
Yandex.OFD (Fiscal Data Operator) is an essential tool for entrepreneurs and organizations in Russia. It is designed to simplify the process of fiscal data accounting and ensure compliance with legislative requirements.

The service, developed by Russia’s largest IT company, ensures the reception, processing, storage, and transfer of receipts and sales statistics to the Federal Tax Service (FTS).

It makes fiscal reporting transparent and secure. Yandex.OFD aims to simplify the business management process, saving time and resources on tax accounting and reporting documents.


Service features


The service provides numerous functions. We will review and focus on the most significant ones.


Registration without a tax office visit

The free registration feature allows users to quickly and conveniently join the service without the need to visit a tax office.

It provides the opportunity to obtain a registration report for the cash register (KKT) without unnecessary administrative hassle.


Data storage

Yandex.OFD ensures the safe and confidential storage of fiscal data, guaranteeing the preservation of important business information.


Monitoring the status of cash registers

Users can monitor the status of their cash registers and quickly respond to any problems or malfunctions.


SMS notifications

The platform sends SMS notifications about important events, such as the status of the KKT or issues with data transmission to the FTS.


Receipt storage

There is an option to store all receipts in one place, which facilitates accounting and financial operations analysis.


Adding KKT to the system

The simple process of adding cash registers to the system provides a quick start to using the service.


Service benefits


Security and confidentiality

Yandex.OFD guarantees reliable data storage and ensures the confidentiality of information. Users feel protected.


Free registration

Offering the possibility of free registration lowers barriers to using the service, making it accessible to a wide range of users.


Monitoring the status of KKT

The ability to quickly check the status of KKT prevents potential problems and reduces the risk of data loss.


Convenient receipt storage

The site provides convenient and secure storage of all receipts, simplifying the process of accounting and financial operations analysis for businesses.


SMS notifications

Receiving SMS notifications ensures timely information about important events, keeping users informed and allowing for prompt action.


Yandex.OFD is a full-featured tool for accounting and processing fiscal data. It provides reliability, security, and convenience in business management for its users.

With numerous benefits, it becomes an indispensable assistant for entrepreneurs and organizations seeking effective and secure financial information management.


What users often scold about Yandex.OFD


Poor behavior of technical support and staff

Users express significant dissatisfaction with the attitude of technical support and company staff. Reviews point to aggressive behavior and the use of profanity.

An incident was described by one user involving a manager who refused to identify himself and behaved inappropriately, demanding to speak with management.

This factor has significantly impacted the company’s reputation, creating a negative impression of the service and leading to a desire to terminate existing contracts.

“Dmitry did not identify himself by last name and position, behaved incompetently, became aggressive, and at the end of the communication even resorted to profanity.”


Lack of transparency in communication and service presentation

Users also criticize the lack of clarity and transparency in communication from company representatives.

Reviews indicate that company representatives do not provide sufficient information about the services offered and are not willing to address user issues.

“When I suggested sending the commercial proposal to the general email, he became very upset and demanded to call the management to him.”


What users often praise about Yandex.OFD


Sending receipts by mail and SMS without additional charges

Positive reviews highlight the convenience of sending receipts by mail and through SMS without additional charges. Users appreciate this as a significant advantage of the service, noting its economic benefit and convenience of use.

“Sending receipts by mail and SMS, Honest Sign is not additionally charged.”


Reliability and accessibility of the service at a favorable price

Reviews also emphasize the reliability and accessibility of the service at a favorable price. Users note that for the money paid, they receive a reliable and functional service that meets their needs.

“For the money, an excellent service.”


Percentage of reviews


Based on the provided reviews, 80% contain negative comments, while 20% express positive reviews. This significant predominance of negative reviews can seriously affect the overall perception of the service and the user experience, leaving a negative impression and undermining trust in the company.

Автор: Джулия Монтерей
Джулия - эксперт в области интернет-маркетинга с более чем десятилетним опытом работы. Она специализируется на привлечении клиентов и увеличении продаж для малых и средних предприятий. Её деятельность охватывает рынки Европы, Азии и Северной Америки. Обширный опыт Джулии делает её ценным активом для компаний, стремящихся расширить свое онлайн-присутствие и увеличить доходы.
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