Главная » Industry » Reviews for sales coaching software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Reviews for sales coaching software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

There is no phone support for C–. I call C– phone support, which gets answered by the Z– team, which tells me there’s no phone support for C–.

They said there’s email support. For a product you’re paying about $1,000 a month for. No phone support.

We’ve been trying to migrate historical calls for three weeks, and there apparently is no way to do it by API. Apparently, you have to download the call from Z–.

us, then upload the call (somehow, don’t ask me where) to C–. The sales team oversold the product.

Real review to a real sales coaching software service

f you weren’t the individual whom sent out the invite, it’s very difficult to find yourself on calls.

Oftentimes I’ve seen myself listed as being an employee of the client, and have a very difficult time trying to filter to find an actual representation of the calls I’ve been on, making QA quite difficult for me and my team

Real review to a real sales coaching software service

Hard to pull reports, too many clicks to build modules. I think, compared to competitors, S– falls short as an employee training service.

We also don’t utitlize one of its best features (which is the self-recording/pitch option). Hard to share across instances

Real review to a real sales coaching software service

If you don’t have a pro-account their extremely agreesive in upselling you the bigger packages. Not to mention, their storage limits are complete b.s and how they bill is really not fair at all.

Customer services used to be bad as well. Not a good app. Much better apps in the market.

Real review to a real sales coaching software service

I dislike how the events are managed in W–. My understanding is that the purpose of creating an “event series” rather than a “standard event” is when you want to mandate that learners attend ALL the events in the series.

What I wish W– would allow for the ability to list multiple dates/times for each event (event A, event B, event C, etc) in the series AND allow the learner to choose which specific date/time for each event (event A, event B, event C, etc.) would work for them.

Real review to a real sales coaching software service


In the rapidly evolving world of sales, coaching software services play an indispensable role by enhancing sales strategies through effective training and feedback. However, a close analysis of customer reviews reveals recurring complaints that highlight significant areas for improvement.

This article dives deep into these criticisms, outlining the top mistakes made by competitors in the sales coaching software industry and providing strategic solutions that can help your company excel where others fall short.


Lack of customization options


What competitors get wrong: Many competitors’ sales coaching software solutions offer rigid frameworks that fail to accommodate the unique needs of different sales teams. Customers frequently express frustration over the inability to tailor features to their specific selling environment or sales cycle.


How to do it better: To gain a competitive edge, your sales coaching software should boast flexible, customizable modules that can be adjusted according to the specific requirements of each sales team.

Implementing features like customizable coaching templates, adjustable sales metrics, and the ability to integrate personal sales goals can significantly enhance user satisfaction and effectiveness.


Overly complex user interfaces


What competitors get wrong: Feedback consistently points to the complexity and user-unfriendliness of many platforms. Sales teams often struggle with navigating through cluttered interfaces, which detracts from the actual coaching.


How to do it better: Design simplicity should be a cornerstone of your software. A clean, intuitive user interface not only enhances ease of use but also reduces onboarding time and the learning curve for sales teams.

Incorporate user experience (UX) best practices to ensure that even the least tech-savvy users can benefit from your software without frustration.


Inadequate integration capabilities


What competitors get wrong: Another common complaint is the lack of seamless integration with other tools commonly used by sales teams, such as CRM systems or data analytics platforms. This leads to inefficient workflows and data silos.


How to do it better: Ensure your software can integrate smoothly with a wide range of tools that sales teams are already using. Developing robust API interfaces and ensuring compatibility with major CRM software can dramatically increase the attractiveness and utility of your product.


Poor quality of content and resources


What competitors get wrong: Many competitors provide generic, outdated training content that does not resonate with modern sales techniques or the specific industries of their clients. This results in low engagement and poor training outcomes.


How to do it better: Invest in high-quality, up-to-date, and research-backed content that is both engaging and relevant. Consider collaborations with recognized sales experts to create content and provide periodic updates to ensure materials reflect the latest sales strategies and market realities.


Insufficient analytics and feedback


What competitors get wrong: A frequent gap identified in customer reviews is the insufficient analytical capabilities of sales coaching software. Sales teams find it difficult to track performance improvements due to non-specific or non-actionable feedback.


How to do it better: Your software should offer comprehensive analytics that not only track key performance indicators but also provide actionable insights. Advanced features like AI-driven analytics to predict sales trends and identify coaching opportunities can set your service apart from the competition.


Limited support and customer service


What competitors get wrong: Ongoing support is critical, yet many competitors falter in providing timely and effective help. This leaves users feeling neglected, especially when facing technical issues that hinder their training programs.


How to do it better: Building a reputation for excellent customer service can be a significant differentiator. Ensure your support team is knowledgeable and accessible, with multiple channels of support such as live chat, email, and phone.

Providing comprehensive training sessions and detailed documentation can also enhance customer experience and satisfaction.




By examining these prevalent issues in competitors’ sales coaching software, your company can identify key areas for innovation and improvement.

Offering a product that addresses these common pitfalls with superior solutions will not only set your software apart but also position it as the preferred choice for sales teams aiming to enhance their performance effectively and efficiently.

Remember, in a market full of choices, excellence in both product and service is what creates lasting competitive advantage.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, absolutely, let’s dive deep into the treasure trove of obviousness that is your competitors’ flaws. It’s a groundbreaking idea: if you figure out where they mess up, you can—wait for it—do better!

Genius, right? By introducing a product that magically solves all these well-known blunders, your software will instantly become the shining beacon of hope for sales teams desperate to not be mediocre.

And let’s not forget, in a world brimming with endless options, being just ‘good enough’ is for losers. It’s all about outshining the rest with both bells and whistles.

So, aim for the stars, or at least pretend to, and maybe, just maybe, your product will be the one that everyone doesn’t love to hate.




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Автор: Джулия Монтерей
Джулия - эксперт в области интернет-маркетинга с более чем десятилетним опытом работы. Она специализируется на привлечении клиентов и увеличении продаж для малых и средних предприятий. Её деятельность охватывает рынки Европы, Азии и Северной Америки. Обширный опыт Джулии делает её ценным активом для компаний, стремящихся расширить свое онлайн-присутствие и увеличить доходы.
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