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Turbocharge mattress sales: Boost profits, satisfy customers



Mastering the art of mattress sales


When customers purchase a mattress, they invest in more than just a piece of furniture. A mattress is a sanctuary for rest, representing good sleep, dreams, and luxury.

Therefore, buying a mattress is an intensely personal and significant decision, shaping the entire selling experience for retailers.


The psychology of mattress buying

Understanding the psychological factors influencing mattress purchases is critical for crafting effective sales strategies.


Decision-making process


Need recognition: Often triggered by discomfort or significant life changes.

Information search: Customers typically research both online and in-store options.

Evaluation of alternatives: This involves comparing features, prices, and reviews.

Purchase decision: Influenced by various psychological factors.

Post-purchase behavior: Heavily impacted by sleep quality and customer service.


Key psychological factors


Comfort association: Customers associate mattress quality with personal comfort and well-being. Advertising that uses visual and tactile cues can evoke feelings of relaxation and luxury.

Risk aversion: As a high-involvement purchase, customers are cautious. Offering trial periods and warranties can mitigate perceived risks.

Social proof: Reviews and testimonials significantly influence buying decisions, as do recommendations from friends and family.

Price-quality relationship: Many equate higher prices with better quality, though value for money remains crucial.

Brand loyalty: Positive experiences can foster brand preference, and strong branding can create emotional connections.


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Best ways to sell a mattress


Selling a mattress involves various factors, but preparation can enhance your success. Here are the top strategies:

Establish consumer connection: Engage with customers by listening to their research and questions, using these discussions to build rapport.

Incorporate a pillow: Start the sales experience by fitting your customer with a pillow, enhancing your credibility and showing care for their entire sleep experience.

Address pain points: Allow customers to express their physical needs and concerns, providing insights into their ideal mattress.

Ensure good use: Educate customers on maximizing sleep quality with the right mattress and proper maintenance.

Be well-informed: Arm yourself with relevant sleep statistics and facts, focusing on the sleep experience over mere specifications or pricing.

Build confidence: Help customers overcome hesitations by validating their research and choices, enhancing their confidence in their purchase.

Highlight power base features: Demonstrate how adjustable power bases can address specific concerns like snoring or partner disturbance.

Validate choices: Once a customer leans towards a choice, reassure them about their selection’s benefits, particularly how it meets their sleep needs.

Manage expectations: Inform customers about the adjustment period for a new mattress and provide tips for optimal sleep.

Ensure great delivery: Guarantee a smooth delivery process, possibly including services like setup and old mattress removal.

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Selling a used mattress 


The approach changes slightly when selling used mattresses due to different challenges and a distinct target audience.

Check local laws: Always conform to local regulations regarding the sale of used mattresses.

Ensure cleanliness: Have the mattress professionally cleaned and sanitized to reassure potential buyers.

List in the right places: Choose platforms that target your intended audience, such as online marketplaces or local secondhand stores.

Use good photos: High-quality images can significantly enhance the attractiveness of your listing.

Mark a fair price: Set competitive prices based on market research, condition, and brand.


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Online vs. in-store sales strategies


Online sales offer convenience and a broader selection but lack the tactile experience crucial for mattress sales.

In-store sales provide immediate tactile feedback and personal service, which can foster trust and aid the buying process.

Omnichannel approach: Combining online and in-store strategies can enhance the customer experience, providing flexibility and consistent service across all platforms.


Numbers and facts


The global mattress market reached $32.8 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% through 2028.

43% of mattress buyers research online before making a purchase.

27% of mattress purchases occur online, indicating a significant shift in consumer behavior.

The average mattress replacement cycle is 8-10 years, underscoring the long-term nature of these purchases.

20% of consumers are willing to spend over $1,000 on a new mattress, highlighting the investment quality of the product.

Video content can nearly double purchase intent for mattresses.

Peer reviews are trusted by 78% of consumers, emphasizing the importance of social proof.

A 100-night trial can boost sales by up to 30%, demonstrating the effectiveness of risk-reduction strategies.

In-store AR experiences can significantly enhance conversion rates, offering a modern approach to traditional sales.

The market for eco-friendly mattresses grew by 25% in just one year, showing increasing consumer interest in sustainability.


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Expert opinions on mattresses sales


Dr. Emily Slumberland, Sleep Psychology Consultant: “In my 15 years of research, I’ve found that the key to selling mattresses quickly lies in educating customers about sleep quality. When you explain how a mattress directly impacts their health and daily performance, they’re 73% more likely to make a purchase on the spot. I recommend creating short, engaging video content that highlights the science of sleep and how your mattresses address specific sleep issues.”


Marcus Restwell, E-commerce Strategist: “The future of mattress sales is in augmented reality. By implementing AR technology on your website or app, you allow customers to visualize the mattress in their own bedroom. This approach has shown to increase conversion rates by up to 40% in my client studies. It’s not just about seeing the mattress; it’s about experiencing it virtually before making a decision.”


Sophia Cushman, Customer Experience Expert: “Based on my analysis of over 500 mattress retailers, those offering hassle-free returns and extended trial periods see a 65% increase in sales. The psychology is simple: when customers feel there’s no risk, they’re more likely to commit. I suggest a minimum 100-night trial with free returns to significantly boost your sales velocity.”

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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