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Reviews for virtual event platforms services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

The integration with M– is mediocre at best. For example, if using a Z– registration form then the registration information does not sync to M–.

This is inferior to other webinar providers.

But the worst part is customer support. Do not expect to get answers to technical questions.

Our experience was that only enterprise admin could submit a ticket, then they did not reply for 5 business days, then they sent an automated email asking if the issue is still causing trouble, and when we confirmed that it was, they responded after three more days with a completely irrelevant answer.

Real review to a real virtual event platforms service

Strange pricing model (contacts per month over registrants or attendees. Seems like a way to charge more and deliver less)

Not designed for B2C clients

C–s are byzantine

Sales and support are not well connected (communications issues)

Poor analytics/metrics


Real review to a real virtual event platforms service

O– is a bloated webinar platform that creates more problems than it solves. A couple of notes:

– If you have a large roster of guests that support your webinar program, get ready to train every one of them on O– before the webinar begins. I’ve trained so many people on the Webcast Elite Presenter interface at this point, I could probably be an O– CSM. The UI of Webcast Elite is unintuitive and clunky.

A guest connecting their webcam and audio feed often becomes a drawn out and awkward affair. Additionally, when you login to O– as a Pr– or P–, not everyone else has the same view of Webcast Elite as you do depending on their device, and previously cached setup.

I can’t count the amount of times I’ve had to tell people to “click the button on the top right with the four squares, one slightly askew” to access the menu to open up the M– P–. Or “navigate to the circle button at the bottom of the main slide with the three dots in it” to open up the show notes, or thumbnail view.

– You have to build polls in W– E– and they launch within the cadence of your slides. So, if you have 10 slides, and you add 1 poll question after slide 3, now it looks like you have 11 slides; which throws presenters off who are guests on the platform.

– You can’t call in to W– E– as your audio feed, while maintaining your video feed. So if you’re having mic or internet issues, you have to default to calling in via phone without any video feed.

– When a P– screenshares – their screenshare feed replaces their video feed, instead of the slide feed. So, if you want to have an engaging “workshop” style webinar, where a Presenter can show their screen while showing their face, you’re out of luck.

– This isn’t necessarily a negative, but something I wish I knew about before purchasing, live O– webinars operate on a 2-5 second delay, so if you prompt your audience to answer a poll, or type something in the chat, it will be a few seconds after you speak that the audience will hear you, and a few seconds after that when they’ll respond.

This can be awkward if you forget to give your guests a heads up.

– I’ve had mixed experience with their customer support and success teams. Their billing system is convuluted and not very transparent.

Plus, they charge $8k – 10k per platform login.

– The analytics can be powerful when used correctly, but definitely make sure you have a strong relationship or plan in set with your operations team upon implementation.

Real review to a real virtual event platforms service

Lack of support, lack of features, technical issues with syncing leads, customer complaints about setting up an account then getting tons of emails.

Real review to a real virtual event platforms service

Candidates don’t consistently return to engage later on when the event actually happens.

Real review to a real virtual event platforms service


Virtual event platforms have become indispensable in the digital age, hosting everything from webinars to large-scale conferences. Despite their utility, many platforms fall short of user expectations due to common pitfalls.

This article analyzes these shortcomings based on customer reviews and provides actionable advice on how virtual event platform owners can offer superior services by avoiding these frequent errors.


Poor video and audio quality


What competitors get wrong: A recurrent complaint among users of competitor platforms is the poor quality of audio and video streaming. Events often suffer from lag, drops, and low resolution, leading to participant disengagement and frustration.


How to do it better: To bypass this common pitfall, ensure your platform utilizes robust, state-of-the-art streaming technology. Invest in high-performance servers and optimize software coding to handle high volumes of traffic with minimal loss in quality.

Offering adjustable video quality settings can also allow participants with lower bandwidth to have a smoother experience.


Complex interface and navigation


What competitors get wrong: Many virtual event platforms are criticized for their complex and non-intuitive interfaces. Users find themselves lost in a maze of features and settings, which detracts from the overall event experience.


How to do it better: Design your platform with user experience at the forefront. Simplify the interface and organize features logically. Consider employing a UX specialist to ensure that users can navigate the platform easily.

Providing an onboarding tutorial for first-time users can also enhance user satisfaction.


Inadequate interaction features


What competitors get wrong: Participants of virtual events on competitor platforms often feel disconnected due to inadequate interactive features. Features like live polls, Q&A sessions, and network opportunities are either lacking or poorly implemented.


How to do it better: To stand out, incorporate a wide range of interactive tools into your platform that can be easily accessed and used by both hosts and attendees.

Ensure these features are robust and tested to handle large volumes seamlessly. Also, include capabilities for real-time feedback and engagement metrics to help hosts gauge participant involvement.


Limited customization options


What competitors get wrong: Competitors frequently miss the mark by offering limited customization options for their events. Users complain about not being able to tailor the event environment to match the theme or branding of their organization.


How to do it better: Offer extensive customization options in your virtual event platform. Allow organizers to modify layouts, incorporate branding elements, and choose feature sets that align with their event’s objectives.

This flexibility can significantly enhance the attractiveness of your platform.


Ineffective support and troubleshooting


What competitors get wrong: A significant number of negative reviews for competitor platforms focus on poor customer support. Users facing issues before or during events often find it difficult to get timely help.


How to do it better: Establish a responsive and knowledgeable support team that is readily available during extended hours to assist with any issues that might arise. Consider implementing a live chat feature and a comprehensive online help center that includes video tutorials and FAQs.


Insufficient scalability and reliability


What competitors get wrong: Platforms often struggle with scalability, leading to crashes or performance issues during larger events. This unreliability can cause significant disruptions and damage the reputation of the event organizers.


How to do it better: Ensure that your platform is built to scale effortlessly to accommodate a large number of participants without compromising on performance.

Regular stress testing and updates should be performed to guarantee reliability. Promote these capabilities in your marketing efforts to build trust with potential clients.




By learning from the mistakes made by competitors in the virtual event platform industry, you can develop a superior product that better meets the needs of event organizers and participants.

Focus on delivering high-quality streaming, user-friendly interfaces, interactive engagement tools, extensive customization options, responsive customer support, and reliable scalability. These enhancements will not only help you avoid common pitfalls but also position your platform as the preferred choice in a crowded market.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, what a revolutionary idea—learning from the mistakes of competitors! Why didn’t anyone else think of that? It’s not like the entire industry isn’t already clawing through the dumpster fire of past failures to find anything salvageable.

And focusing on high-quality streaming? In the virtual event platform industry?

Groundbreaking! Because up until now, everyone obviously preferred their events to be pixelated messes that buffer every five seconds.

And user-friendly interfaces—what an avant-garde concept! It’s clear no one else has thought of making things easier for users. You’re on the brink of a true revelation here.

Interactive engagement tools? That’s like inventing the wheel in the age of hoverboards. Everyone else must be shaking in their boots because they’ve definitely not been trying to do the exact same thing for years.

Extensive customization options? I’m sure you’re the first to realize people like things that can be personalized. It’s totally not a basic feature in nearly every platform already.

And let’s talk about responsive customer support—because obviously, all other platforms just love leaving their users in the abyss of automated responses.

And reliable scalability—because your competitors would rather just crash and burn when too many users log on. Yes, by adding all these unheard-of enhancements, your platform will not just avoid common pitfalls; it will soar majestically into the skies of market preference, leaving all those other, indistinguishable platforms in the dust.

You’re not just setting the bar; you’re launching it into space. Bravo!




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Have a great day!

Автор: Джулия Монтерей
Джулия - эксперт в области интернет-маркетинга с более чем десятилетним опытом работы. Она специализируется на привлечении клиентов и увеличении продаж для малых и средних предприятий. Её деятельность охватывает рынки Европы, Азии и Северной Америки. Обширный опыт Джулии делает её ценным активом для компаний, стремящихся расширить свое онлайн-присутствие и увеличить доходы.
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