer support had no dates available to meet – and then by this time they told me I had to pay an extra month becuase the 30 day notice begins only after you pay the next bill.

This approach of draging you around and making cancelation a hassle is a terrible strategy because it turned my whole purchase experience from sweet to sour.

At the end it’s just money, but the idea that they think they are so smart that no one will notice this gating strategy of making the cancelation painful so that customers are forced to continue to pay is just sick. Not worth it..

Real review to a real online reputation management software service

– The F– messenger integration is not useful, we ended up disabling the feature after it chased off more leads than it nurtured.

– Support is not as responsive or helpful as they claim. Regularly am told they will email me back with a solution only to hear nothing from them.

– Leads management is not intuitive and have had trouble training people how to use it properly unless they are younger and tech friendly.

– Z– integration is lacking when it comes to talking to other systems and what triggers you can use.

Real review to a real online reputation management software service


In the digital age, online reputation can dictate a company’s success or failure, making online reputation management (ORM) software critical for businesses. Despite the importance of such tools, customer reviews often reveal dissatisfaction with current ORM services.

Below, we analyze these common complaints and provide strategic solutions, giving you the insight needed to differentiate and enhance your ORM software in comparison to competitors.


Insufficient real-time monitoring


What competitors get wrong: A frequent issue with competitor ORM software is the delay in notification and updates regarding brand mentions or feedback across digital platforms. This lag prevents companies from responding promptly to customer concerns or negative feedback, which can exacerbate reputation issues.


How to do it better: To bypass this critical flaw, ensure your ORM software offers real-time monitoring capabilities. Employ advanced algorithms that can quickly scan and identify mentions across social media, review sites, forums, and news outlets.

Providing instant notifications will enable businesses to manage their online presence proactively and respond to issues as they arise.


Complex user interface


What competitors get wrong: Users often find ORM tools complicated and challenging to navigate. An unintuitive interface can discourage engagement with the software, leading to underutilization and inefficiency in managing online reputation.


How to do it better: Design a straightforward, user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of monitoring and responding to online activities. Ensure that essential functions, such as viewing alerts, accessing reports, and responding to reviews, are easily accessible.

Consider implementing dashboard customization options that allow users to prioritize information relevant to their specific needs.


Limited integration capabilities


What competitors get wrong:Another common complaint is the lack of integration with other business tools, such as CRM systems, social media platforms, and customer service software. Limited integration can create silos, making it difficult to manage reputation effectively across various channels.


How to do it better: Enhance your software’s utility by developing robust integration capabilities. Providing seamless integration with a broad range of tools will allow businesses to centralize their customer interaction data, enabling more comprehensive reputation management and consistent customer service.


Inadequate analytical tools


What competitors get wrong: ORM software often fails to provide deep analytical insights that businesses need to understand the impact of their reputation management efforts. Without comprehensive analytics, companies cannot measure the effectiveness of their strategies or make informed decisions to improve their online presence.


How to do it better: Incorporate advanced analytics into your ORM software, offering detailed reports on reputation trends, sentiment analysis, and the effectiveness of response strategies. Allow users to customize these reports to focus on metrics that matter most to their business, providing actionable insights that can drive strategy refinement.


Poor scalability


What competitors get wrong: As businesses grow, their reputation management needs become more complex, but many ORM tools do not scale effectively. This limitation can hinder larger enterprises or rapidly growing companies from effectively managing their online presence.


How to do it better: Build scalability into your software from the ground up. Ensure that your system can handle an increasing volume of data and more extensive monitoring requirements without performance degradation.

Offering tiered pricing and features can also help businesses choose a plan that matches their size and needs.


Subpar customer support


What competitors get wrong: Effective use of ORM software often requires ongoing support, but customers frequently express frustration with the quality of support provided. Inadequate support can prevent users from fully leveraging the software’s capabilities, negatively impacting their reputation management efforts.


How to do it better: Differentiate your service by offering exceptional customer support. This should include access to ORM experts via multiple channels, comprehensive training materials, and proactive assistance.

A strong support system will not only improve customer satisfaction but also ensure clients can effectively manage their online reputation.




By addressing these prevalent issues found in competitor online reputation management software, your product can deliver superior performance and usability. Focus on providing real-time monitoring, an intuitive interface, robust integration options, comprehensive analytics, scalable solutions, and exceptional customer support.

These enhancements will meet and exceed customer expectations, positioning your company as a leader in the ORM software industry.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, what a shocker—fixing what’s broken actually improves a product? Hold the presses!

This just in: addressing problems leads to better software. Groundbreaking!

Real-time monitoring, you say? Because, obviously, no one has ever thought of keeping track of their online reputation as it happens.

Until now, companies preferred their updates served up like a fine wine: aged and possibly out of relevance.

An intuitive interface? You must be kidding.

It’s almost as if you think users should find the software easy to use. Next thing you know, you’ll tell me they don’t enjoy clicking through ten screens to find a single piece of information.

Robust integration options? Fancy!

Clearly, before this, everyone loved having their software in splendid isolation, like little digital islands refusing to communicate. Nothing says productivity like entering the same data into ten different systems!

Comprehensive analytics? Wow, you’re really going all out.

Insightful data to help make informed decisions—what will they think of next? It’s almost as if businesses actually want to know how their online reputation impacts their bottom line.

Scalable solutions? Revolutionary!

I mean, why would any company ever want software that grows with them? It’s so much more fun to replace your entire system every time your business expands slightly.

And exceptional customer support—because treating your customers like they matter is such a novel idea in the tech world. Who would have thought that actually helping customers when they have issues could lead to satisfaction?

With these wildly innovative, almost logical improvements, how can your ORM software not soar to the top of the industry?

Brace yourself: you might just end up leading the market with these bizarre tactics like addressing customer needs and improving usability. Astonishing!




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Автор: Джулия Монтерей
Джулия - эксперт в области интернет-маркетинга с более чем десятилетним опытом работы. Она специализируется на привлечении клиентов и увеличении продаж для малых и средних предприятий. Её деятельность охватывает рынки Европы, Азии и Северной Америки. Обширный опыт Джулии делает её ценным активом для компаний, стремящихся расширить свое онлайн-присутствие и увеличить доходы.
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