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Reviews for session replay software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

We came from FullStory and I have to admit the contrast wasn’t entirely pleasant.

The session replays often get stuck and I have to remember my current position then refresh (incredibly annoying, especially if I forgot to check current position).

The “skipping inactivity” doesn’t appear to be skipping anything so I am forced to watch everything at 8x so that I’m not spending too much time waiting around. For users with multiple sessions, I prefer to watch them in chronological order so I can understand where they’ve come from.

As I am unable to specify the sort order, I cannot use the auto-play feature, and have to manually select the session – also incredibly annoying.

Real review to a real session replay software service

Documentation is difficult to come by for new features, all work is carried out by the Israeli team so we often have to wait for responses to technical questions.

Real review to a real session replay software service

It was very difficult (and took months) to get alignment from content square on our onboarding plan and case study. Due to this delay, we missed the opportunity to update our website prior to the peak season.

Each team member of the content square team works to deliver their section of the onboarding experience, but there is little account management and cohesion across the teams.

Real review to a real session replay software service

Dynatrace’s support is some of the worst I’ve experienced in a long time. Dynatrace is not a cheap product and I would have expected to be able to speak to a live person for what we pay, but this is not an option.

You must email back and forth with support until your issue is resolved. Considering they are a platform used to monitor mission critical services, if one of those reports is not working as expected, you need to get that fixed quickly.

Also if your issue is with a report and not with their core services, they do not treat your issue with any urgency. I would expect that if you have a report that is critical to your business operations that is not functioning they would have a way to get in touch with someone quickly to resolve.

They say that you get a dedicated CSM and account team to provide you with support any time you need, but I have reached out many times to my account team for issues or just help and most times they don’t even respond.

At this point I have just given up trying to contact them.

They have an toll-free number you can call, but you have to just leave a message to call you back.

Personnally I feel that their support is a complete joke, especially for a product that is a premium price costing thousands of dollars a year.

If you are looking for a product to rely on for mission critical services, I suggest you look elsewhere because as soon as you have an issue it will takes days or even weeks to resolve leaving you blind where you may experience customer issues and outages and never know it.

Real review to a real session replay software service

WalkMe is bloated compared to competitors. There are so many features which are built and forgotten or unnecessary.

The core product gets little love. Builders scream for updates in community forums, which go on deaf ears, In favour of other new bloat outside the editor. Learning everything that exists now is a dog’s breakfast.

Pre-built templates are messy, have a poor UX to edit elements and most areas need CSS knowledge to be truly powerful.

The WalkMe training (LMS university) doesn’t actually use walk me to onboard you. Which immediately makes you question how good the product really is for onboarding.

I used to love WalkMe a few years ago. But it’s lost direction.

Real review to a real session replay software service


In the realm of session replay software services, achieving success is not merely about innovation but also about evading the common pitfalls that often ensnare competitors. Through a meticulous examination of customer reviews, we’ve pinpointed the prevalent complaints and errors that plague many in this industry.

Here, we dissect these challenges, accompanied by tangible examples, and provide actionable recommendations for steering your company towards unparalleled success in the dynamic domain of session replay analytics.


Incomplete data capture


What competitors get wrong: Competitors frequently falter in capturing complete session data, resulting in incomplete replays and limited insights into user behavior.


How to do it better: Implement robust data capture mechanisms that record every interaction and event during user sessions, including mouse movements, clicks, form submissions, and page transitions.

By ensuring comprehensive data capture, your service provides clients with a complete picture of user interactions, surpassing competitors hampered by incomplete session recordings.


Lack of searchable session playback


What competitors get wrong: Many Session Replay Software services lack advanced search functionalities, making it challenging for clients to pinpoint specific user sessions for analysis.


How to do it better: Integrate powerful search capabilities that enable clients to filter and search for sessions based on various criteria, such as user demographics, behaviors, and interactions.

By facilitating easy access to relevant session replays, your service enhances user productivity and analysis efficiency, outperforming competitors that offer limited or cumbersome search functionalities.


Subpar session analysis tools


What competitors get wrong: Competitors often offer rudimentary session analysis tools that provide limited insights and hinder clients’ ability to extract actionable intelligence from session replays.


How to do it better: Enhance session analysis capabilities with advanced features such as heatmaps, session segmentation, and funnel analysis.

By providing robust analysis tools, your service empowers clients to uncover hidden patterns and optimize user experiences effectively, surpassing competitors that offer basic analysis functionalities.


Slow performance and loading times


What competitors get wrong: Many Session Replay Software services suffer from slow performance and long loading times, leading to frustration and inefficiency for clients.


How to do it better: Optimize performance and loading times through efficient data processing and infrastructure scaling.

By prioritizing speed and responsiveness, your service ensures smooth and seamless session replay experiences, setting it apart from competitors plagued by sluggish performance issues.


Insufficient data security measures


What competitors get wrong: Subpar data security measures leave session data vulnerable to unauthorized access and breaches, compromising client trust and compliance requirements.


How to do it better: Implement robust data encryption, access controls, and compliance frameworks to protect sensitive session data from security threats.

By prioritizing data security and privacy, your service instills confidence in clients and ensures compliance with regulatory standards, outshining competitors that overlook the importance of data protection.




Success in the competitive landscape of session replay software services demands a strategic approach to identifying and addressing the pitfalls that hinder competitors.

By heeding the lessons gleaned from customer feedback and implementing strategic initiatives to circumvent these common errors, your company can carve out a distinct advantage, solidifying its position as a leader in empowering clients to understand user behavior and optimize digital experiences effectively.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Ah, the thrilling world of Session Replay Software, where success apparently hinges on your unmatched ability to outmaneuver your rivals in the battle for… what was it again?

Oh, right, understanding user behavior and optimizing digital experiences. Because clearly, that’s the pinnacle of human achievement.

So, let me get this straight. To triumph in this cutthroat arena, one must first embark on a strategic odyssey to identify and address the pitfalls that supposedly plague your competitors.

Because, you know, they’re just floundering about while you, the chosen one, are here to enlighten them with your strategic prowess.

And how, pray tell, does one achieve such divine enlightenment? Well, it’s simple really.

Step one: listen intently to the pearls of wisdom bestowed upon you by your esteemed customers. Because, of course, they hold the keys to the universe, or at least to your company’s success.

Next up, we have the sacred rituals of strategic initiatives. Ah, yes, the strategic initiatives—the sacred dance of the corporate world.

Because nothing says “innovation” quite like a well-crafted PowerPoint presentation outlining your grand plans to outsmart those poor, unsuspecting competitors.

And behold, with the trifecta of customer feedback, strategic initiatives, and a liberal sprinkling of corporate buzzwords, your company shall ascend to greatness, solidifying its position as the supreme leader in the noble quest to understand user behavior and optimize digital experiences.

Oh, what a time to be alive! Truly, the stuff of legends.




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Автор: Джулия Монтерей
Джулия - эксперт в области интернет-маркетинга с более чем десятилетним опытом работы. Она специализируется на привлечении клиентов и увеличении продаж для малых и средних предприятий. Её деятельность охватывает рынки Европы, Азии и Северной Америки. Обширный опыт Джулии делает её ценным активом для компаний, стремящихся расширить свое онлайн-присутствие и увеличить доходы.
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