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Uright24 is a CRM system developed by the consulting group “WiseAdvice” specifically for legal companies specializing in litigation, legal services, and financial accounting.

It is designed to automate the management of litigation and documentation workflows, making it ideal for lawyers and managers of legal departments or firms who need to efficiently manage a large volume of arbitration cases.


Service features


The platform offers a wide range of functionalities. We will review Uright24 and focus on the key features.


Comprehensive automation of litigation processes

The system automates the entire process of legal representation, from document preparation to controlling case statuses.


Document management

Uright24 simplifies and optimizes document exchange between employees and clients, ensuring the security and organization of all legal information.


Management of arbitration cases

The system allows for the management of all the company’s arbitration cases, providing timely information about deadlines and case statuses.


Integration with IP telephony/call centers

Uright24 integrates with IP telephony and call centers, facilitating effective business negotiations and client request management.


Client management (CRM)

There is the capability to manage client and partner accounts and to effectively manage interactions with them using various marketing tools and email campaigns.


Deal and payment management

Uright24 enables the management of transactions and payments, tracking payment statuses, and effectively managing financial flows.


Service benefits


Compliance with legislation

The platform complies with federal laws № 152-FZ and № 242-FZ, providing security and confidentiality of client data.


Extensive CRM capabilities

A full set of CRM tools is provided, including client management, deal management, as well as analytics and reporting.


Flexibility and scalability

Uright24 supports deployment on various platforms and languages and offers an open API for integration with other systems.


Unlimited number of users

The service has no user limits, allowing companies to scale their business without additional costs.


Internal search and filters

Effective internal search and data filtering significantly simplify information management and enhance employee productivity.


What users often praise about Uright24


Integrations, calendar, billing

Users highly appreciate the presence of integrations, calendar, and billing functionalities in the service:

“Integrations with email and legal data sources have made it possible to get all the information in one window, which simplifies life.”

“Special thanks for the legal calendar and billing.”

These features facilitate the workflow, improve organization, and assist in efficient management of work time and finances.


Percentage of reviews


Positive reviews dominate and account for 100% of all the reviews presented. This indicates that users are fully satisfied with the functionality and capabilities of the service, experiencing no significant issues or shortcomings in its use.

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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