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Tripadvisor review strategies: Boost your business today



Tripadvisor has evolved into one of the premier online review platforms, utilized by both tourists and locals to discover eateries, attractions, and accommodations. Understanding how to garner more Tripadvisor reviews can significantly enhance your business’s visibility and reputation.


Importance of  Tripadvisor reviews


Tripadvisor’s influence extends beyond travelers, impacting local decisions and business reputation:

The site hosts reviews for hotels, restaurants, attractions, and vacation rentals.

Over 390 million unique visitors use Tripadvisor monthly.

The site features about 465 million reviews, a number that keeps growing.


The impact of ratings and reviews on Tripadvisor includes:

Higher visibility and ranking for your business.

Increased bookings and revenue.

Enhanced reputation and customer trust.


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Effective strategies for getting more reviews


Making it easy for guests to leave reviews

Provide clear instructions: Ensure your guests know how to leave a review on Tripadvisor. Include directions in your hotel, on your website, and in follow-up communications.

Offer incentives: Encourage guests to leave reviews by offering small rewards, such as discounts or complimentary amenities. According to a survey by BrightLocal, 76% of consumers are willing to leave a review if offered an incentive.

Use technology: Utilize tools that automate review requests. Sending email or SMS reminders post-checkout can prompt guests to leave a review. Research by Email Monday indicates that automated emails generate 320% more revenue than non-automated emails.


Providing excellent guest experiences

Focus on the basics: Cleanliness, comfort, friendly service, and attention to detail are crucial for positive reviews. A study by ReviewTrackers found that cleanliness is the most mentioned factor in hotel reviews.

Go the extra mile: Personalize guest experiences with unexpected amenities or gestures of kindness to make them feel special. Harvard Business Review states that personalization can boost customer loyalty by 15%.

Actively address issues: Resolve guest complaints promptly and professionally to turn potential negative reviews into positive ones. According to a survey by HubSpot, 80% of customers expect companies to respond to their complaints within 24 hours.


Engaging with your reviews

Respond promptly: Acknowledge all reviews in a timely manner. Thank guests for positive feedback and offer sincere apologies and solutions for negative experiences.

Be polite and professional: Maintain a courteous and professional tone in all responses. Research by ReviewTrackers shows that 44.6% of consumers are more likely to visit a business if the owner responds to negative reviews.

Use reviews as improvement opportunities: Analyze negative reviews to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes. TripAdvisor states that properties with higher responsiveness rates see a 12% increase in review ratings.


Leveraging social media and website

  • Promote your Tripadvisor profile: Include a link to your Tripadvisor page on your website, social media profiles, and email signatures. According to Hootsuite, businesses that regularly post their review links on social media see a 30% increase in reviews.
  • Encourage guests to share their experiences: Create a “Share Your Experience” section on your website with a direct link to Tripadvisor.
  • Run social media contests: Offer prizes or exclusive deals to guests who leave reviews. Data from Social Media Examiner shows that social media contests can increase user engagement by 34%.


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Advanced strategies


Partner with Tripadvisor

Explore options: Join programs like “Tripadvisor Plus” to increase your visibility and attract more reviews. Tripadvisor Plus members are reported to see a 20% increase in bookings.


Utilize review management tools

Monitor and analyze: Use software to efficiently monitor, analyze, and respond to reviews. Tools like TrustYou and ReviewPro help businesses improve their review management process.


Build relationships with travel bloggers and influencers

Engage influencers: Reach out to travel bloggers and influencers who visit your area, encouraging them to share their experiences on Tripadvisor. Influencer Marketing Hub states that businesses earn $5.78 for every dollar spent on influencer marketing.

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Understanding Tripadvisor’s algorithm


Key factors

Review volume: The number of reviews.

Recency: How recent the reviews are.

Rating: The overall rating given by users.

User engagement: The interaction between users and reviews.


Leveraging the algorithm

Optimize your profile: Regularly update your Tripadvisor profile with current information and engaging content to improve your ranking. Fresh content can boost visibility by up to 60%, according to Tripadvisor insights.


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Expert opinions on how to get more reviews on Tripadvisor


John Reynolds, Hospitality Consultant

“One effective way to garner more reviews on Tripadvisor is by creating memorable guest experiences. When guests have an exceptional stay, they are more likely to share their positive experiences online. Encourage feedback by providing small incentives, such as a complimentary drink or a discount on their next visit, which can motivate them to leave a review. Additionally, make the review process as simple as possible by providing clear instructions and direct links to your Tripadvisor page.”


Samantha Clark, Digital Marketing Strategist “Leveraging social media platforms can significantly boost the number of Tripadvisor reviews. By engaging with your audience on social media, you can create a community of loyal followers who are eager to share their experiences. Regularly posting engaging content, hosting contests, and sharing customer stories can prompt more reviews. Additionally, utilizing targeted ads to reach satisfied customers and reminding them to leave a review can be highly effective.”


Carlos Hernandez, Customer Experience Manager “Personalized follow-ups are crucial in obtaining more Tripadvisor reviews. After a guest’s stay, send a personalized email thanking them for their visit and kindly requesting a review. Highlight specific positive aspects of their stay that they mentioned during their visit to make the request more genuine. This personal touch shows that you value their feedback and increases the likelihood of them taking the time to leave a review.”

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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