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Social media post strategies: Reach ideal customers fast


Content marketing through social media posts has become increasingly important for establishing strong customer connections. Successful businesses have dedicated content writers and copywriters who consistently create customer-focused content. 

However, many businesses struggle with deciding what social media posts and content to share – whether promotional or customer-focused. Imagine a situation where you have created great content, but it barely makes an impact.

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Choosing social media platforms


Choosing the right social media platform for your marketing efforts is crucial for reaching your target audience. Different platforms attract different demographic groups and interaction styles. For example:

Facebook: Suitable for a broad audience, supports various types of content including text, videos, and images.

Instagram: Most effective for visual content, attracts a younger audience.

LinkedIn: Ideal for B2B marketing and professional networking, suitable for business-related content and articles.

Twitter: Facilitates quick interaction, suitable for news updates and real-time audience engagement.

Selecting the right platform can significantly impact your content marketing effectiveness and help you better reach your target audience.


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Key aspects of creating targeted content


Brainstorm on reader personas

This exercise involves categorizing the user group. You need to be smart enough to decide which type of user group will consume or engage with which type of content. For example, if you share an informative blog post not particularly related to your product, but you know it interests not only your customers but also other bloggers in the same domain, you can club your reader base together. 

However, if you share a video regarding your product and service, you must keep in mind that this caters to your customer base only. You can further segment them based on gender, age group, and other factors. This will greatly help you in shaping your future social media posts.


Conduct surveys and polls

Nothing is better than listening directly from your audience. The second way to engage your target audience with content is to ask them directly about the sort of content they would like to see. 

Surveys and polls will help you figure out their most critical pain points, which allows you to address them better. These surveys and polls not only let you know your readers’ interests but also help you identify shifts in their interests and current market trends. 

This keeps you up-to-date with what is happening in the market and helps you alter your social media posts to make them more engaging and consumable.


Use email for feedback

Businesses often refrain from using this option, fearing their customers might perceive them as “pushy.” However, well-drafted emails can significantly help you connect with your consumer base by asking for their feedback “personally” on blog posts, video posts, product-related information, and other social media posts. 

Customers will feel that their opinions are valued on a personal level. Not only will you receive valuable advice that brings you closer to your audience, but they will also feel closer to you because you have engaged them on a personal level.


Social listening

Social listening is a buzzword these days. Tools help you analyze social media comments on various channels, providing major insights about your posts, products, or services. Modify your content based on feedback from your followers. 

This gives you a good idea about the posts that create the most buzz (likes, comments, shares, or retweets). You can continue to draft fresh social media content along those lines.


Take a sneak peek at your competitor

You should definitely keep tabs on your competitors. Using powerful tools, you can perform a comprehensive competitor analysis to know what keywords and trends your competition is leveraging, which posts are most liked or shared, and which posts are getting the least engagement. 

You can use this information to your advantage when creating content for your customers. You will know in advance what content to include when creating blogs, vlogs, product information, etc.


Use Google Analytics

Using Google Analytics, you can identify metrics such as the age of your visitors, their location, and other factors. This helps you streamline your content for social media posts accordingly and categorize your followers. Your content writers will know what content to draft based on these analytics.


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Creating a content calendar


A well-planned content calendar is essential for maintaining consistency and ensuring your posts are timely and relevant. Consider the following when creating your content calendar:

Planning posts: Determine the type of content to post, including blogs, videos, infographics, and more.

Frequency of publications: Decide how often you will post to keep your audience engaged without overwhelming them.

Thematic diversity of content: Ensure a mix of content topics to cater to different interests within your audience.


Analyzing content effectiveness


To continuously improve your social media strategy, you need to analyze the effectiveness of your content. Here are some key metrics and methods for improvement:

Metrics and KPIs: Track engagement metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and click-through rates. Monitor KPIs like reach, impressions, and conversion rates.

Methods for improvement: Use data analysis to identify which types of content perform best. Adjust your strategy based on these insights to enhance engagement and reach.


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Expert opinions on social media posts


Alex Thompson, Digital Marketing Strategist at WebMark Solutions: “Social media posts serve as a direct channel to engage with your target audience. By using data analytics tools available on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, businesses can identify the demographics and interests of their followers. This information is invaluable for tailoring content that resonates with specific customer segments. For instance, a company selling eco-friendly products can target environmentally conscious consumers by creating posts about sustainability and green living. This not only increases engagement but also builds a community around shared values.”


Sarah Mitchell, Social Media Consultant at EngagePlus: “One of the most effective ways to leverage social media posts for finding your target customers is through storytelling. By sharing authentic stories about your brand, you create an emotional connection with your audience. Posts that highlight customer testimonials, behind-the-scenes looks, and user-generated content help to humanize your brand and attract like-minded individuals. For example, a fitness brand can share transformation stories of their customers, which not only motivates others but also attracts those who are on a similar journey.”


Michael Robertson, Head of Marketing at Digital Drive: “Utilizing the right hashtags in your social media posts can significantly boost your reach to potential customers. Hashtags categorize your content and make it discoverable to users interested in those topics. For instance, a startup in the tech industry can use hashtags like #TechInnovation or #StartupLife to attract tech enthusiasts and potential investors. Moreover, engaging with trending hashtags can place your posts in front of a broader audience, increasing the chances of finding customers interested in your niche.”

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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